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99 <br />or~D~IAr~cE r1o. 9139 <br />An Ordinance adopting the plans and specifications of the City Engineer for the con- <br />struction of sevrers in the following descriY.~ed. streets and alleys: <br />1 <br />Alley between 16th and 17th from Polk Street to P.4onroe Street, .if extended; <br />17th A~renue from Friendly Street to Tyler Street; <br />Alley beti~en 17th and J_8th from Tyler to Folk Street; <br />18th Avenue from AQonroe to Tyler Street; <br />Tyler Street from 15th to 18th Avenue; <br />Alley between T;rler and Van Buren Street from 18th to 22nd Avenue; <br />Alley betvreen Van F3uren and Jackson Str~Pt from 18th to 22nd Avenue; <br />Alley between Jackson and Adams Street from 18th to 22nd Avenue; <br />Alley between Adams and Friendly Street from 18th to 22nd Avenue; <br />Alle;;r between Friendly and A~Ionroe StrE:et from 18th to 22nd Avenue; <br />Alley between h~onroe and P.2adison street from 19th to 20th Avenue; <br />Alley along Fast boundary of Englev~rood Addition from 17th to 18th Avenue; <br />20th Avenue from alley betv,~een Iran Buren and Jackson to Jackson Street; <br />20th Avenue from alley betvreen Jackson and Adans ,itreet to Adams Street; <br />20th Avenue from alley between .Adams and Friendly Street to Friendly <br />Street; <br />20th Avenue from It~tonroe Street to Madison Street; <br />21st 1`tvemie from 11~Iadison Street to alley between 2~adison and Jefferson <br />Street; <br />22nd Avenue from alley between Adams and Friendly Street to P4cnroe Street; <br />Jackson Street from 20th to 22nd Avenue; <br />Adams Street from 20th to 2nd Avenue; <br />P~7onroe ,Street from 20th to 22nd Avenuo; <br />Madison Street from 20th to 22nd Avenue; <br />Friendly Street from 21st to 22nd 4venue; <br />all in the Cit~T of Eugene, Oregon; directing the City F,ecorder to advertise for bids for <br />the construction of said sevrers in accordance such plans and. specifications, and <br />notifying property ov.~ners when and vrhere the bids therefor vrill be opened and considered. <br />'~IEREAS, The Common Council of the swirl City of Eugene, on the 12th day of April, <br />1918, passed Ordinance PIo. 9138 for the construction of sevrers in the streets and alleys <br />described and sot forth in the title of this Ordinance, and said Ordinance was approved <br />by the T~rfayor of the City of l~~ugene on the 13th day of April, lgi~8; and <br />1 <br />'~~HE.R~;AS Section 3 of said Ordinance directed the City Engineer to make plans and <br />specifications for the constrl~.ction of said sewers as specified in said Ordinance, and to <br />i <br />file the sane with the Ci ty Recorde r, and <br />1~lHEREAS, in accordance with s~_ich instrizctions the City Engineer has prepared said plans and! <br />i <br />specifications and filed the same tivi th the City Recoi~ier of said City of Eugene on the 12th <br />day of April, 19118, and the Common Council of the City of .Eugene having examined and approved <br />the same: <br />TY~ CITY OF ?~.UGEP~ DOES ORDAIPI AS FOLLO~`~S: <br />Section _1_. That the Plans and specifications of the C~_ ty Engineer for the construction <br />of sevrers to be constructed in the following described streets and alleys, to-wtt: <br />1 <br />~111ey betvreen 16t.h and 17th from Polk Street +,n &Ionroe Street, if extended; <br />17th Avenue from Friencil.y Street to Tyler Street; <br />Alley betvreen 17th and 18th from Tyler to Folk Street; <br />18th Avenue from Monroe to Tyler Street; <br />Tyler Street from 15th to 18th Avenue; <br />Alley bet~~~een T~rler and Van Buren Street from 18th to 22nd Avenue; <br />Alley bet~nreen Var_ Buren and Jackson Street from 18th to 22nd Avenue; <br />Alley betvreen ,.rackson and Adams Street from 18th to 22nd Avenue; <br />Al1e;r between .Adams and Friendly Street from 18th to 22nd Avenue; <br /> <br />