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The final position of the County Board of Commissioners on amending the IGA is highly uncertain. <br />Amending the IGA requires consensus of all parties to the agreement; therefore, if the County does not <br />accept the amendments, the IGA remains as it is currently written. In this eventuality, the MWMC <br />would not be able to utilize revenue bonds as the most cost-effective mechanism for raising the revenue <br />necessary to implement the 2004 Facility Plan and would have to turn to higher cost options, which <br />include substantial user rate increases or higher interest borrowing. It is unclear, given the out-of-date <br />nature of the IGA and potential conflicts with the County, whether any external borrowing (even at <br />higher interest rates) would be possible. Should the County not agree with the two cities on the need <br />and language for amending the IGA, the cities have the option of terminating their participation in the <br />agreement, by providing one year's advance notice of termination to the other governing bodies. If the <br />County Board of Commissioners was willing to withdraw from the MWMC, the change could be <br />handled as an amendment to the existing IGA and potentially could happen fairly quickly. If the County <br />were not a willing partner in such a change, the dissolution of MWMC and subsequent reformation of an <br />agreement for management of the regional wastewater program could take a year or longer. It is <br />uncertain what the budget/fiscal status of the regional wastewater program would be during the process <br />of reformulating the agreement. <br /> <br />COUNCIL OPTIONS <br />1. Approve the recommended changes to the intergovernmental agreement between Eugene, <br /> Springfield, and Lane County for the regional wastewater program, the related ordinance for the IGA <br /> and the resolution to approve issuance of revenue bonds by MWMC. <br />2. Direct staff to modify the proposed changes to the IGA and return with a modified proposal for City <br /> Council approval. <br />3. Take no action on the proposed changes to the IGA. <br /> <br />CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION <br />The City Manager recommends adoption of the proposed changes to the regional wastewater IGA and <br />approval of issuance of the revenue bonds by MWMC. <br /> <br />SUGGESTED MOTION <br />None; this is a work session only. <br /> <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />A. Revised Intergovernmental Agreement in legislative format <br />B. Revised Intergovernmental Agreement - clean copy <br />C. Ordinance <br />D. Resolution <br /> <br />FOR MORE INFORMATION <br />Staff Contact: Peter Ruffler <br />Telephone: 682-8606 <br />Staff E-Mail: <br /> <br /> L:\CMO\2005 Council Agendas\M050411\S050411B.doc <br /> <br /> <br />