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<br />148 <br /> <br />___.~ ~_ . __.__~__ _ ____ _____~~~_.__.____.___ _ _.~~_ ~ ______ _ _." ____ _ _ _~ 'U _ __ _~~__~___~~______~~~ <br />--------- -..~--- -~.--~-- - ---. .~--- - - <br /> <br />Ii <br />-.' II' <br />, ~ I <br />II <br />'.- Ii <br />'~:I <br />~ <br />or-, <br /> <br />~._~------ - .- --- -.~-- <br />-- -.- -- -- - - --. ---- <br /> <br />.- - <br />. < - --, -_. -- - '- <br /> <br />McCully, Washbu~e, and Rugh. The Resolution was declared passed. <br /> <br />Attent ien was calle,d to the failure of f(Ormer Recorder, Gee. A. Gilmore <br />to attest the passage of Ordinances No. 7229, 7230, 7231, and 7232, and ~ motien <br />was made, seconded, and aarried, tha:tthe present Recorder emter his attest upan <br />sai d 0 rdinanc e s . <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />City At torney Calkins reported wi th reference to 1~e sale of certain <br />property ~() Mr. Harmon, that he had investigated. the tax sitiuation and reeommended <br />that the City Hecorder a warrant in P83ment of the amount assessed on the ' <br />tax rolls for t,he ye ar s 1924 and 1925, afld that the amount on the tax rolls for <br />the years 1926 and 1927 be paid by the pur.chaser. Such recommendation was unallimou - <br />lyadopt,ed. <br /> <br />A let,ter fr0m the Hobi Airway Co. assuring future attention te reports <br />to the City und,er the contract, was read and fiJ&d. <br /> <br />Ci ty Attorney Calkins explained t a the Council the', preseat status of the <br />suit s f iJa:,d agains t the C it.y on account of alleged damage sat the Polk Street <br />Sewer Outlet, and the probable legal position of the City a.nd claimants, and <br />stated to the Council that the pailties invelved in all the four suits entered <br />against the City had agreed to settle for a to~al amount of $1,000.00, and that <br />the Centraotor, Mr. Harmon, had agreed to contribute $200.00'of this amount if the <br />City would pay the other $800.00. A motion'was made and se<:londed that the CGuneil' <br />adopt the basis of settlement suggestedoy t,he City AttorneJr, and that said <br />Attarney be instructed to procure releases from all tre part;ies involved in the;, <br />said suits, ana, that the Reciorder be hereby instructed to draw warrants in favor <br />of' the City Attomey to ,cover the a"lllOunt to be paid by the City in effecting such <br />settlement. Thea.}lSs and nays were oalled, Csuncilmen vo' aye, five , nay, <br />none, absent and not voting, McCully, Washburne" and Rugh. <br /> <br />The following bills as herein set forth at the close of the minutes <br />were recommended. for pagl11ent by the Finan,~e GJommittee, and t;he motion was made <br />and secanded that the same by allowed and warrants drawn inIByment thereof. The' <br />aye,s and na'ys were calle;d, Councilmen voting aye, five, nay, none. Absent and <br />AOt voting, McCully, Washburne, and Rugh. <br /> <br />At this time Mayor Williamson called before the Council Mayor Elect <br />Wilder, and presented him ta the ,Council, extending also hiB best wishes for <br />a suooessful administration, and Mayor WIlder was duly sworn and installed in the <br />Offie e of Mayor. <br /> <br />The follawing Councilmen Elect were duly sworn and installed in their <br />respective Offices as COUlloilmen: E. W. Zumwalt, George Simon, E. Large, Fred <br />E. Lamb, and A. A. Reid. <br /> <br />Mayor Wilder addressed the Council briefly as to his polic ie s ani plans <br />for the ensuing year. <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />The Council nominated and elected R. S. Bryson to the office of City <br />Recorder to 1"i11 the vaesncy for the unexpired term of two .\rears occasioned by the <br />death of Recorder Elect, George A. Gilmore. <br /> <br />The following Re solu tion of respec t was read and unanimously adopt ed <br />by the ~ayor and C ounci 1: <br /> <br />RES 0 L UTI 0 N <br /> <br />VlHEHEA.S, Geo. A. Gilmore, City Recorder of the City of Eugene, <br />died on December 21, 1928, and <br />V~EAS~ Mr., Gilmofe was known to us all as a man of upright <br />moral chara.cter and a citizen of the highest standards, and <br />WHEREAS, as a public of'ficial Mr. Gilmore was a capable, <br />efflicient, a.nd 105al officer of' the City elf EUgene, now, therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of <br />Eugene, that we deplore the loss to the: City in the death of Mr. <br />Gilmore, and our own loss of a personal fr iend and assocI iat e, and <br />that we express to the f'~nily of the d.eparted our deep L'egre.t and <br />sympathy iLl their great bereavement. <br /> <br />A mot,ion was made, seconded, and earried, that the City Council extend <br />to the re tirin~; Mayor, A. L. Williamso.n, a vote of sincere appreQia t ion and thanks <br />for his fai thful and efficient se.rviees on behalf of the CUy of Eugene, and the <br />assurance of the ir good w isba s for his future success. <br /> <br />At this t iaie, Mayor Wilder, anmed the fallowing Council Commi ttees am <br />Commissions :Cor approval: <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />~ <br />