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r25~. <br />oRDIN~~cE rro . 9~ 73 <br />t <br />An Ordinance vacating the foilovring described area, to-vri.t: <br />All of the following described part of the tvrenty foot (201) unopened and unnamed drive <br />! or street shown on the map of Agate Plat as a twe;~ty foot (20+) roadvra,y running in a <br />southwesterly direction from Agate Avenue, to-writ: <br />All of t~iat part of said drive or street lying or running Vlest and Southwest of the <br />Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 5, Agate Plat, (it being understood that the area <br />to be vacated would run westerl~T and southerly from a line on said drive or street <br />extending f rom s aid point North to the Northerly line of said Drive ), intending <br />to cover and include all of said unnamed drive Z~lest and Southwest from said point <br />to and including a point represented by a line extending from the Northwest•corner <br />~ of Lot 5, Block ~, Agate Plat, without affecting any part of Reed Street lying South <br />of said line . <br />WHEREAS, heretofore and on the 10th day of January, 1949, the Common Cpuncil <br />of the City of Eugene; passed an Ordinance satting hearing for the 14th day of Feb- <br />~ rua.ry, 1949, at the Council Chambers, at vrhich time and place protests and remon- <br />strances could be heard as to the proposed vacation of the following premises, to-wit: <br />All of the following described part of the twenty foor (201) unopened and unnamed <br />drive er street shown on the map of Agate flat as a twenty foor (201) roadway runn- <br />°ing in a southwesterl~.r direction from Agate Avenue, to-wit: <br />All of that part of said drive or street lying or running V~rest and SoutYn^rest of the <br />Northwest corner- of Lot 1, Blcck 5, Agate Plat, (it being understood that the area <br />to be vacated vrould run westerly and southerly from a line on said drive or street <br />extending from said po= nt North to the Northerly line of said Drive), intending to <br />cover and include all of said unnamed drive West and Southwest from said point tb and <br />including a point represehted b,y a line extending from the Northwest corner of Lot 6, <br />Block 5, Agate Plat, without affecting any part of Reed Street lvibg South of said <br />line. <br />and, <br />Z~IFiEREAS, due notice v~ras duly and regularly given of said hearing and a hearing <br />was held pursuant to said Ordinance in the Council Chambers of the City Hall in <br />• Eugene, on Monday the 14th day of February, 1949, 1949, at 7:30 otclock p.m. and _ <br />at said time the Council heard all bbjections; and <br />V'fHEREAS, all persons ovrning property abutting upon said avenue or street proposed <br />to be vacated have consented t n said vacation and have applied for the same . <br />THE CITY OF EUG1~;E DOES ORDAIN AS FOLUJ'i~tS: <br />S~cti on 1 The Common Council of the City of Eu{;ene finds that due and regu]a r <br />notice of said hea;~ing eras published and posted as required by law and that no valid <br />objection has been made at said hearing or filed. That the consent of the ovrners of <br />the abutting propert~r has been d and r egullarly fi led ~n said proceeding and t hat <br />the public interest will not be prejudiced b;,~ the vacation of said portion of drive <br />or street . <br />', Section 2. That said hearing was held on the 14th day of February, 1849, at 7:30 <br />', o'clock p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall of Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, <br />i <br />and that all matters necessary to be done in the premises have been duly and regu~ rly <br />completed . <br />i <br />1 <br />1 <br /> <br />