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. ~ .. <br />~:.r6' W, J. Scott and ~°ollia .~tta 5eott, hw: <br />>ll of lot 6, in ilarn~s Addition to Eugene, Line Coup', y, Oregon. <br />$106~.~g7 kept: Commencing at the most Northerly Northeast corner of Lot <br />6, in ~:arn~s Addition to Eu~n®, Lane County, Oregon, and run thence <br />hest 200 feet along; the North boundary line of said Lot, rind thence <br />South 200 feet and thence East 200 feet, and thence North 200 feet to <br />the no:lnt of beginning. <br />--Also Except: :~e~;innirag at a point on the ~:ast line of Lot Fi of <br />Horns Addition to ~i`ugene, i,ane County, Oregon, xhich point is 200 <br />feet T~orth of the Southeast corner of said Lot 6, and run thence 4~est <br />on a line parallel with the South line of said T,ot 6, 120 feet; thence <br />ATorth on a -parallel with the L' line of said Lot 6, 50 feet, and <br />tYzence 120 feet to tine ~:ast line of said Lot 6 and parallel xitb <br />the said South line of said Lat 6, and thence South along the ~as~t line <br />of se.i.d Lot 6, 5C feet to the point of be~.,inning, all in ;,ape County, <br />Oregon, <br />Also latent: I~e~a.nning at :~ *~aint 12C feet nest of tYae Southeast <br />corner of Lot b, ~:orns Addition to .~'ugere, run thence north 120 feet <br />parallel to the :6,sst lane of Lot ~, tb_ence +Ye$t parallel to the South <br />line of said Lot, 32(3 feet, thence aoutiz 120 fast to the south line of <br />said Lot, thence :least a1on~; the South line 320 feet to the point of <br />beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. <br />Except::3eginning at a Point lk+k+ feet rest of the Nor~hee,st corner <br />pf Lot 6, of kiorns Addition and running tk~ence Southeasterly to a oolnt <br />3~ feet North and 190 feet ~+est of the Southeast corner pf Lot 6, thence <br />South 13U feet, thence .past k1U feet, tk~ence South 50 feet, thence least <br />120 feet, thence South 10 feet, thence pest 120 feet, theme South 70 <br />feet, thence ~yest 323,85 feet to a point 120 feet forth of the South~rest <br />corner of said lot 6, thence North j~+5 feet more or less to the Northwest <br />coornsr o.f loot 6, thence '"ast 231 feet :::ore qr less to the point of be- <br />ginr~ingf <br />$~r3F@;~5-- Sandford J. Elder and '~irgin3a E. k*lder <br />beginning the the Northwest corner of Section 1, Township 18 South, <br />$639.1 Range k+ ':+est of the 'hillar~,ette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon; theQCe ~ <br />South 89°20~ East 125 feet, thence South ~~5,6 felt, thence North SQ 20 <br />feet nest 125 fast tp trie +~~est lips of said Sectionl, thsnce North alor~ <br />the said i~'est line u35,6 felt to the ~~oint of beginning, excepting there <br />from a strip of 25 feat wide by x+;5,6 feet long along the Asst side of <br />t"ne described tract which said strix~, is reserved for road pu.rpOSes* <br />-$-29rj~-FSfi- Charles A. Dickinson anct Vary E. Licizinson: <br />1'he North 160 Pest of the followine~ described lands: <br />~ 66 'beginning at a point South 85020 Nast 125 Pest and South 30 feet <br />$21~' from the Northwest corner of section 1, Taxnship 18 South, Range ~ hest <br />of the 6Villamette t':eridian, for the beginning point, and ~Torthxest cor- <br />ner of the tract heret~y conveyed., thence South 89020 100 feet, <br />thence South X35.6 feet, thence .forth 89020' pest 100 feat, and thence <br />rsorth ~35y6 feet to tY~e ~~oint of beginning, eacept the South 30 feet <br />thereof, X11 zn .Lf~ne County, Uregon. <br />--~'~F- uustAVe A. Sveum and Leis T. 5veur~: <br />Ieginning at a poi', an tale North line of Section 1, Township 18 <br />X309.61 South, lia.ngs ~ ;vest of the a+illa~ette keridian, in Lane County, Oregon, <br />225.,0 feet South 89003 last from the northwest corner of said Section <br />1, and run thence South 176.7 feet, thence South 8~©03~a.:ast 1+8,5 feet, <br />