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r~~ <br />CITY OF EUGF~IE <br />ommencing at the Northwest corner of Lot 1, block ~ of the plat of <br />Chula Vista Park, running thence Pdorth 12 feet, thence 'lflest 5 feet, <br />thence 12 feet, thence East 12 feet to the place of beginning. 35.31 <br />HI~R~tILTON C. GRIFFIN and VIRGIPdIA GRIFFIN, husband and wife: <br />All of Lot 2 in lock in Chula ista Park addition to Eugene, Lane <br />County, Uregon; except the Easterly 87.4 feet of Lot 2 and Lot 1, <br />block 5 of Chula Vista Park, Lane County, Oregon, as platted and re- <br />corded at page 1~2 of voltrrne 4 of Lane County Oregon Plat Records . <br />Lxcept: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 1 Block ~ of Plat <br />of Chula Vista Park, as recorded in book 4, page 42 of Lane County <br />Oregon slat Records, and rur_ning thence South 89°Ltl' East along the <br />South line of~-ndiana Street 100.0 feet, tkience South 0°l9' Went <br />51.0 feet, thence North 89°1~1' jNest 100.0 feet to the East line of <br />Chula Vista Boulevard, thence North 0°l9' East 5L~.0 feet to the <br />point of beginning being,a portion of Lot 1, Block 5 of Chula Vista <br />Park in Lane County, Oregon. And Except: The Easterly 87.4 feet of <br />said Lot 1. 195.56 <br />D. B . TROt?TT and ELIZABETH TROUTT: <br />The ~'e~ st 97.4 feet of Lots and 5 in Block 5 of Chula Vista T'ark, <br />as platted at pale 42 of volume 1t of Lane County Oregon Plat Records, <br />in Lane County, Oregcn; excepting therefrom the i~Torth 58 feet of the <br />VJ~est 97.L~ feet of Lot 4 in block 5. 182.36 <br />Section 3. That the Common Council of the City of Eugene does hereby determine that <br />each parcel of land or lot hereinbefore described is specifically benefitted to the extent <br />of the assessment hereinbefore set forth, and does hereby declare each and all of said assess- <br />menu to be liens upon the respective lots, parts of lots or parcels of land against tivhich <br />said several amounts are assessed, and orders and directs the City Recorder to enter in the <br />city docket of Cit~r Liens a statement thereof containing: <br />First: A description of each lot, part of lot or acreage properly liable for such im- <br />provement . <br />Second: The name of the owner or reputed owner thereof, or that the name of the owner <br />is unknown. <br />Third: The sum assessed upon said property and the date of entering the same in the <br />said docket of City Liens. <br />Passed by the Common Council <br />this 27th da;T of December, 1948. <br />Approved by the ~'iayor thi s <br />28th daiT of iecember, 1948. <br />/s/ Henry F. Beistel <br />City Recorder <br />/s/ Earl L.. 1i~cNut t <br />yo r <br />1 <br />1 <br /> <br />