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Item 4: PH on Lane Plywood Measure 37 Claim
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2006
CC Agenda - 06/12/06 Meeting
Item 4: PH on Lane Plywood Measure 37 Claim
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/9/2010 12:46:26 PM
Creation date
6/8/2006 11:14:51 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />and the Metro Plan were enacted prior to Measure 37. Therefore, the mere adoption or existence <br />of those provisions is not enough to give rise to a Measure 37 claim. Instead, Measure 37 <br />requires something more. <br /> <br />Following the passage of Measure 37, the City has not applied or enforced any of the <br />provisions of Chapter 9 or the Metro Plan to LPI's property. Measure 37 requires that some type <br />of "enforcement" take place. Since that has not happened, the claim should be denied in its <br />entirety. <br /> <br />D. Restriction on nse, reduction in value, LPl's subdivision and CC&Rs. <br /> <br />A "land use regulation" gives rise to a Measure 37 claim only if the regulation would <br />"restrict the use" of private property and have the effect of reducing the fair market value of <br />property. LPI did not identify which of the more than 550 pages of Chapter 9 LPI asserts <br />"restrict the use" of property, and which "reduces the value" of property. To qualify as a valid <br />claim, a provision must both restrict the use and reduce the value. <br /> <br />Even if provisions of Chapter 9 restricted the use and reduced the value of some property <br />within the City, there are three additional factors applicable to LPl's property which preclude a <br />finding that LPI can meet these requirements: the historic zoning of the property; the land use <br />approval that LPI sought and obtained for the lots; and the Covenants, Codes & Restrictions <br />(CC&Rs) adopted for and recorded on all of the lots at issue in this Measure 37 claim. <br /> <br />LPI first asserted that it intends to use the subject lots for "commercial development and <br />billboards." LPI later amended its claim to assert its intent to use these lots for "all forms of <br />: industrial,.commercial, residential, signage, and mixed use, in addition to the commercial uses <br />and placement of billboards described in the original claim." LPI asserts that it is restricted from <br />using the property for its intended uses by the City's. "industrial zoning" and by "a number of <br />other city land use regulations currently in effecC However, these lots historically have been <br />zoned heavy industrial (1-3 and 1\1-3). LPI has not offered any evidence that the zoning or <br />regulations today reduce the value or restrict uses in any significant manner beyond what existed <br />in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. <br /> <br />Moreover, even if the City agreed to "not apply" or "waive" the regulations, the use and. <br />development of the properties would remain restricted by the subdivision approval sought and <br />obtained by LPI and the CC&Rs LPI voluntarily placed on the property. <br /> <br />During the subdivision approval process, LPI asserted that a contract is established <br />between the subdivider (LPI) and the municipality (the City) once a tentative plan for <br />subdivision is approved. The tentative plan approval (and ultimately final plat) was consistent <br />with LPI's subdivision application. That application limited the uses to which LPI would put the <br />property in the future to those allowed in an 1-3 zone. LPI's application further stated that, <br />although the 1-3 zone allowed uses permissible in both the 1-2 and 1-1 zones, it was not going to <br />put the land to any of the uses allowed in the 1-1 zone. Thus, LPI has, by its own voluntary <br />actions, limited itself to 1-3 and 1-2 (but not I-I) uses on the land, as subdivided. Just as LPI <br /> <br />Page 6 of9 <br />
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