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"c\) <br />AI,: .nC T : <br />referred by the Common Couneil of the City of E~ene to the legal voters of I <br />saic city, supplementary to the Carhter of said City, authorizing the Common I <br />Council of the City of Eue;ene to levy a tax eqnal to and not to exceed one-~ <br />half of one mill upon all taxajle property of said City, both real and person4 <br />al, .r:ot. e:{e;~::Dt fr?il1 t~xation, ~or t.e pu~pose of maintainine; a :3an~ .' ~\ <br />Commlsslon :LOI' said Cltv, and. lor ahthority to cres.te a f1.Jand COmlJHSSlcn.rT ~ <br />~ G <br />!b <br />J <br />;~ <br />:~ <br />~i <br />€'" <br />~ <br />~i, <br />~ <br />~ <br />~1 <br />! <br /> <br />;J'; <br />~ <br />'fJ <br />~ <br />11 <br />'ll <br />~ <br />~ <br />~ <br />is <br />':<I <br />~ <br />~. <br />~l <br />r~ <br />f <br /> <br />i> <br />t.:~ , <br /> <br />:,'1 thi~ <br />~ the~ <br />\II.:.~'.'. ~ <br />,., Vl <br />~ <br />'I' ~ <br />~ <br />t <br />1 ~ <br />!1 ~ <br />~ 1-:; <br />.1.'..... be StUD to be torn off by the ~ <br />. Cl 'l ~. <br />eLl: . ~: <br />ft <br />~ ~ <br />~ ~ <br />~ ~ <br /> <br />I I <br />~. ~ <br />~.' ~ <br />11 ii <br />~I;' t <br />~ <br />i <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />I~.:; Shall the Common C oune 11 of the C it,y of ;':ugene. be speeH ieally ale thor- , <br />ized and em:ponered., in _ts d.iscretion to exceed the six: per cent constitution~ <br />I al limitation upon the city's tax levy, each year, in levying taxes in support). <br />f of a municipal band. ' the p1.'ovisions of the Charter i"mendment of the li i ty ~ <br />· . ale thor i z ine a munie ipal band 10 v y no t to e:<c e eo. Of', :1~lf of one miJhl. up on i.' <br />I the dollar valuation, upon all taxable pr0gert~ in the city, a copy of whiUh i <br />.~ Charter ..h.mendl11ent is set out in full in the election pamphlet? I <br />~ V01E Y~S OR 1W ~ <br />~ 500 YE~ ~ <br /> <br />I~" ~ <br />~ <br />~~ <br />I I hel"""i th submi t the forego in" as a gallot title to 100 ypon the ballot at sai1 <br /> <br />I e le c t i on · S ;.1 i <br /> <br /> <br />I.' r <br />r ~'~ <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />~r <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />.t' <br />, <br /> <br />)J <br />1 <br />~ <br />'I <br />~ <br />ti <br />,I <br />;j <br />'i <br />I <br />t <br /> <br />CL:;}; CITY (jF 1.!;UG-:D.;i,E ::)(J~i..J 0RDAl.1: AS ::!\JLLJ,'i;,;,: <br /> <br />Be it Enacted by t~e lesal voters of the City of E~gene: <br /> <br />Section 1. The Common Council of the City of Eueene is hereby author- <br />ized and empowered eac~ year to revy, assess and collect taxes not to exceed <br />one-half of one mill upon all property, both real and personal, within the <br />City of Eugene, not exempt from taxation, for tile purpose of mainta;,ning a <br />~:Iunicipal Band in said City. And. the CO,j1;.10n CO"v..ncil .is hel~eby furtllel~ author- <br />ized. and emporfered to create .a Band. CO;ilmissi6n 'consisting of three or more <br />persons and to d.efine the d.uties and prescribe the terms of office of said <br />C ofruni ss ion. <br /> <br />Section 2. The CO:l1ffiOn Council is here':J;i autllorized and. empowered. to <br />create a separate fund to be .novm as the .Municipal Band. Fu.d1d, and the <br />TreasureT L: he re b,y d.i1~ec ted t 0 ~{eep sai (1 fund separate fDom the other fUDds <br />of the City; The money realized for such band pnrposes under this Act shall <br />be :paid to the C i t':l lRres.surer, who shall dello 8i t anc1 keep the same in said. <br />3a!ld. .B\...nd. <br /> <br />Section 3. 1'hat said mone~' 8113011 be d.isbursed by the Common COlJ..Dciit. <br />through the Band Commission bYe warrants clrawn by the Council upon said Band <br />Fuild, said warrant to be siGned. by the Hayol' and City Recorder. <br /> <br />Section 4. That should. it not'require all of the money realized frol11 <br />tax for the purpose of maintaining such nlunicipal Band, then in that event <br />surplus shall be paid to the l'ar}c C ommi ssi on to be i.;.se d for par~{ phl~.dOSe s. <br /> <br />Section 5. The said. :J1....nicipal Band Commission shull receive no salary <br />and. shall make written report to the Co~mon Council quarterly or such other <br />ti.le as tile Council may direct of all money received anet disbursed. <br /> <br />Stub to <br /> <br />torn off by the Cl1air.I1an; <br /> <br />OFFICli; 3ALLOTT <br /> <br />ATJTHORIZA'i IOE ',71 TII R=SP:CC T TO CHART3R <br /> <br />A.~.IEl{I)..JI;l\. T 0 <br /> <br />Proposed by Resolution of the Co~mon Council of the City of Eugene, <br />OreGon, and. l'eferrec1 to the ji;lectol~s: <br /> <br />J!ROPO;:;AL TO Z~=C:::;:LD 'l'=~::; <br /> <br />sn= P:8.ti. C3~JT Llj.iITATlvl'I FJI~ J,iUlHCII)J:"L BAND L~VY: <br /> <br />501 <br /> <br />1m <br />