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Refinement Plan and the Land Use Code to limit the subject area to Low Density <br />Residential development low to medium density residential as described in the re- <br />finement plan. In addition, to direct the City Manager to make this task priority #1 <br />on the Planning Commission work plan and pull resources from the other high pri- <br />ority work program items to accomplish this as quickly as possible within the pa- <br />rameters of the amendment process. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly explained that he was not interested in allowing upzonings to 28 units per acre in the area but was <br />interested in allowing selective increased density under site review and as described in the refinement plan to <br />a middle ground above 10 units per acre. He deleted the second sentence because the work plan has been <br />developed in great detail and opportunity siting was identified as a high priority. He said there were <br />numerous tasks in the work plan on which the council would expect to see progress. Referring to statements <br />that the neighborhood was very dense, he noted that the refinement plan stated that in Area 15 the average <br />lot size was 8,200 square feet, which was a density of five units per acre. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman reminded the council that the refinement plan was developed in 1983. She said she would not <br />support the amendment because it increased density without the infill standards and cited a section of the <br />refinement plan relating to encouraging and increasing residential density while maintaining the character of <br />the neighborhood. She said a commitment by the City to rehabilitate existing housing stock through public <br />and private investment had not occurred. She said the motion would accomplish half of the opportunity <br />siting strategy to increase density as high as possible in certain appropriate sites and at the same time <br />downzoning and preserving existing residential neighborhoods. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly revised the language of his motion to amend as follows: Move to initiate <br />amendment of the Metro Plan, the Jefferson-Far West Refinement Plan and the <br />Land Use Code to limit the subject area to Low Density Residential development <br />low to medium density residential as described in the refinement plan to be con- <br />sistent with the policies of the refinement plan for Area 15. Mr. Papé, as the sec- <br />ond, accepted the revised language. <br /> <br />Ms. Jerome clarified that the motion would require a text amendment to the Metro Plan, not just a diagram <br />amendment, and did not address the neighborhood’s concern about interpretation of the meaning of low to <br />medium density as the refinement plan policy itself was the issue. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly further clarified his amendment as follows: Move to initiate amendment <br />of the Metro Plan, the Jefferson-Far West Refinement Plan and the Land Use Code <br />to limit the subject area to Low Density Residential development low to medium <br />density residential as described in the refinement plan to be consistent with the <br />policies of the refinement plan for Area 15 and with maximum densities higher <br />than R-1 but lower than R-2. Mr. Papé, as the second, accepted the revised lan- <br />guage. <br /> <br />Mr. Papé reiterated his concern about other neighborhoods having the same problems and the need for a <br />consistent approach. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman pointed out that there were a number of high density developments adjacent to Area 15, which <br />made the area the highest density with the highest threat of any neighborhood in the community. She noted <br />that the petition requesting a remedy was signed by 286 residents, including many who lived outside of to <br />Area 15. She thought that Mr. Kelly’s amendment would perpetuate the issue of disparity between the <br />original meaning of low to medium residential and the current understanding that it meant upzoning to R-2 <br />was acceptable. <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—City Council August 16, 2006 Page 6 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br />