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<br />rr <br />3D <br /> <br />';t" , t:..oC"..t4i."i<J:.''''' -~....~ tr"__ ....1.-.-"-~l!.,.~~_..".__~"i'"...~;-~""",.;...........;l,-"1:"""""~""'~~<'2''-.....:.'l..~.<:,4P:rft~t-;:,..""'i~~~~~~~':'"~:tI.l~~_~I:;!.1i'j:.y.;,..x.,..~~~...."'<t;1:~~~.'!-'e;dt"~~u.~<r_~ >li"'f:':-~..:.""""";bo~!!:: ~~..t::;I:'''''''~.:ac:::l~~.e-.l7 <br />....~"' ..... _.....-"""""~.lt_A<("*.,.... ,;,......C(.."".....~~.!~.J-~..:-v'<;.-~-'""'.:I'~;.,.,..-...r"""'"';::"-i.::"""~.."..."",,~J oI<o''''~' -- - . .. <br /> <br />". <br />. . <br />c.rr The,t'" l~esolution vms o:L'fered 8.nd u.nanilllOl.lSl, ado Jtad.: <br />~ U Resolution.... - . I i <br /> <br />& :31; 11' R~S\j:LVBD, cr1la t the assessl;lent ;.",.'a':"lls'c A - _.~cPherson fOl~the illlprove-l <br />~ :;lent of the alley between On~'z and .G"lers.lcl frc.,.l 20th t1 Zlst .h.vanue and coverin <br />M Lo t 11, 310c1;: 20, Gro ss .Addi t ion to :;:t.;UCe ne, ,.' '-s ~.on be reduce d frO[;l ~23 .45 to <br />~ 1122.23 under t1le re-assessment :pertaining to the tlAbutting HuleH and tile Record I' <br />t; and Treasurer are hereblj directed to c11an:'e tl-;.e sallIe of record .in their r8s'oec- <br />~ ~. ~ <br />2 tive offices. <br />:;1 <br />~ <br />~ <br />! <br />~ <br />v <br />n <br />n <br />., <br />~ <br />~! <br />~ <br />1 <br />1 <br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br />The <br />froin the <br />adop tl.nG <br /> <br />Viewel'S filed their re~qort on the :progosed o:genil1[; of 7th .Avenue ',-,rest ~ <br />',7est line of Cam:pbells First Ao..dl tion to City LLli ts. b..n Ordina11c~ <br />the re:port of the vie'Ners vms re[d 'che fil'St tLne and laid over. ~ <br />~ <br /> <br />An urdina.'1ee 1ev.sring assessillellts for[ t1le alley :jetriJen Olive and <br />Charnelton Streets from 3roadwa,:/ to lOth 11.Ve,;Ue r.J~1S rac.d tl1e first tLle and laid <br />over. <br /> <br />An Urdl nanee le v,;r 1n[; as se ssme n ts for the C onstr'\.w t i011 0.I'..<1 Se'.'iel~ on the <br />East line of 131oc~~ ,,j, Fairmc ,nt :Iei.;:hts, frO,;1 r:e':':::~:lts 30l...1ev2.rc_ to Sprine:; <br />3o'l;.lev8.rd, nas ,cse.a. t::e first time and laid ever. <br /> <br />;\ <br />.; <br />~-'r <br />~t <br />\ <br /> <br />21 sidewalk assess,nent ordinances havinc beer:. re2.d t'.~e firs tble on J8.11. <br />23, lS23, aDd recistered notices sent, and no 9rotests be:nc filed they passed <br />the ir second and th1rd re ~,o..in5s :)y title Ilil -lcnanhlo'G.s con sen t u.1lcle.i.' s'~..sJ:lensi en <br />of tIle l"'ule and .Viere ph..ced o,u their fina~_ passage. The a~les G.llQ n.:.-as, riel'S <br />called, all :present voting a.>re, na.>;, none.. T~1e Ordinancos rie.i....e :iec12rcd passed <br />and nUll1bered froJil 65S4 5S 0015, both rrLl.lbers inclusive. <br /> <br />!, <br /> <br />~ <br />~ <br />~ <br />I, <br /> <br />~ ~ <br />,.'.' .A11 Urdillanc;e levying assesslllellt,s for ccnstl'l..ctiell of aS8\'ier as foll"c)1,7s: ~. <br />BeGinninc a t the "lan1101e near .3irc11 Lalle and .,0;;.l)le ;:;; tl:e 8 t, .i....;,'.n:.lillL: 'c}lellce :;::;8,.3 t t <br />aloLl?' ViC'co1~ia 30l..1evo.rd to t:le ~OU.t~l Cit~,' Li,lits; JeC_ll,L1.l.l1C o.t the ;.12.11.l101e <br />I ne ar 15th Avenue c ,,'t~.I3,J.l1e 0 t., r,-,,,,,ine; tllen ce :;c, s', 5';0 Zce'o, tl1e,lCe Sou tel 0 C ., <br />l t:le 00'._,.t'1 Cit;;. .limits, to:'ether \.7i'ch 1at8.1::218, ~l[1.1Tin.::.: :J83J1 r82Q tIle first tiL1e ~ <br />~ on Jal1u~~r~- 23rd, lS2G, G.nd re,:::istei:Gd. ,:~oL.ce3 se~lJ:J, 8.111 no :i).i.'O'':;'EJsts filed, it ~ <br />~ :!:mssed i -:':;8 2nd t?l.lld 3 l'd. bJ title ')~. .....llf-'.n.L"lO'c.S C01130~1 'c L'.l1clo.;:' :::;c_s.:;el1sion~ <br />l of tlle ru.le and Vias 1)12,Ced en its 1-' ~llal SSG. '8. T~1e C-,.'