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Item 2A: Approval of City Council Minutes
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2006
CC Agenda - 09/25/06 Meeting
Item 2A: Approval of City Council Minutes
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9/20/2006 3:28:27 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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Ms. Muir said the motion before the council considered some of the options in the May 24, 2006, memoran- <br />dum from staff, including work on site review and design standards. She said that changing the language <br />from “low to medium” to “low” was identified in discussions with the neighborhood as part of a future <br />action that might implement opportunity siting. She said that was not emphasized in the staff report because <br />there was never a guarantee unless there was a sunset date. She did not want to rely on that until there was <br />something concrete to consider. She thought the work associated with the proposed motion would require a <br />little more time and effort to present a product to the council. City Manager Taylor clarified that the <br />proposed motion would require more staff time than the motion suggested in the AIS. <br /> <br />Mr. Pryor observed that just designating an area low density would not address the issue of neighborhood <br />character or inappropriate infill. He understood that there was no expectation an area would remain low <br />density; that was an interim measure while other strategies were developed. He preferred to make it a <br />priority task. <br /> <br />Regarding the hope that low density was an interim solution while other strategies were developed, Mr. <br />Kelly noted that there was great enthusiasm in 1993 for nodal development, also known as mixed-use <br />centers, and 13 years later, that effort was barely started. He said his amendment would not allow four to <br />eight more units per lot as that was based on blanket R-2 and his amendment specified density lower than <br />the maximum R-2. <br />Ms. Taylor said she would vote against the amendment as the matter of protection required some urgency. <br />She said that increasing rentals in a neighborhood created a transitory effect and reduced the number of <br />residents with a long-term interest in the stability of the neighborhood. <br /> <br />Mr. Papé asked if the motion would require moving to a density of four to eight units per acre. Ms. Jerome <br />replied that Mr. Kelly’s motion limited density to something below the maximum allowed in R-2 but an <br />interpretation would still be necessary to determine what that number would be. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly said the number would be defined by staff during the process. <br /> <br />Mr. Papé asked if the council’s action could be sunsetted in two or three years to ensure that long-term <br />strategies were developed. Ms. Muir said a sunset provision would not be part of the council’s current <br />action but, if an amendment was initiated, staff would work with the city attorney to draft that type of <br />language. Ms. Jerome encouraged a sunset provision to establish a specific sunset date instead of indicating <br />it would happen when the City adopted infill standards. <br /> <br />The vote on the motion to amend the main motion was tied, 4:4; Mr. Pryor, Ms. <br />Bettman, Ms. Taylor and Mr. Poling voting in opposition, Mr. Kelly, Ms. Ortiz, <br />Ms. Solomon and Mr. Papé voting in favor. Ms. Piercy cast a vote in support of <br />the motion to amend and it passed on a final vote of 5:4. <br /> <br />Mr. Papé suggested including a sunset provision. City Manager Taylor said that staff would include a <br />recommended timeframe for a sunset provision in its report to the council. Ms. Muir clarified that her <br />reference to a sunset clause related only to redesignation from low-medium to low density as an interim step <br />before opportunity siting was implemented. <br /> <br />Ms. Piercy stated that she voted in favor of the amendment in part because there were many priorities and <br />she was not comfortable with it being number one, although it was important. <br /> <br />The vote on the main motion as amended was tied, 4:4, Mr. Pryor, Ms. Bettman, <br />Ms. Taylor and Mr. Poling voting in opposition, Mr. Kelly, Ms. Ortiz, Ms. Solo- <br />mon and Mr. Papé voting in favor. Ms. Piercy cast a vote in support of the motion <br />as amended and it passed on a final vote of 5:4. <br /> <br />MINUTES—City Council August 16, 2006 Page 7 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br />
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