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.. .. <br />--~1i~ ,St~lltzs~ .7. ~ 2`111 ~,rYU. S'~.1ix-e ~'xi~.l <br />:~'~ie aauth 1~i0 Vest oP t"he following described. 1anc3s2 <br />1~at l~, of !orn~~ .addition to ~;ur;ene, as ~al~Yttec~ end recorded in <br />5©4.8~ valizme '~, Wage 1031 a~'' Gehxnt~•, ~~re~,on ~3et:d ~tecarc:~, in I.~~no Oaunty, <br />~regan, ~aacept t~~e ,'pest ~.r:.:~.~;~=s feet tkaereof. <br />Crude 3.~.• ;'r,rdn8x' nnd. ;i:~zel ~.,. ~<~rcinar <br />'3'r e ~o~Y.t}'r 1 i0 f€zet of t~i~e ~"t~l:iawin~~ described 1~:t~: ~: <br />`i.'3~~a ~iie.rtit ti;nlf o" not 7 iri ~,urn~a 11„cxition to k~Aagene• <br />~~131.29 <br />}~. ;~. Corbin and Clella :~orbint <br />-5~6~,:i,.~- . 't'.-o youth 1~a f`eet off' V:o ~`alla~~in~- ~.e~cr~.bec~ lnxs~a t <br />~;~e; :~;~str~ if o:' .:sot ~, of .ornia -'~ciciitoz~, to r~,a~;anr~, ;ix~na <br />Uouxst~, ~re~an. <br />$x+31.29 <br />,~, ~;. ureenap r <br />-5-~~ aginning ut n ~apint, on tha ].irze oi` Lot b. ~arn~a ~dd.ition <br />to .t:~;ene, as glatted ~.n~f recarced at ;~~~a 101, voluaxe r~ of .L~ne Caunty <br />C3re~~on S3eed Records. 220 feat :.e.~t of ari iron peg at t~,e~ Soutl~enst <br />~~j62,11 cor~aer of said Lot u, t,a~Ys~_a a~artta i~~t3 r~et, ti;ence {~e~~t %'~~U #~at, <br />t~}o,~ca aout'~Y 120 feet, °orS~.e '.::~st a1o~; a~~i~ Sa.~tA. 1in~s 2;r~3 feet to <br />i~~o ~~i~at off` ~:e~;inn:~YY~rr, Y:.•a i,~:rEe ~%ou.rity. ef-an. <br />-.`--s-~'-(~- kip ~~1. ~artel"~ ,. <br />LIX~'~4enCiTl,ca; ,"-9t 9. ~d1Y1~ 4n ~'t'i.C: ::~OU.Et~ ltn+: t3f Lot ~, C7 a. Yiorn~s <br />~1c3ditiorx to l~`u~;ene, ".~'311~ wourtty, ~~~e~_;on, w~ich ~anint ~.~ 3.70 rest <br />$~0,~~'~ ~1es~t ~ro~ti en iron ~7e~~;, ~~i,ich is ~~z~ tha ~outl~e~~toorntr o~` anid ~At ~a, <br /> ;~s.~n tP.l~Tit.e ~?"urt~;o~l~F~ o ,^ 7~ino °,ar~12e1 ~ritl~ the .~.~~yi ~auni~~ry <br />tine cif maid Lot b, 120 Iect, tp`~~alCE2 ., t3='t on n 1inQ „?¢.~r~:3.ie1 with this <br />:~out3a bounde.r~ lire o:~ e~:cl Lot E7, ~~~ Feet nr~d ta~ence ~out~ 12J Feet thence E. <br />g~lu:n~; t'raes Sout~'i line 50 feet tea i,hi; ~-Dint of be~in~7i~n,;* ~~11 in <br />L~n€~ Country, Jregon. <br />--Q~i2t} :~i113~:~ ~C. 'i~enba~t~o.+~~ ~nc€ ;enev~~ `ienbroai~s <br />k3e~;inning zit a ~-~olra can t~ac :ao~lth line at Lct ~~, ~~~-orn~a ~~dciition <br />to ~~1a,:ene, ass ;~~ 1«~.tted ~r~ „~ reccxriieit 3.ra volume ~~, -~~.~re 1CF' ra~F i,J~»o County <br />"'BU.Sa :3rc~~;on Need *~,eeor~.:~, ~,.3,ca~ snici naixat fe: 12(3 3'eet ~we$t of ran i; on gag <br />w3.ic'rk 13 set ~xt t'rse :,w,xt~:enst cnrrY+~r ox i,ot, and rrlnnin~; thence <br />from said point °~ort~: 120 feet on a> lirxo -~>nrn3.le1 wlt~~ t~:e r~;,~-~t line of <br />said Lot Vii, thence ~isat ,;C3 feet on 6~ l~.tte x,xarnlt~al with the south. li~ae <br />of s~Yid Lot ki, and t=.enca~ ;~c~ut~x 1cc0 a'eet to the ~outl. ling: ef` sn~d I~at <br />~, tk~:no~s ~aaat ~0 feet e.`ior~. a-yid Sot~,t3`3 line of e;~id :Got ~ to ttaa point <br />of befinn3ng, in Le,ne ~~ounty, urcgon. <br />r r s r ww <br />~;~1~ F~~sy ~i. Severson r,ra~i. ~~ertis k;trae3. ~eve~raonz <br />R3e~innin~ at a :-;oxnt on tt~~: l::,t;:~~t ].ins o#' Lot ~. ref kiorn~ s ~I.dct i ti0n <br />to ~:tiY,~;ex-e, i,nne County, ~re~rox~, w~3~.ic3~ -,-:Dint is 2t3U feet :~`orth cif the <br />~97y0j ~outhenst corner of Sn3d :"ot ~a, nrd x~~rk ~h~snce ~~es~t ran sine ~h~ralle]~ <br />wit3'~ tae ~o~ith line s~f" said iaat ~i, 1;:~.. feet„ t~~ence "ortz° :~ line <br />~x~~r~l1.e~1 witk~~ ti.e Est 1,~xae ~~~ sniff +,ut b, 5U feet ~rtd t~~e:x~~ce ~~~;~t 120 <br />iekai tc~ t~axa ; 1,.;e o~' er~:ief lit ~:, .~n~ ~,nr~llcl. ~ritf~ f,~:x. s~i~t mouth <br />line o~ 8~isi iUt ~ rxrat~ tF E,nce So.~t~ .;,1or~~ t= ~ ~;~~t l~~o ~t' :;Q°;~. ~+at <br />L,, ~;) ~`~:et tc t~.e point of beginning, all in 3aane Countq, Oregon <br />