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<br /> ~ <br /> l(J~:;- <br /> .- <br />- <br /> Application from the Disabled American Veterans of Eugene to operate a <br /> carnival in the city during the year 1939 for the purpose of raising funds to bring <br /> the State Convention of Disabled American Veterans to Eugene that year, was ordered' 'i:.-.. <br />I 25 tabled upon motion made and duly seconded. r'l,'l..'~\ <br /> '~.,,"""'~ <br /> / t'.l~" <br /> " ""l <br /> Report of the City Engineer and Poliee Department for the month or <br /> 26 June, 1~38, was presented and order~d filed. <br /> ,.. <br /> An ordinance making it unlawful to posaess~ to sell or give away matter <br /> which is non-mailable under the Federal Code, had its third reading and was placed <br /> for final passage. Councilmen voting aye: Lamb, Hendershott, Reid, Page, Hanns, <br /> Farrington and Bond; nay. none; absent, Carlson. The ordinance was declared passe <br />I 2~ and numbered 8544. <br /> An ordinance to prohibit the sale and use of fire crackers, sky rockets, <br /> torpedos, bombs, cap pistols and other similar explosives, or the sale or use of <br /> confetti, and providing a penalty for the violation thereof, had its third reading <br /> and was placed for final passage. Prior to calling roll, communication from Donald <br /> Erb, Bresident of the University of Oregon, wherein he strongly endorsed the passag <br /> of such an ordinance, was presented. There was considerable sentiment to prohibit <br /> fireworks entirely. Now placed for final passage, councilmen voted as follows~ <br /> Aye, Lamb, Hendershott, Page, Hanns and Bond; nay, Reid, Farrington; absent, . <br /> 28 'J:!he ordinance was declared passed and numbered 8545. <br /> An ordinance providing for the appointment of special officers and pro- <br /> hibiting disoiderly conduct, the defacing or injuring of property, the possession <br /> of firearms and the killing or injuring of wild life in any areas belonging to the <br /> city of Eugene and lying outside of its municipal boundaries, had its second and <br /> third readings and was placed for final passage. The ayes and nays were cal.led, <br /> councilmen voting aye~ Lamb, Hendershott, Reid, Page, Hanns, Farrington and Bond; <br /> 29 nay, none; absent, Carlson. The ordinance was declared passed and numbered 8,546. <br /> An ordinance fixing a license tax upon every dealer who shall sell tobac 0 <br /> in any form in the City of Eugene, had its third reading and was placed for final <br /> passage. The ayes and nays were called, councilmen voting aye: taamb t Hendershott" <br /> Reid, Page, Hanns, Farrington, and Bond; nay, none; absent, Carlson. 'l?he ordinance <br /> 30 was declared passed and numbered 8547. <br />I <br /> An ordinance granting to the Western Union Telegraph Company, its suc- <br /> cessors and assigns, a franchise to place, erect, lay" maintain and operate in, <br /> upon and under. the streets, alleys, avenues and public highways of the City of <br /> Eugene, poles, wires, and other appliances for the transmission of telegraph messag s, <br /> had its second reading and held for third and final reading at the next meeting of <br /> 31 the council. <br /> City Attorney Calkins was granted an additional two weeks to consider th <br /> ;32 renewal of easement requested by the Vermont Savings and Loan Company. <br /> City Recorde~ B~yan was instructed to insert in the contract drafted bet <br /> ween the City of Eugene and the Eugene Realty Board, the following, Ita minimum com- <br /> mission in any event of $25.00lt. The contract is to take effect the 11th of July, <br /> ) 33 the date of its passage by the council. <br /> Upon motion made and duly seconded, the City Recorder was instructed td <br /> prepare with the regular July bills a warrant payable to the order of the Eugene <br /> Water Board in the amount of $12.36 in payment .of labor in replacing worn places in <br /> r 34 the floor of the Water Board Department. <br /> An ordinance initiating the vacation of the following described premises <br /> to-wit: All of 24th Avenue West West of the 1Nest line of Lincoln Street and. <br /> East of the East line of Law,rence Street and all df the alley running North and. <br />I South through Blocks 27 and 33 of College Hill Park Addition to Eugene, Lane County <br /> Oregon," and calling a hearing and directing that notice be given, had its first <br /> reading and passed to its second and third readings by unanimous consent of the <br /> council by title under suspension of the rule, and was placed for final passage. <br /> The ayes and nays were called, councilmen voting aye: Lamb, Hendershott, Reid,Page <br /> Hanns, Farrington, and Bond; nay, none; absent, Carlson. The ordinance was declare <br /> 35 passed and numbered 8548-. <br /> I <br />, Mr. Frank L. Chambers personally addressed the council making plea for <br />I additional time to demolish the Yates Hotel.. He was informed that earlier in the' <br /> meeting the subject had been discussed and duly ~eferred to the Health Committee fo <br /> /36 consideration. <br /> Jack Luckey, presiden~'9f the Chamber of Commerce, addressed the council <br /> presenting the possibility of a joint city-county-state law enforcement headquarter <br /> and jail facilities. It was referred to the Police Committee to report at the next <br /> 3rz meeting. .. <br /> j Resolution authorizing the execution of a contract between the .Cit~ of <br /> . , <br /> .., ' .' ' <br /> ...4 <br />