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<br />~ <br />625 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Councilman Bond reporting for the Police Committee stated that he had a <br />request from Oscar Bussell, Senior Defense VIarden for the Southwest district <br />which comprised of the territory West of Willamette and South of Thirteenth. <br />He stated that this division had an office at the Eugene High School ana requested <br />that the City provide for installing two extensions for telephones in this office <br />and pay for the extensions each month. He said the installation charge would be <br />$1.50 and the extensions one dollar each per month. Mr. Bond made a motion which <br />was seconded by Barette that the City provide these two phone extensions. <br />Councilman Hawn said he thought the Council should consider what they were moving <br />into and thought they should deal directly with Commander Merriam as there would <br />be prob~bly four or eight other sections making the same request. Councilman <br />Barette said that hOOad attended the meeting at the High School and they had a <br />fine set-up and considerable First Aid equipment. Councilman Bond said he would <br />like the matter to go through atthis time on account of the Air Raid Practice <br />to be held on May 18th. Mr. Merriam was present and said that he thought the <br />procedure suggested by Mr. Hawn was the proper thing. ~ouncilman Bond and <br />Council,:lan Barette withdrew their motion and the matter was 1 eft for Mr. Merriam <br />to make recommendation to the Council. <br /> <br />-. <br />'-'I\.IJ!. <br />~: <br />01' <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />10 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />At this time Attorney Calkins said that he had looked up the situation <br />regarding the Sewer connections and that an ordinance passed in 1915 provided <br />that property within 160 feet of the Sewer would be required to connect to the <br />Sewer but that parties further avvay than that had been allowed to install cess pools. <br />It was pointed out that the property in question about Fairmount Boulevard was <br />more than lpO feet from the sewer. It was sugGested that the City might extend <br />this sewer up to the property ip question and assess the cost to the property. <br />After some discussion, this seelned to be the best plan to follow and the improve- <br />men ordinance for the construction of the sewer passed its first, second, and <br />third reading by unanimous consent of the council by title under suspension of the <br />rules and was placed for final passage. '1'he ayes and nays."were called; councilmen <br />voting aye: Bond, Farrington, Koppe, Barette, Hawn, and Pennington; nay,none; <br />absent, Brownson, and Stewart. The Ordinance was declared passed and numbered 8742'. <br />Also an ordinance approving the plans and specification~ of the City Engineer for <br />the construction passed its first, secund, and third readings by unanimous consent <br />of the council by title under suspension of the rules and was placed for final <br />passage. The ayes and nays were called; councilmen voting aye: Bond, Farrington, <br />Koppe, Barette, Iiawn, and Pennington; nay, none; absent, Brownson and Stewart. The <br />11 Ord~nance was declared passed and numbered 8743. <br /> <br />Mr. Pennington inquired regarding the Stop Sign at Broadway and Pearl which <br />had been up at a previous council meeting. Engineer Clubb reported that he had <br />contacted the State Highway Department and they were figuring that they might put <br />in signals at that intersectioh. He requested a little more time in order for the <br />12 Highway Commission to complete a check of the traffic at that intersection. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />A letter from P. J. Bartle was read asking for permission to purchase Lot 8, <br />Block 4, Shelton Addition and to be allowed to build a Shop in which to make <br />brooms; this shop to be operated by the blind people. It was explained that this <br />district was in the Single Family Residence District and that the matter would have <br />to come before the Planning Cownission. Mr. Bartle was in a hurry to get this <br />situation settled and a motion was rtiade, seconded, and carried that the Council <br />13 direct the Planning Commission to hold a hearing. (See Resolution, Page 627.) <br /> <br />A letter from C. P. Sylvester regarding Lots 1, 2, and 3 on Madison Street <br />between First and Second Street was read. This letter was in regard to the lot <br />lines for the different properties and requested that the City make some changes. <br />It was pointed out that this was the property owner's affair and not the City's <br />14 and the letter was ordered placed on file. <br /> <br />Mayor Large said that there was some controver'sy regarding an alley running <br />East and West between Fifth and Sixth and Lincoln and Lawrence. He stated that <br />this alley had been used for twenty or twenty-ffive years but had never been <br />dedicated to the City. It appeared that a ~r. Harrington was interested in getting <br />this alley opened up so that it could be further improved. Councilman Pennington <br />inquired why the City should do anything about it at all and Mr. Clubb reported . <br />that the City had a sewer in the alley. He said this was in the Packard Addition <br />and all other blocks in that Addition had been platted with a sewer but that this <br />block was left without a sewer. After some discussion, this matter was referred <br />15 to the Judiciary Committee to report back at the next Council meeting. <br /> <br />A curb cut for Arthur Martin, 459 East loth Avenue was presented, and the <br />16 request was granted. <br /> <br />The reports for the Police Dept., Police Matron, Engineer and Building <br />17 Departments, and the .Fire Department \overe read and ordered placed on file. <br /> <br />,I <br /> <br />Councilman Bond reporting for the Police Committee stated that warran&s <br />prepared for traffic violations had all been served where the parties were living <br />inside of the City limits. He stated there were some othel's on file in the <br />Police Department and that, the officers were endeavoring to contact the cars <br />whenever they could find them inside the City limits. At this time, Councilman <br />18 Brownson appeared at the meeting. <br /> <br />~ <br />