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<br />620 <br /> . <br />-- -- - - ----- - -- - --. - ~ .'-~ - ~- ~~. - -- --- - -- -- - --- <br />- -- -- -"-- -- - --- _. .- - - - <br /> RES 0 L UTI Q N <br />~ WHEREAS, The City of Eugene has acquired Lots 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11" I <br />,(~ <br />"0 Foster's Addition to Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, and <br /> WHEREAS, The City of Eugene has caused the same to be appraised <br /> and determined its value, and <br /> WHEREAS, O. F. STafford has offered the City $318.77 for said <br /> property, which, according to the appraisement, is all that the <br /> I property is worth, <br /> I <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, <br /> BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL of the City of Eugene that . <br /> '= <br /> the Ma-yor and Recorder be and they are hereby directed to enter. <br /> into the annexed contract on behalf of the City of ~ugene, and to <br /> I <br />Ii deposit the payments made thereunder with the uity Treasurer of <br /> said City, and upon completion of said contract to execute and <br /> deliver to said U. F. Stafford a good ~nd sufficient deed to said <br /> premises. <br /> I Application to conduct a second-hand store at 7~2 Willamette Street by <br />32 , E. M. Rosenberg, was held for consideration for another two weeks. <br />/ j <br /> I The report that the elm trees on Charnel ton at IJth needed spraying was I <br />~3 j referred to the Park Committee and Park Board. <br /> I <br /> I . The council authorized refund of electrical permit No. 12103, owner <br /> t Elizabeth Richards, 1041 Madison titreet to Sigwart Electric t,;ompany in the amount of <br /> I $2.70. The voting was as follows: aye, Lamb, Hendershott, Reid, Page, Hanns, Far- <br />~4 I rington, Bond and Carlson; nay, none; absent, none. <br /> I Two applications to rebond delinquent assessments were presented and duly <br />351 approved: <br /> I No. Name Amount <br /> 513 Eva O. Smi th 299.8" <br /> 514 G. E. Hegberg 84.97 <br /> I An ordinance providing for the regulation of camp cars, trailer houses <br /> 1 and trailer homes, in the city of Eugene and declaring an e~ergency, had its first <br /> i reading and passed to its second and third readings by unanimous consent of the . <br /> I council oy title under suspension of the rule and was placed for final passage. The <br /> I ayes and nays were called, councilmen voting aye, Lamb, Hendershott, Reid, Page, <br /> Hanns, Farrington, ~ond and t,;arlson; nay, none; absent, non'3. The ordinance was de- <br />36 clared passed and numbered 8518. <br />I <br /> Special permission was granted by memoers of the council to Russell <br /> Brothers Circus to conduct a circus in the city of Eugene on tiunday, August 1, 1937. <br /> The Company is traveling in 75 trucks.~nd trailers and as t.3e licensing under the <br /> present ordinance does not cover trucks out confines itself strictly to railroad <br />137 cars, the city at~orney was instructed to amend the existin~5 ordinance pertaining <br /> I to that section. <br /> I .At this time S. M. Calkins, city attorney, pointed out that the Private <br /> I Flyers Association were desirous of holding air shows in connection with the pageant. <br /> 'I He stated as long as there would be an entrance fee that the city would Oe liable I <br /> I for damages if anyone were injured. ~he matter was left in tne hands of the council <br />38 to determine what steps they wished to taKe.. . <br />/ I <br /> il Mr. Ransom Miller appeared before the council and asked for special per- <br /> mission to erect an addition to the store ouildlng at the southeast corner of 15th <br /> I and Ferry titreets. This request was denied by the council on June 14th out at this <br /> I time Mr. Miller was asked to get in tOUCh with Mr. Mosher, 13uilaing ~nspector, to <br />39 I see if tney could work out a sui taole plan. ' <br />I I Mayor Large presented tne name of H. L. Edmunds as tne successor to Paul <br /> \ D. Green, recently resigned member of tne Civil ~ervlce Uo~nlsslon. This appolntmen . <br />40 \ was unanimously approved by members of the council. . <br />, \ <br /> Ii <br />~!I, .4..... <br />