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7/13/2009 2:31:56 PM
Creation date
1/4/2006 6:07:49 PM
Council Ordinances
Amends Section 8 of #8761 entitled, "Ord. regulating parking of vehicles (incl. bicycles) on City streets, incl. parking meter regs., & prescribing penalties for violations, & repealing all other conflicting ordinances; & declares emergency.
Approved Date
A. L. Hawn (Acting Mayor)
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~44 <br />,~ <br />ORDINANCE N0. 9205 <br />! An Ordinance amending Section 8 of Ordinance 8761, entitled <br />! "An Ordinar~e regulating the parking of vehicles (including bicycles) upon the streets of <br />the City of Eugene, including parking meter regulations, and prescribing penalties for the <br />violation the reof, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in so far as they <br />are in conflict herewith, and declaring an emergency." <br />and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in so far as they are in conflict <br />herewith, and declaring an emergency. <br />~, <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORD~iIN AS FOLLOV`JS <br />i <br />Section 1. That Section 8 of Ordinance d'1o. 8761, entitled: <br />~'An Ordinance regulating tt~e parking of vehicles (including bicycles) upon the streets of <br />the City of Eugene, including parking meter regulations, and prescribing penalties for the <br />violation thereof, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in so far as they <br />~ are in conflict herewith, and declaring an emergency." <br />i <br />~ passed by the Common Council of the City of Eugene on February 22, 1913, and approved by <br />i <br />the Mayor on February 23, 1913, be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows: <br />Section 8. The following is deemed a limited parking zone in the City of Eugene and <br />I <br />', it shall be unlawful for the driver or any person or persons to park or leave any vehicle <br />standing on any street or alley vrithin said zone for a period time exceeding one hour at <br />i <br />i any time from nine o'clock A.M., until six_ o'clock P.114. of any day excepting Sundays, with <br />' the exceptions and qualifications hereinafter noted. <br />~ The boundaries of the zone shall be deemed to include both sides of the boundary <br />streets; <br />~ Beginning at a corner of Sixth St. and Charnelton St., and thence South on <br />C?iarnelton St. to Twelfth St., then follow Twelfth St. from Charnelton St. <br />to Olive SL.; thence follow O'live St. from Twelfth St. to Eleventh Wit.; <br />i thence follow Eleventh St. from Olive :St. to ~~illamette St.; thence South <br />on ~"~tillamette St. to Thirteenth St.; thence follow Thirteenth St. East of <br />y~illamette ilt. to Oak St.; thence follow Oak St. north, Thirteenth St. to <br />TTrrelfth rSt.; thence follow Twelfth St. East, Oak St. to Pearl St.; thence <br />j follow Pearl St., Twelfth St. to Broadway; thence follow Broadway, Fearl <br />I St. to tiigh St. and return; thence follovr Yearl St. to Broadway to Eighth <br />~, at.; thence follow Eighth 5t. to the railroad track ar~d return; thence <br />follow 'earl 5t. to Sixth 5t.; thence follow Sixth St., Pearl to the alley <br />between Vdillamette St. and Oak St .; thence North on the alley between Vlill- <br />amette St. and Oak St. to the Southern Pacific Right of Way, and thence <br />~ Northwesterly along the South line of the Southern Pacific Right of VTay to <br />Olive .Street produced; thence go~th on Ulive St. produced to the inter- <br />section on Sixth St. and Olive St.; thence 4Jest on Sixth Street to the <br />j place of beginning. <br />That between the hours of 6 A.I~~I. and until 10 P.M. the following shall have a 12 minute park- <br />ing limitation: <br />The u~ies t side of ~b`~Iillame tte Street f_ ran Fifth Street to the half block <br />South of Fifth Street; the mouth side of Fifth Street from V~lillamette <br />Street., V~(est half a block. <br />' The following from 9 A. M. to 6 P.It2. shall have a thirty minute limitation on both sides ~! <br />1 <br />' of Charnel ton Street between Broadway end Tenth Streets and the South side of Broadway from ~ <br />i <br />~ Charnelton Street East to the alley. ~~ <br />I ~I <br />All marked loading zones shall have atwenty-four minute limitation. <br />No vehicle other than a truck shall be permitted on a loading zone . <br />U <br />1 <br />1 <br /> <br />
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