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<br />r196 <br /> <br />WHEHEAS, due notice was gi ven by the Ci ty RecordEH' of the proposed <br /> <br />opening of' saiCL Street, and the time and place 01' the meeting 01' said viewers, <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />'.~c;o <br />~di <br />jl <br />.~ <br />II <br />II <br />Ii <br /> <br />II <br />I) <br />II <br />II <br />I <br />Ii <br />11 <br />I, <br />Ii <br />:1 <br />II <br />II <br />Ij <br />Ii <br />I <br />II <br /> <br />and a de scription of the property to be ap propria ted for such pUl' pose, and the <br /> <br />names 01' the owners thereot', which was held in the City of Eugene, on <br />the 9th day of November, 1928, at 2:00 o'clock p~ M., and <br /> <br />WHEFtEAS:, pursuant to said meeting, and subsequen1i thereto, a report <br /> <br />of the viewers was duly filed on the 22nd. day of November, 1928, and, <br />WHEFtEAS, the sai d report ot' the said v iewers was duly adopted by the . <br />Common Council by Ordinance No. 7oGO, passed on the lOth da~r Of December 28, <br />and appro ved boY' the Mayor on said d.ay, and, <br />WHER.EAS, an appeal was taken by Alfred Olson from the re port and find- <br />ings of said viewers as adopted by said ordinance No. 7200, and <br />WHEREAS, an adjustmen t has been e1'fec ted by the City of Eugene, and <br />the said Alfred, Olson, and said appeal dismissed, and it appearing that there is <br /> <br />no r'ur- the r ob je c ti on 0 r ap peal from the find. ings of' sa id vie we rs, an d tha t the <br /> <br />time for filing any appeal herein is now passed,and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the City of Eugene has d.elivered its general warrant to said <br /> <br />Alfred Olson for damages in the taking of his property for said Street in the <br /> <br />sum of $1500.00, and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, in the settlement with said Alfred Olson, the matter of <br /> <br />benel'its, as found by the viewers in the sum Of $250.00 to the prope.rty of said <br /> <br />Alfred Olson was waived by the City, and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, by the report of said viewers it appears that the property <br /> <br />or John F. Allen and H. A. Soults taken in the opening of said. Street has bee.n <br /> <br />estimated at $250.,00 damages, and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the property of the said John F. Allen and H. A. Soul~ <br /> <br />bere fit ted by the opening of sai d S tree t has been fixed by said viewers in the <br /> <br />sum of $G50.00, NOW, THEREFORE, <br /> <br />BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of. Eugene, that <br /> <br />it is deemed nece ssar y an d advisable tolay out, open an des tablish said 18 th <br /> <br />Avenue from Willamette Street to Oak Street, in the; City of Eugene, Oregon, and <br /> <br />that all warrants to be drawn on the part of the City of' Eugene have been drawn, <br /> <br />r and delivered in the payment of' the amount in excess of damages, in favor of <br />'I <br />li <br />i the owner, illld:, delivered to the said party, and that the following property is <br /> <br />now declared anll deemed appropriated for the purpose of such Street, to-wit: <br /> <br />Beginning at a. po int on the East line or Willame t teS tree t, 9 a:nd one half <br />1'eet North of the Northwest corner of Lot 7, Block 4, Teshners Addition, <br />running thence North no degrees and forty (40) minutes East 180 feet, <br />thence North 56t f'eet to the North line of 18th Avenue if' produced West, <br />thence Wes'l; 180 feet,. thence, South 56t feet to the place of beginning, all <br />in Eugene, 'Lane C oun ty, Oregon. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Owned by Alfred Olson. <br /> <br />~,: <br />