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<br />r;:t4 <br /> . <br />...-.- . - ' -'----. -, ---- - ---- <br /> -- --- -- <br /> ../ ,/ ,/ <br /> on the Ethel Etter, Percy Patterson and Terminal Taxi Company requests. Upon <br />~ .,C;-l motion made and seconded the reports of the Judiciary rCommittee was acted upon <br />;~l and ordered as accepted. I <br /> Charles Powers addressed the council asking for special signs be placed in <br />,,,"'1 v <br /> front of his place of business at 6th and \'illamette btreets which would mark <br /> off a certain section of that street for the use of stage lines. This was referre <br /> to the Police and Street Committees. Councilman Bond remarked that the City of <br /> Eugene should cease making depots out of the streets. <br /> The Finance Committee presented the bill of M. ,., Kelso for 10 tons of hay <br /> \.T. <br /> amounting to $101.73 and the list of salaries to members of the Playground Depart- <br /> ment in the amount of $661.40 and asked that both be paid. The ayes and nays were <br /> called. Councilmen voting aye, six; nay, none; absent Simon and Lamb. <br /> I Councilman Hendershott reported the possibility of trading city property for <br /> that property owned by Mrs. Misfeldt behind the Butte stating that she had de- <br /> termined the property located at lOth and ~ashington 3treets as acceptable if in <br /> proper repair. Mr. Hendershott stated he had secured an estimate of the repair , <br /> which would total ~438.85 and asked if the exchange should be made. Councilman <br /> I Zumwalt asked that the transactions be detained until such a time when he could <br /> inspect the premises. Councilman Reid suggested the deal be completed now. Coun- <br /> cilman Bond felt that money for that purpose should not be taken out of the fund <br /> at the present time. Councilman 'Reid moved for completion of the transaction and <br /> there being no second appearing, Councilman Hendershott's request was held for <br /> further consideration. Mr. Hendershott asked that this entire matter be dropped <br /> II and it was so ordered. <br /> Councilman Bond representing the Fire and ~ater Committee, stated that the <br /> Ii Giustina Lumber Company's request must be denied due to the fact that the plant is ,/' <br /> II located outside the city limits. This recommendation uron motion made and seconde <br /> ;1 <br /> I was approved. <br /> .1 <br /> :j <br /> I! The Police Committee by Councilman Bond, reporting on the application of the v <br /> Ii Eagle's Lodge for permit for beer license recommended that it be not granted and <br /> ,I upon motion made and seconded the recommendation was approved. I <br /> Deposit of $5.00 made by Obak \':allace in March, 1936, as investigation fee for <br /> beer license was ordered not to be returned by Councilman Bond, acting Chairman v <br /> of the Police Cow~ittee, and upon motion made ~nd seconded this report was adopted. <br />I . <br />I Request for the installation of a street light at 22nd and Hilyard ctreets ,.,..... <br /> ~ I was placed with Councilman Bond ~ho is to make a recommendation at the next meeting. <br />" <br />:, <br /> II <br />'I Communication dated August 11, 1936, was presented from C. H. Gram, Commissio - <br />I, <br />Ii er of Bureau of Labor, Gtate of Oregon, re~uesting the attendance of Mr. ,~ '" Lar- <br />II .. . J. . ,/ <br />II wood of the Eugene tater Board to the Northwestern bection of the International <br /> ,I Association of Electrical Inspectors' convention in Olympia, ~ashington on Septem- <br /> , <br /> , ber 14, 15, 16. Upon motion made and seconded the city council determined that <br />I Mr. Larwood should attend the city would pay its proDortionate share of his ex- <br />I penses. <br />I <br />Ii Letter of congratulations to the council on their decision to tighten up on <br />,I the gambling problem of the city was presented from th~ Pastor of Bethany Evan- <br />I gelical Church and ordered filed. <br />I . <br />I <br />I An offer of $500.00 cash for property located in Lot 17, Block 5, Blair Street ./ <br />I Addition, was received from Irvin D. Custer and the proposal was placed before the <br />I <br />I Finance Commjttee to report at the ne'xt meeting. <br />I <br />I <br />I The Board of Appeal's reGommendation that the request of A. H. Jackson for <br />II <br /> I a permit to erect a chicken house, ten feet by ten feet at 661 First Avenue West, "........ <br /> I said chicken house to be approximately seventy-five feet from any dwelling be <br /> I granted was sustained by the council. <br />II <br /> Recommendation by the Board of Appeals for denial of Chas. N. Allents request V- <br />ii to erect a "Ford Log Cabinlf building on the foundation formerly occupied by a <br /> I Texas Service ~tation at,15th and ~illamette ~treets was sustained by the council. <br /> Mr. George E. York's request to erect a garage at 1991 Onyx Streot less than L-/'" <br /> I 15 feet from the street property line was denied by the Board of Appeals the re- ,J <br /> I commendation was sustained by the council. <br /> I <br />II Communication from Dr. A. N. Johnson stating that he would be present at the <br />II meeting of August 24 was presented. Communication from Zugene City Board of Healt t.,../ <br />I' by Dr. Leslie S. Kent recommending that this new county board of health set-up be <br />II <br />I' entered into by the city of ~ugene, was presented. Dr. Johnson explained that the <br />!I law provides as representatives to such a unification, the County Court; the Count' <br />I, School Superintendent, the County Medical Society, the County Dental uociety, the <br />II <br />I: ~v1ayor of the city and two lay persons wi th the Heal th t;;1ff i cer acting as "oecretary. <br />I. <br /> The Mayor is to act as he sees fit in the matter. <br /> . <br />~........L.~ <br />