. os 8.11d l13, S ':!Ore called, f <br />l all l'res811t vot';"LL' a: e, na~, , none. The vr'cLinftnce ',7:::.8 d'eclc,t.L'eo.. )[',...::.300.. al:d ti <br />~ nU:,1Jered 0-.)10. ~ <br />t 5 <br /> <br />1 ~ <br />(] <br />a <br />r t~ <br />fi l' <br />Ii 1i <br />~ ~ <br />~> f; <br />~ 0617. ~ <br /> <br />I An ()l~dinance to construct a sarlltar~' S8':le1' in t~:e 2.113~' "!est of Jeflersol1 f <br />t ~~. fro:il15tl1 A'iief1ue to lSth ~~'.jOfj,'v_O, './2.8 J::ead t~10 <';"'st time and. passed its ~ <br />second. and. thirli reao_in2.'8 by title b,T Unal1ii.l0U_S consent, 1.L1del" slisyension of il: <br />'I:;he rule and \7a8 ylc~Ged on its final :P,?ss~J.'e. l'~le 2.~-8S 2.nd. na.srs I'iere ealled, al.1; <br />pl~8Gent ~oting aye, na:/, none. :_'~le Ol'dinance ':Jas decl2.,;,'ed )assod. ailrl nU..l!Jered g <br />~ 0013. F <br />, ~ <br /> <br />f All v:~clinan,:;e 3.::!provinc; and aclO)t..L112:' ':;lle :~'IL'.llS L~nd S:93ci:L'lca'cions 0:;: the ~ <br />i ~llsinee~ for tl1:a ?cnstrL~tion, of.. a 83.J.1i tar~, Ge\'j,?r ..ill ~l:-e r:-l~~,y Je s~ 0:L' Jel'f~rs04 <br />f ~treet :.crOlll 15th ..wel1l..e,.GC? 19':;11 .hvenue, ';'Ie:,,;:, :'8<_:';'':;1:8 'GL.18 UllQ })8.sse'l 1J,:;S ~ <br />; secolld and thirli I'e:....::Un,:3 iJ,;,r title by '~_nal1~i,lOl.1..8 cC.Lsent lLdel' 8"\....s:Jonsion of the f: <br />~ r-L..le a.Gd '::3.S placeil OL --:'-___ 'Pinal 1)a8s::1::'e. T:le a:>e8 and naj's1Gre ;alled, 211 ~ <br />{ present votinG ajTe, nay, none. J:lle Urdin2..Jlce -:/2..S cleclc-,l"'ed :;?3.sseo.. 2"no_ nU.llbered ; <br />I r 'le .~ <br />ou ;;. 'il <br />.~ <br />All Ordinc.l.113e acceptinG and 1'[,. CLL~t111D t:le :......CCc.D'c2..rlce oJ: t~:.c bid of OscG..i.~ 'i <br />01....0.....J for 'c:1e constrl~c'cion of a sani tar' 8(3';:01' in 'li~le l?~lle" IJe'c';:ocn LalEGllCe c.nd'~ <br />; Lincoln 5ts. fro_; 13th to 14th .-!..venue ~J3.S roc:,o..::;:10 ril'st tLle 2.11eL DC:8sed. ,L'GS ~ <br />~ - J <br />.~ seconct and Gllir,i re:.::.d':'nr;s by title by l;.na.nLJlouS consent sl.Ls:pension of tJ.1e ,"' <br />, rhle and nas :::;l:wed on its final passace. 1.rJ.le ayes i.nd nays \'rore called, all ,. <br />. :p.i.~esent voting a~re, na:/, nonG. T:le UrdinaJ1ce Has (lec12,.1:'e(L I'a,:;sod ~.:,nd nldlloel'ed ~ <br />~ 0020. ~ <br /> <br />f ? s~dewalk imJ.lrOvemeDt Orillnances "ee'G read t;le first ti..le a,ld 23.ssed theiA <br />~ second. G.ncl t:li.r:l readin-:.;s by title !):I'v..n8...1LlOuS consent 'o.nde.r slispon8ion of t1le a <br />t rule and ne re j)laced on the ir l' inal :passa{~e. The 3.,','8S "~:.c1, n~\" S were call ed , ~ <br />~ all :pl"esent voting aye, nay, none .T:le UrEl.Lnances \'fer::.' declL'I.-:::eo. ::lassed and 2. i <br />[n~l;n'Oe..L~ed ::ro:n 6621 to 6627, both nU;;lbers inch:csive. ~ <br /> <br />~ i <br /> <br />t I <br /> <br />.An li.rdinanee correctinc tJ.le 8.sse-:,si10::"t 0:::' JO~l.n 1" l~l,[l.l :Cor tlleIJc.vil1C of <br />Jroad.n3.Y f~o~ Tj'ler to Alffiaden St. rias re&l t:m r:rst tiL1G ~nd nassed its <br />sec end and tl1ird rG8.dillc;S by title iJ.'/ '~U12.nL~10US, 'LLl10_8.i.' 8'L~s::..)ensicn of <br />.rule C:11d ',Jas :p.lG.ced 011 its final;e" '..c'le ~':'-8S ::':.~1cl nays ':Jere called all <br />:::,r3Se.l,t vOtill('; aye, nay, none. '1'11e Urrllna;1ce -,70,8 clec12red. )assed alld nU~ilbered <br /> <br />~ <br />" <br />> <br />t <br />': <br /> <br />~' <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />I <br />