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( ~~~ <br />~(~~~.7 <br />GEORGE G. PEGG AP~1D INA M. PEGG, husband and wife <br />Lot 7, and 9, Block 31, Driverton Addition to Eugene, as platted <br />and recorded in Volume 1~, page c2, Lane County Oregon flat Records, <br />in Lane County, Oregon, Except that part deeded to Donald L Chase <br />and Geneve A. Chase, husband and wife, recorded September 23, 1917, <br />under clerk's filing No. l~9301, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, <br />said property described as follows: <br />Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 7, Block 31 of said Driver- <br />ton Addition to Eu~~ene; running thence north 160 feet to the iJorth- <br />east corner of Lot 7, thence Vsiest 65.8 feet thence South 160 feet to <br />the South line of Lot 8 thence East 65.8 feet to the point of begin- <br />ning, Lane County, Oregon. <br />LOUIS M, SGt~AN50PJ AND BERiJICE M. SVdANSON, husband and wife <br />eginning at a point on the~`~(est line of der 'treet in Eugene at <br />its intersection with the South line of 21ith Avenue East and running <br />thence South 7 feet; thence Vest along a line parallel vrith the <br />South City limits 160 feet; thence North parallel with the iYest line <br />of 21tth Street 160 feet to the point of beginning, Lane County, Oregon, <br />and <br />1 <br />Beginning at a point on the Wert line of Alder Street in the City of <br />Eugene 7 feet South of its intersection vrith the South line of 2l~th <br />Avenue East and x~ulning thence South 77.3 feet, more or less to the <br />South city limits; thence hest along the South city limits 160 feet; <br />thence North parallel vrith the ~~(est line of Alder Street 7?.3 feet; <br />thence East along a line parallel with the South City 1lmi is 160 <br />feet to the point of beginning in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. <br />411.26 <br />1001.54 <br />R. R. FEDTN AND MARION D. FEA1N, husband :end vrife , <br />The ort .3 feet of Lots 12, 13, ,, 1 ,and 16, Block 1~0, Driver- <br />ton Addition to Eugene, as platted and recorded in Volume 1i., page 22, <br />Lane County Oregon Ylat Records, in Lane Count;,r,. Oregon. 1,511.70 <br />Section 3. That the Common Council of the City of Eugene does hereby determine that <br />each parcel of land or lot hereinbefore described is specifically benefitted to the extent <br />of the assessment he reinbefore set forth, and does hereby declare each and all of said assess- <br />ments to be liens upon the respective lots, parts of lots or parcels of land against which <br />said several amounts are assessed, and orders and directs the City Recorder to enter in the <br />city docket of City Liens a statement thereof containing: <br />First: A description of each lot, part of lot or acreage properly liable, for such improve- <br />men t, <br />Second: The name of the owner or reputed owner thereof, or that the name of the owner is <br />unknown. <br />Third: The sum assessed upon said property and the date of entering the same in the said <br />1 <br />docket of City Liens. <br />Passed b,~~ the Common Council <br />this .8th day of November, 19148 <br />/s/ Henry F. Beistel <br />ity Recorder <br />Approved by the Mayor this <br />9th day of November, 19148. <br />/s/ Earl L. McNutt <br />1!4ayor <br /> <br />