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<br />530 <br /> " <br /> n --- -, - ... <br /> - - -. - . ..-- -- --.- -.... ,-- - _.-. - - - -- ~ ~--_._----"- - - - -,.- --- --~---"~ -- <br /> - - - <br /> A paragraph from a bulletin from the League of Oregon Cities regarding the <br /> pedestrian lanes where there is a jog in the streets was read. A decision by the <br />c.., court was held that a party walking straight across the street whereno'marks <br />~~~ had been provided fo~ the pedestrian lane could not recover'damages. The Engineer I <br />If/Ifiy.-,{,. was instnra:cted to paint pedes train lanes straight across the street where there <br />'-'" <br />43 were jogs in the street. ' <br /> A resignation of Gladys L. Dohnert, Police Matron, was read. Councilman <br /> Bond stated that he hated very much to see Mrs. Dohnert leave the City employee <br /> as her work was very much appreciated. A motion was made by Bond and seconded <br /> by Brownson that the resignation be. accepted and the council extend to her their <br />44 appreciation of the fine work she had done as police matron. I <br /> Mayor Large stated that he had a letter from Robert Johnston, an employee <br /> o~ the Fire Department, 'lvho was on, a year's leave of absence on'account of being <br /> called to the Army. Mr. Johnston was aking for a further year's leave of absence <br />45 Motion was made by Stewart and seconded by Farrington that this request be-granted <br /> Mayor Large stated that he had tal~ed with Mr. McArthur regarding furnishin <br /> electric lights for the new airport and he would like the council to request the <br /> Water Board to furnish this service. . A motion was made by Bond and seconded by <br /> Hawn that the Eugene Water Board be requested to' furnish electticity.and installa- <br />46 tion for the Municipal Airport, was carried. <br /> Mayor Large stated there were numerous complaints the noise at <br /> the W. O. W. hall,. Chief Bergman said that he had made arrangements for a meeting <br />47 Tuesday morning regarding this situation. <br /> Attorney Calkins was instructed to bring in an ordinance ~egarding drinking <br />48 hard liquor on the streets, alleys and in public place~. <br /> Councilman Farrington reported regarding the r~cent Glenwood Fire and <br /> stated that numerous" endeavors had been made to get these outlying distircts to <br /> come under City fire p~otection but there had been no replies from any of the <br /> Glenwood district. Upon motion made and seconded the following resolution was <br /> carried. "The City Council resolves that knowing as it does the facts, it wiShes <br /> to go on record as giving unqualified endorsement of the action of,the Mayor and I <br />49 Members of the Fire Committee in the recent Glenwood fire .." <br /> L. R. Stockman previous to the meeting had filed with the City Recorder a <br /> complete set of plans and specifications for the sewage disposal plant as pro- <br /> vided for in the contract with him. Mr. Stockman made a short explanation regard- <br /> ing this to the council and stated that everything was ready for the letting of ~, <br /> the contract and work. He said the pla~s and specifications h~d been drawn with <br /> a view of taking care of the City with its increased population up to 1960. He <br /> said provision had been made for a domestic population of 32,500 and an increase <br /> in the items in the university to 9,000 and provided also for an enlargement of <br /> the canning plant. He explained that the heavy load from the cannery together <br /> with some added equipment had increased the original estimated cost. The estimate <br /> cost at this time was $156,458.56. He was asked how long it would take to constru t <br /> the plant and he said from six to eight months. He stated that the P. VV. A. was b ck <br /> in the picture again and were willing to stand a part of the expense of this kind <br /> where it was the recommendation of the'Army that it was needed. It was his under- <br /> standing that the P. W. A. would furnish about 45% of the cost and City about 55%'~ <br /> Arrangments were made 'for the Mayor and City Engineer Clubb and ~r. Farrington <br /> to meet Mr. Stockman at 9:30 Tuesday morning, August l'2th to drliscuss the matter . <br /> further. Mr. Stockman presented a bill for a balance of $764.88. Mr. Stockman's <br /> contract provided that he be paid 1% of the estimated cost at the time Of filing h s <br /> estimates and plans for the eonstnuction of the building. Mr. Stockman had re- <br /> ceived $400.00 on August 31, 1940 and $400.00 on November 30, 1940. A motion <br />50 was made and seconded and carried that the $764.88 be allowed. <br /> There being no further b~siness I <br /> I <br />~ I <br />