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<br />~ 60 <br /> <br />tight Bonds upon their presentation to the fiscal agency of the State of Oregon <br /> <br />C!:l/ <br />S', <br /> <br />in the City of New York, <br /> <br />HOW, 'l\HEHEFORE, BE IT HESOLVED,,'by the Eu.gene Water Board, in regular <br /> <br />session then being, that the Common Council of the Ci ty of Eugene .be ?ond is hereb'\ <br />requested to call ~400,000.OO of Interim Powel~ and Light Donds, as of June 1, <br /> <br />1931, to-wi t: <br /> <br />Bonds .'-\0. 1 to 200, inclusive, at <n>500.00 par value each and <br />.Jonds No. 201 to 500, inclusive, at ~l,OOO.OO paY' value each and that the <br /> <br />Notice of Call state that'inte,i:est shall cease on and after June 1, 1931. <br /> <br />Da t e d at - Eug en e, 0 I' e g on , <br /> <br />April 13, 1931. <br /> <br />n <br /> <br />A motion was nade, seconded and ca.t'ried that the 'I1reasurer be instructed to <br />issue a call for said bonds in acco.t'dance with the foregoing resoltuion. <br /> <br />The Viewers Report in the matter of the proposed ~peiling of Mill Street <br />from the South line of Lo t 5, Block 10, Original Plat of lG-ugen eta the Nor th line <br />of Fifth Avenue if produced East in Eugene, Oregon, was read and filed. <br /> <br />The Viewers Report in the matter of the proposed opening of Fifth Avenue <br />East from: the East line of Lot 8, Block 10, Original Plat of Eugene ,toth~ center <br />line of Mill ~)treet if produced ,South in Eugene, Oregon, was read alld filed. <br /> <br />An Orclinance to constr'll,ct a cement sidewalk Oil 'the East side of Vlashingto <br />Street between 'fiT/enty first Ave. and 1\venty second Ave. was .r:ead the first time, <br />and ,passed its second and third reading by ti tle by unanimous consen t undel'" sus- <br />pension of the rule, and was placed on its final passage. The ayes and nays were <br />called, all Ccmncilmen voting aye, nay, none. The Ordinance was declared passed <br />and numb ere d 8040. <br /> <br />A proposal of Fos ter and Kleiser tor en t bill board space on Lot 27 lVIa thew <br />Park was refEJI'red to the Fire arid Wa tel' Commi ttee. <br /> <br />COllilci lman Edwards recommended the purchase of globes to replace the broke <br />light bulbs in the park, and also the purchase of cages to protect these light <br />bu,ilbs, and that the wiring in the park should be checked and also that labor <br />should be pr ov'i de d for cleal'" ing up the deori s occasi oned b~T the recen t wind storm. <br />On mo ti on all of the se expendi tures were au thoI' ized by the Oounci 1. The ayes <br />and nays were called, all present voting aye, nay, none. <br /> <br />Councilman Large 'called attention to the Council of a protest regarding <br />the quantity of powder kept by the Gabriel Powder Co. at Sixth and Charnel ton <br />Streets, and 'this matter i:v-as referred to the Fire Chief, Mr. 'U. E. HusbaUf9-, for <br />in ves ti ga t ion. <br /> <br />Councilman Hendershott 'moved that the Council demand that the Fil'e Chief <br />make an inspection of basements in the business district and report back at the <br />next meeting of the Council. <br /> <br />, On motinn of Oouncilman Hendershott, duly seconded and carried, it was <br />ordered that the permit be granted to the :&'ugene Neon Sigh Company to erect a <br />sien over the Blan'ey Billiard and Pool Room, the same to be done llilder protest. <br /> <br />An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 7834 by adding thereto Section two <br />providing for a board of appeals was read the first time, and passed its second <br />and third readings by ti tle under suspension of the .rule and was pls,ced on its <br />final passage. The ayes and nays were called, all Councilmen voting aye, nay, <br />none. The Ordinance was declared passed and numbered 8041. <br /> <br />r:I.1he .l\la,y 01'" appoint ed on said Board of Appeal s the following: H. A. LooneJr, <br />Fred Beard, and Wm. C. Clubb. On moti on the appoin tmen t s were c onf irme d by the <br />Council. <br /> <br />The Recorder suggested that before the time arrived for cutting grass <br />throughout the City steps should be taken to provide for organized labor avail- <br />able for this purpose tlll'ough some directing agency that would enable citizens <br />to obtain the proper help at the right time for tal\:ing care of the grass cutting, <br />and it was suggested that this matter be referred to Mr. Armitage of the U. S. <br />Employment Agency. <br /> <br />On motion, the Council adjourned. <br /> <br />~, <br /> <br />R. S. Bryson, City Recorder. <br /> <br />-- ~.. - -.- - <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />'./ <br />