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~2~~ <br />ORD1 PdANC E 1170. 93la2 <br />An Ordin anee submitting the question to the electors of the City of Eu~e, the question <br />"For Annexation" or "A~ainst Annexation:" of the area herein described, and ordering a special <br />election to be held in the City of Eu~;nne on the 15th day of June, l~l~9, designating polling <br />places, appointing C1Prks and Judges of election, and all acts necessary for the; carrying on <br />of said election, and c_ecla_ring and emerger_cy. <br />THE CITY OF EUGEIJE DOES OP.I).C~_IlT AS 1~ LLO'i~tS ; <br />Section 1. That vrhereas the legal owners of the area and territory hereinafter described <br />have heretofore filed in the office of the City Recorder and. vrith the Ci~~-y Council for the City <br />of Eugene, Or^gr~u., their consent in writing to the annexation of said area to the City of Eu~ne <br />and requesting that an election be held vrithin the City of Eugene, Oregon upon the question of <br />whether or net said area should be. annexed to said City. Therefore, the Co.~mon Council of <br />the City of Eugene hereby submits to the electors of the Cityof Eugene the question "For Annex- <br />ation" or "Against Annexation" of the fo~llouring described area to the City of Eu~~e, to-wit: <br />Begi nning a+, the intersecti on of the South line of Eighteenth Avenue <br />Vilest vrith the V'~lest City Limits of Eugene, said City Limits going approx- <br />imately the center of City View Street, and running thence vresterly along <br />the South line of Eighteenth Avenue V~Iest approximately 132 feet to its <br />intersection vrith the extended l~fest line of the subdivision plat of <br />1~lestpark as filed in Book, 12, Page ].~., Lane County, Oregcr.; thence <br />North 0°2t East approximately 1681 feet to the il7ortYnvest corner of <br />said plat; thence South 89°of East approximately 1320 feet to the <br />Eugene City Limits; thence Southerly along the West City Limits to <br />the point of beginning; <br />Section 2. The Common Council of the City of Eugene hereby orders a special election to <br />be held in the City of Eugene, Oregon on the 15th day of June, 19.9, at vrhich election there <br />shall be submitted to the electors of said City for their approval or rejection the proposal <br />"For A~.zne~ation" or "Against Annexation" of the area described i:n Section 1 to the City of <br />Eu~ ne, Oregon. <br />Section 3. That said proposal shall be placed upon .:the official ballot by the City Re- <br />corder to be voted upon. by the electors of said City at sa5_d Election:. <br />Sectionll.. The City Recorder shall provide such poll books, ballot boxes, tally sheets <br />and such other supplies for each pclling place, vrithin the City of Eugene, as are necessary for <br />the carrying on of the election, all of which shall be delivered to the election board. <br />Section 5. The follov~rin~; are hereby designated as the po?ling places for said election <br />in the City of Eugene, one to be in each ward of said City <br />One polling pace inch of the wards of said City, viz.; <br />Roosevelt J'r. High School at 18th &• Agate St., vri thin. V'dard 1. <br />Washington School at ']th ~; High St., within V'lard 2. <br />Eugene Vocati opal School a-c j 51 VV. ll.t'n., vrithin Vuard 3. <br />City Hall at 11th ~; V~Iillematt~ St., vrithin V~iard L4.. <br />and the Common Council does hereby appoart trio judges and clerks to serve in each of said <br />L <br />polling places as herein designated, to-wit; <br />In the follovring list of Judges and Clerks, the first named shall be a Judge and Chair- <br />man of the election board; the second named shall be a Judge, and the ne::t threet shall be <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br /> <br />