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<br />""'290 <br /> <br />General Fund (cont) <br />Gilmore Oil Company <br />A. E. Hulegaard, Treasurer <br />Pacific Tel & Tel Co. <br />~1 J. M. Scroggie <br />t~ R.,A. Babb Hdwr. Co. <br />~ Cr~ssey's <br /> <br />227.03 <br />19.49 <br />20.53 <br />11.00 <br />9.08 <br />8.35 <br /> <br />Clark, Battery & Electric Co. <br />Eugene Laundry & Cleaners <br />Koke-Chapman Company <br />Lightnings <br />Sigloh-Sawyer <br /> <br />20.1 <br />9.5 <br />15.0 <br />6.5 <br />722.3 <br /> <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />Chairman Cox of the Health Committee pointed out that the City had, in <br />accordance with Ordinance 8265, Section 3, agreed to pass an. ordinance designating a <br />city dumpi~g ground as the sole dumping ground<for all garbage collected in the City <br />of:Eugene and that in accordance with Ordinanc~ No. 8265, they were presenting an <br />ordinance for passage at this meeting designating a city dump ground. The City <br />Attorney gave a complete outline of the garbage dumping grounds in the City of <br />Eugene after which the ordinance was presented for its first reading and passed to <br />its second and third readings by title under suspension of the rules and placed for <br />its final passage. Councilmen voting aye: Re~d, Hanns, Bond, Farrington, Carl$on, <br />Koppe, Barette and Cox; nay: none; absent: none. The Ordinance was declared passed <br />28-and numbered 8633. <br /> <br />'-I <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />Councilman Barette, Chairman of the Park Committee, reported that 1300 feet <br />of new walks had been constructed in Hendrick's Park, 1900 feet of pipe for a water <br />sprinkling system and 575 new plants had been set out in Skinner Butte Park. All <br />this work, with the exception bf 200 plants set out bY the Garden Club, had been don <br />by.the NYA.X Councilman Barette furthe~ report~d that a request had been receiv~d . <br />fr9m C. B. Ingram asking the city fqr ~wo bear~ and tt was the recommendation of the <br />committee that Mr. Ingram receive two bears.' r:rhe recommend~tion was unanimously. <br />approved and the City Recorder was instructed ~o notify Mr. ~ngram that the City <br />of Eugene had granted his request and he should come and get the bears. Mr. Barette <br />further suggested that the city should dispose of two elk and Mayor Large left this <br />29....matter in the hands of the Park Committee." <br /> <br />With reference to the request for a sewe~ extension along the north side of <br />Longview Street denied at the last council meeting, Councilman Reid, Chairman of the <br />Sewer Crunmittee stated it was the Sewer Committee's recommendation that the city <br />I stand half the cost with Mr. Dewitt Dormer in the construction of a sewer across <br />Itwo city lots abutting Mr. Dormer's lot; the cost to be approximately $80.00. The <br />Ire<?ommendat~on was placed uppn roll call, counqilmen voting aye: Reid, Hanns, Koppe, <br />LBarette and H. J. Cox; nay: Bond, Carlson, and Farrington. The recommendation was <br />3~eclared approved. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Police Committee Chairman Bond reported that Ed Kuni appointed last year as <br />pog catcher was willing to serve the city agai~ this year on th~ same condition and <br />jte~ms agreed upon the former year and recommenqed his appointment, effective Ma~ch.18, <br />Jfor an indefinite period of time. Upon mo~ion^made and seconded ~he recon@endatiqn <br />31 was unanimously approved. <br /> <br />Terms and fees of dog catcher: <br /> <br />1~. Kuni's salary: <br /> <br />$4.00 per day <br /> <br />Fees: For picking up a dog and prior ~o placing in the pound: 50~; <br />A fee of $1.00 for the first day' that is impounded and <br />25~ per day ther~after. <br /> <br />Question concerning the use'of'the city' parking lot for cars by unauthorized <br />~ersons was presented. After considerable disQussion the Ch~ef of Police was <br />jinstructed to issue trarfic tickets to people ~sing the lot contra~y to the ordinance <br />now in effect. Councilman Carlson wanted to k~ow if this arrange~ent prohibited the <br />ICity police officers and members of the fire d~partment from parking their cars in <br />the city lot and it was the consensus opinion qf the council that they should be <br />32riallowed to park in the city lot. _ <br /> <br />Councilman.Reid asked for a'di~cussion:concerning the construction qf ~ s~~e <br />on"Indiana Street from Chula Vista to Central qtreet, in the Chula Vista District <br />rhich is beyond the b~ing ~eryed by t~e city. City Engineer Clubb rep?rted <br />jthat the cost of survey of a Clty sewer would qe $200.00 or more and that the Clty'S <br />financial condition is such that bonds could not be issued for a city sewer.fExxH <br />~~oc<<Ex~fx There are rive or six new houses bei~g built in the Chula Vista neighborhoo <br />land the owners are constructing a four inch sewer to connect.with the city sewer for <br />~ space of approximately two blocks and they a~e requesting that, if and when, ~he_ <br />ICi~y cons~ruc~s a city sewer that credit be ~i~en them for the ~ssessment of the sewe <br />jconstructlon In the amount that they are paYlng out. It was pOlnted out that they <br />would have to be assessed for the city sewer b~t that if and when the city sew~r.i~ <br />Icoristruc ted the counc il feels justified in gran ting credit, they co uld do it at .,tha t <br />33 itime. " ^ <br /> <br />In accordance with a recent suggestion; Councilman R~id asked that the <br />~r6perty located at 12~h, 13th, Tyler and Cham~ers Streets be removed from the market <br />~o~be held intact for future park. purposes. UJ?on motion. made and sec?nded the reques <br />34'-was unanimously approved. Correctlon: see Par. .No. 34, mlnutes of Aprll 8, 1940, Page 300 <br />0:; (I." - <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />"Cownencing at the intersection of the East line of Charnbers <br /> <br />~ <br />