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<br />3'""'11I <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />-------.---------- -- - <br /> <br />II <br /> <br />!I Mayor Large stated that the O.C.D. was aSking for more phones to <br />- Ii be installed in their headquarters in the Fire Department. Councilman Barette <br />I II stated tha t he. was up to Selem a short time ago an~ that Salem had furnished ,~., <br />!I the O. C. D.w~th twelve trunk line phones. Counc~lman Bond stated that ~ <br />Ii while he hated to incur extra expense, that these men were giving freely <br />~l of their time toward this work, and that it seemed to be hard for them to <br />14 II get along with only one phone as now furnished by the City. Mayor Large <br />il stated that it was his opinion that they should be allowed possibly two or <br />: three more phones. A motion was made by Bond, seconded by Barette, and <br />~ carried that two more phones be installed for the use of the O.C.D. <br />'I <br /> <br />';1 A ,letter from. the State Fire Marshall t s office regarding a school to be <br />;: held on the campus of the University of Washington at Seattle was read. This <br />15 ~ school had to do with chemical warfare and its d~fense, and would be carried on <br />!J in ten-day periods during the summer. The matter was referred to Councilman <br />;; Stewart and he stated he would endeavor to find out if such a school could not <br />~ be carried out in Eugene a little later. <br />'I <br />" <br />I, <br />Ii Mayor Large said that he had reported previously that the War Production <br />;1 Board had contacted him regarding the taking up of the street car steel rails, <br />16 I: and tha t Attorney Calkins had written the Southern Pacific Company a letter <br />i'l regarding the,se rails and that the reply from the Southern Pacific Company <br />:1 was that they had surrendered all rights to the rails. <br />d <br />" <br />II A letter from Mr. D. T. Bayly, Attorney, regarding an accident at 7th <br />:1 and Polk Streets wi th a Fire Department truck was read. Attorney Calkins <br />II pointed out that the City did not carry liability insurance on its ~ire trucks <br />17 l and that he was of the opinion that the City was not liable in this case. He <br />:1' said it was possible that a suit might be brought against the driver of the truck <br />:, but he did not think the City was liable in any way. Councilman Stewart stated <br />:1' that he thought it was unfair to the drivers of the City fire trucks that the <br />, City did not carry liability insurance. --The letter was or,dered placed on file. <br />'! <br />II' A request from the American Legion Post No. 3 for the Pollack Bros. Circus <br />18:, at the Fairgrounds on June 26 and 27 was granted. <br />- - 'j <br />'I .1 A letter from C. M. Coffee regarding street assesments for his property <br />19 Ii at 825 West 6th Street for the paving of Monroe Street was read and this matter <br />;1 was referred to the ,Engineer for a report back at the next Council meeting. <br /> <br />;1 A letter from Jack Thomason, 2457 Agate Street, regarding the condition <br />:j of the alley in his neighborhood was read. It was pointed out that this was an <br />20:1 unimproved alley and the matter was left in the hands of the City Engineer to <br />Ii explain to Mr. Thomason the conditions under which he could have the alley <br />;j improved. <br />I <br /> <br />~I A letter from Roy E. Morse regarding certain streets in the Fairmount <br />21 t! district was read and it was pointed out that owing to the late spring the Street <br />.j Departmenllt had not been able to make repairs, but that they would be getting <br />:t at these streets in the near future. <br /> <br />I~ A letter from the Southern Pacific Company signed by Mr. P. M. Krutzler, <br />1; Roadmaster, regarding the crossing on Monroe Street was read. Councilman <br />22:1 Farrington stated that the reply was very unsatisfactory and that the crossing <br />:' was still in bad condition and instructed the Recorder to notify Mr. Krutzler <br />~ to this effect. <br />~ I <br />,I <br />:1 A request from George T. Hall for a refund of, $5.20 on account of over.- <br />" payment of interest on his property on 9th Street was read. This request for <br />23 11 refund was OK'd by Mr. Clubb .and it was pointed out that it was a miscalculation <br />:i of interest. On motion made, seconded, and carried, it was ordered that the <br />;i $5.20 be refunded to Mr. Hall. <br />i <br />:i A report from the Police Matron regarding acti vi ties for the month of <br />24:1 May was read and ordered placed on file. <br />.1 <br />,I <br />I! The following Curb Cut applications were presented: H. F. McDaniel, <br />,! 1667 Fairmount Blvd., Mrs. M. P. Watts, 1328 Emerald Street, Clifford Travillion, <br />25 i! 678 Fifth Avenue West, and Sher Kahn, 642 Oak Street. On motion made and <br />I ;1 seconded the cuts were granted. <br />,I <br /> <br />11 A letter from the Board of Appeals: <br />I <br />" <br />,: "A request was received by the Board of Appeals from <br />ii " p. W. Bucknum for a permit to build a three car <br />:1 garage and, woodshed 24 x 60, at 1799 Columbi~ ,Street. <br />26 )1 This is to be used for a car, truck, trailer and bqat. <br />:: The Board recommends that Mr. Bucknum be allowed to <br />~I build a 24 x 40 building. <br />"I <br />'I <br />I,i There was also a request from Sam, Goddard to install a <br />27 il ventilated metal stove pBip through the roof of his I <br /> <br />" I ..... <br />