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<br />~ <br />513 <br />. <br /> <br />- . - - <br />-- . - . - .._.~- - ._0.._., ___ . ____. .._ _.... ~_ __~.__ u_.__ ___ __ <br />----- -- - ._- --- -- - - ~ --- --- <br />_-....0 _ _ __ ___ __ ..__ _ ~ __ . ~.__ ~_.___ _ ~ ._. _ __ ____ _ _ _ ____.._ ____ ___ _ _ ~__ <br /> <br /> <br />Interest on loan of $55.700.00 to <br />General Fund from April 1908 to April, 1909.................$ 305.29 _ <br />'rotel ~n 068 06 ~~ <br />1 ... ..........................."......>.............- ~iPt:; , v .. ~. <br />I ,'~~,! <br /> <br />II Leaving a net debit against the Entire system ~ <br />on account of interest actually paid on Bonds of <br /> <br />the sum of .................................................. .......... $29 ,951.17 <br /> <br /> <br />The next payment of interest is on the <br />$300,000.00 issue and is payable on July 1st., <br />1911 in New York City..... .......... ............ ........... $7,500.00 <br />with exchange and banking charges for paying <br /> <br />the s am e, and ..................................... ...... ~.. . . .. . 1 , 500 .. 00 <br />with exchange on August 1st on the $60,000..00 <br />issue. <br /> <br />NOW be it RESOLVED that the foregoing statement of the financial condition, <br />charges against said plant and incidentals connected therewith be furnished to <br />the Eugene ~ater Board for their information as being the most accurate infor- <br />tJ I mation obtainable at this time and being for practical purposes a correct state- <br />ment as near as can at this time be determined by the Council. <br /> <br />I Approved by the Mayor this Passed the Common Council this <br /> <br />day of April, 1911 24th day of Anril 1911. <br /> <br />I R. S. BRYSON <br />I Mayor. -- Recorder <br /> <br /> <br />STATE OF OREGON ) <br />I COUNTY OF LANE ) ss <br />I CITY OF EUGENE ) <br /> <br />I, R. S. Bryson, City Recorder hereby certify that I have carefully compared <br /> <br />-'I the foregoing copy of Resolution wi th the original thereof and that said copy is <br /> <br />- a full true and complete transcript of said original and the whole thereof as <br /> <br />same appears in my official care and custody this April 25, 1911. <br /> <br />R. u. Bryson, Recorder <br />I <br />(SELL OF CITY OF EUGENE) <br /> <br /> <br />At the conclusion of this report, Mr. S. R. Stevenson addressed the council <br />stating that he had always felt that the ~ater Board represented the same group <br />of people as the council. During Mr. McClaim's regime as Superintendent of the <br />Eugene ~ater Board, he stated that a public budget group had been appointed to <br />meet with the Eugene ~'ater Board to work out the bUdget and he remembered that <br />discounts that the city had been receiving were granted in lieu of a franchise or <br />tax and not held as a loan. <br />I <br />ti~ In rebuttal Mr. M. Wilhelm stated that Home Owners had stopped building homes <br />I in Eugene due to high taxes and practically all the new buildings were being con- <br />structed outside of the city limits with the same light and water privileges as <br />the-local inhabitants. He further stated that the tax payers of the city of <br />I Eugene furnished the credit of the Eugene ~ater Board, and that the use of streets, <br />alleys, running of poles, running of mains was being furnished free of charge and <br />felt that there should be some remuneration for this service. <br />I <br />, Mr. Victor Todd, Superintendent of the lXPA, remarked that 400 people were em- <br />I' plo~ed by the ~PA and that the majority of them are not home owners but are con- <br />I sumers. He believed that too much stress was being placed on the position of the <br />tax 'Reyer. <br /> <br />I Councilman 6arlson objected to Mr. Todd's statement, explaining that the Water <br />. Board would not be enjoying free services were they a privately-owned concern; <br />-:.1 hence the importance of the taxpayers' position. It was Mr. Carlson's understand- <br />ins that a statement had been made by the Board that the crty was paying 2i for the"r <br />. - service while other corporations were pa~ring 3/4i. Mr. Brolrm stated that the 2i <br />. rating included not only the electricity and water furnished but also maintenance <br />of the system as well. <br /> <br />Mr. M. Svarverud, one of the original members of the Eugene ~ater Board, <br />stated that the city of ~ugene o~ned that utility and that the Board were only <br />managers. He believed that the Board and Council should hsve no differences and <br />to work the problem out peacefully. Motion was made and seconded that this dis- <br />cussion be closed until the next meeting and it was so ordered. <br /> <br />tJ The Judiciary COIDmittee, represented by Councilman Harris, rep~ted negatively <br />_....,-- '~ <br />