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ExhibitAtoOrd. <br />Findings in Support of <br />An Ordinance Concerning Long-Range Transportation Planning <br />(Adopting the Eugene 2035 TSP; Amending the Metro Plan, TransPlan, <br />Eugene Code Chapter 9, Ordinance No. 20528, and the Eugene Street Classification Map; <br />and Repealing the 2003 Central Area Transportation Study) <br />Overview <br />For decades the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area had a shared regional comprehensive plan and <br />regional transportation system plan, known as the Metro Plan and TransPlan. These plans guided <br />transportation decisions for both Eugene and Springfield inside a shared urban growth boundary. For <br />both cities, TransPlan functioned as the Local Transportation System Plan and the Regional <br />Transportation System Plan. In 2007, the Oregon Legislature passed House Bill 3337, which required <br />Eugene and Springfield to develop separate urban growth boundaries. As a result, Eugene began the <br />Envision Eugene project, including Eugene-specific transportation planning. Additionally, in October <br />Land Conservation and Development Commission approved a regional work plan to <br />prepare and adopt a TransPlan update to address federally mandated regional transportation planning <br />regional TransPlan update, the cities of Eugene, Springfield and Coburg undertook local transportation <br />planning efforts in advance of the TransPlan update. Within the last few years the cities of Springfield <br />and Coburg have adopted their local transportation system plans (both co-adopted by Lane County); <br />once the Eugene 2035 Transportation System Plan (2035 TSP) TransPlan update <br />will move forward. <br />The 2035 TSP meets state requirements for a local transportation system plan and is a resource for <br />future transportation decision making within the City of Eugene. The 2035 TSP identifies the preferred <br />future multi-modal transportation system and articulates the City goals and policies related to this <br />transportation system. It also identifies the function, capacity, and location of future facilities, and <br />identifies planning-level costs for improvements needed to support expected development and growth, <br />and possible sources of system funding. The 2035 TSP is intended to provide the City with flexibility as <br />critical transportation investments are prioritized and funded. <br />The 2035 TSP ensures the vision for the transportation system meets community needs, communicates <br />the City aspirations, conforms to state and regional policies, and provides an infrastructure and <br />program plan to meet these community, regional, and state needs. The 2035 TSP includes a total of 6 <br />chapters, including: Chapter 1 Introduction; Chapter 2 Goals, Policies, and Actions; Chapter 3 Needs <br />Assessment and Evaluation; Chapter 4 Creating Multimodal Systems; Chapter 5 Transportation <br />Priorities and Project Categories; and Chapter 6 Transportation Funding and Implementation. <br />2035 TSP is a component of the Eugene- <br />Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) and is being adopted as part of the Metro Plan. <br />The findings that follow demonstrate that the 2035 TSP, and the entire 2035 TSP adoption package, is <br />consistent with applicable approval criteria. The 2035 TSP adoption package consists of: <br />1.The Eugene 2035 Transportation System Plan <br />2.Conforming amendments to the Metro Plan <br />3.Conforming amendments to TransPlan <br />Exhibit A to an Ordinance Concerning Long Range Transportation Planning <br />Page 1 of 63 <br /> <br />