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<br />~ <br />467 <br /> <br />~~---=-=---=---=---~-~~~~~- <br /> <br />r~_' ._"_.-... __ ~~~._._ ~~~__ <br />----~--_.~~-_.-'- --- - ~.~~~~_._~~~-----=. <br />~-~ ------~~~---- ~.:=..~.=--~~---==-~':::..:;-:.--'"~~~---- --:;-=--::':"';-==';--:;:-==-~-===:::::::'.::"":--=-::---=~~_--::::::"--: -=::..-=-==-=-=:;;;-; <br />-~~~---=-~- <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Councilman Farrington reported that there was a piece of property formerly <br />owned by M. S. Barker on the East side of Jefferson Street commencing 40 feet North <br />of the Southern Pacific Right-of-way. This property had been foreclosed on by <br />the City several years ago and the total amount against the property at this <br />time including liens, interest and taxes paid by the City amounted to $319.60. <br />Mr. Barker presented a letter asking that he be allowed to redeem the property for <br />$150 cash and $100 payable one year from date. This left a balance of $69.60 <br />which would still be owing to the City of Eugene. Councilman Farrington reported <br />that the l!'inance Committee did not feel like meeting this offer and asked what the <br />council wished to do in the matter. The City had paid the taxes in 1935 on this <br />property and councilman Bond poin ted out that if' Mr. Barker was allowed to redeem <br />the property at $319.60 he would still be getting the benefit of the taxes that <br />should have been assessed against the property for the last five or six years. <br />Upon motion made. and seconded i~ v~s voted..that Mr. Barker be a+lowed to redeem <br />the property at $319.60 paying $150 cash, $100 in one year and $69.60 at $25.00 <br />2~ per month thereafter, all deferred payments to draw six percent interest. <br /> <br />Councilman Barette reported that Mr. Runte had requested the city to extend <br />a sewer pipe across certain intersections in property that he was developing. <br />-e intends to grade and gravel 27th, 28th and 29th Avenues and Kincaid and Harris <br />IStreets at his own expense, and is asking the City to furnish the pipe for the <br />!drainaga at the intersections. This is in the City Outlook Addition. Councilman <br />Barette pointed out that the cost of this sewer pipe would be $579.05 and as the <br />development was a private enterprise he did not feel the city should furnish this <br />2e sewer pipe. Upon motion made and seconded this request was denied. <br /> <br />Councilman Barette brought up the proposition of securing additional street <br />signs for replacement at various street intersections. The City Recorder had secured <br />~uotations from Erickson & Company for enamel signs E.t a price of 75 cents each, <br />and had secured quotations from the Irwin-Hodson Company for aluminwil sign~ Whipp <br />~s the kind now used by the City, at a cost of 98 cents each. Councilman ~~ <br />Fdl~illot~l said he had talked with the different members of the Street Committee <br />~bout the merits of each sign and stated that he did not care to make a recomrnenda- <br />I~ion because he thought it should be left up to the Council. The list as prepared <br />~y the Street Committee showed the need of about 368 signs. There was some discussio <br />~mong the members of the council as to the merits of each sign and it was pointed <br />put that acc?rding,to the Irwin-Hods?n letter i~ was rather doubtful,whether or <br />not the aluilllnum slgns could be furnlshed. Ivlotlon was made by Councllman Barette <br />, ~econded by Councilman Bond, that the enamel signs be ordered from Erickson & <br />27 00mpany at a price of 75 cents each and this was carried. <br /> <br />~ Councilman Barette, Chairman of the Street COllllllittee, reported that the <br />work had already been started to install the traffic-light signals at 13th and <br />28\Willamette Streets. <br /> <br />1 Councilman Stewart, Chairman of the Fire and Water Comnittee, brought up <br />"he question of purchasing new hose for the new fire truck and reported that <br />~he fire chief had stated he was in need of 1000to 1200 feet to supply this new <br />truck. Councilman Stewart stated there was not sufficient funds to purchase this <br />'I <br />1000 to 1200 feet without going into the Emergency Fund and it was the committee's <br />t,ecomruendation that bids s~ould be called for on 800 feet of 2~ inch fire hose. <br />~nasmuch as th ere is only $350 in the budget for fire h9se, he thought the difference <br />~etween the $350 in the budget and the cost of hose,800 feet, could be taken out <br />q,f the Equipment, Repairs and Renewals account in the Fire Department BUdget. <br />~ouncilman Bond thought that this was a considerable sum to take out of the Equip- <br />,ent, Repairs and renewals account this early in the year. After some'discussion <br />~ong the different menlbers of the council, the Recorder was authorized to advertise <br />~ call for bids for the purChase of 800 feet of 2-1/2 inch fire hose, said bids to be <br />qpened at the next council meeting, and at that time they would decide just how many <br />~eet to order and what fund to take the nloney out of. The Recorder was also instruct d <br />2~ ~o get prices from the League of Oregon Cities for this 800 feet of 2~ inch hose. <br /> <br />~ <br />~ <br />:~ <br /> <br />,~ ~~ <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />,I <br /> <br />Councilman Stewart inquired of City attorn~y Calkins if the city had an <br />ordinance covering the installation and use of oil burners. City Engineer Clubb <br />pointed out this was cover~d in the building code and where equipment was stamped <br />as accepted by the underwriters, it was allowed to be installed by the building <br />~epartment. Councilman Stewart said that the State Fire Inspector had inquired <br />~bout this and said some of the installations would not pass state requirements. <br />bounc ilman Stewart said the State Inspector had agreed to furnish him with a copy <br />bf the ordinance used by other cities but, so far, he had not received it. It <br />[' as agreed that as soon as Councilman Stewart could secure the ordinance he was to <br />fake the matter up with the City Attorney to see about writing a new ordinance <br />3d ['or the City of Eugene and it was so ordered. <br /> <br />I Councilman Stewart also brought up the question of fire hazard at the differe t <br />II ills adjacent to the West side of Eugene. He stated this had been taken up with the <br />'~ire Marshall and he thought the condition would be remedied as different property <br />31 bwners had stated there would be no more burning of refuse at the mills. <br /> <br />Mayor Large brought up the question of Fire 1 <br />ca Is to be made to industrial <br /> <br />~ <br />