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<br />
<br />At the Council meeting November 23rd, the Recorder was instructed to advertise
<br />for bids for gasoline to be used by the City for the year 1943. A call for bids
<br />was advertised in the Register Guard, but later it appeared that it would not I
<br />~~ be advisable to open the bids at this time. The oil companies were notified by
<br />Lli}';; letter that the bids would not be opened at this time, but the opening would be __
<br />deferred until ,the Council meeting to be held on December 28th. A motion was
<br />made, seconded, and carried that the hearing regarding these bidds be adjurned
<br />to adjurned to Monday, December 28th at 7:30 P.M.
<br />
<br />i The Recorder reported that the applications of the East Side Tavern for renewal
<br />;of their Class "E" liquor license had been held up from last council meeting and
<br />ithat there were twentyffive other applications to be passed on by the Council at
<br />ithis time. Mr. Tony Raming had made a report to the Recorder's Office that he was
<br />,having trouble with Dean's Place at 865 Willamette and the Star Club, 663 Willamette.
<br />IA motion was made by Councilman Bond and seconded by Councilman Farrington that
<br />lall these beer 'application be granted except the Star Club, Dean's Place, and the
<br />7 East Side Tavern. This motion was carried. Attorney Calkins was asked whether
<br />the State Liquor Commission was bound by the action of the Councilor whether the
<br />taction was only advisory. Attorney Calkins stated that he was not exactly clear
<br />iin regard to the matter but he thought it was only a rule of the Commission that
<br />: they ask an endorsement by the Council and he did not believe the Council action
<br />,: was binding. A motion was made by Stewart and seconded by Penning'ton that the
<br />,I applica tions of the Star Club, .Dean' s Place, and the East Side Tavern be not
<br />I granted. This motion was carried, the only vote opposing the measure waB by
<br />.!Councilman Bond. Mr. Bond explained that he was voting no because all three of
<br />!the places were being treated alike and he did not believe that they were exactly
<br />allke.
<br />
<br />At the Council meeting November 23rd, the Planning Commission had been directed
<br />to hold a hearing on the reclassification of the following described area:(See
<br />:description in resolution below) A hearing had been held by the Planning Commission
<br />:in the Council Chambers December 1st at 7:30 P.M., and the Planning Commission at
<br />:this time was presenting its permanent report to the Council. An ordinance had been
<br />iprepared authorizing the caange of classification from a residential district to
<br />:a multiple family district and had its first reading at this time. Dr. Lambert,
<br />one of the parties requesting the change of this zoning was present and stated
<br />:that he and his associates had purchased this property about a month ago and were I
<br />:anxious to have the proceedings finished as soon as possible and requested that
<br />.an adjourned meeting of the Council be held at an early date. He stated that it -
<br />.would take another 30 days to put the building in shape for use and further that
<br />,one of his associates was out of the state and did not care to dilispose of his busin
<br />:there until satisfactory arrangements could be made for the use of the property.
<br />ICouncilman Barette suggested that this matter should be put off until the regular
<br />:meeting to be held on December 28th and stated that often times when the Council
<br />;was in a hurry to complete actions of this kind that they found out they were in
<br />8 :error. There was some discussion as to whether the matter should be put off till
<br />-:the regular Council meeting on December 28th, or whether the request for an earlier
<br />meeting by Dr. Lambert should be granted. Councilman Bond stated that this zoning
<br />:change was probably affecting him as much as any other one but that if an earlier
<br />~meeting was granted he would see that property owners in that district were notified
<br />~hether they read the advettisement in the paper or not and that he wished to
<br />:make a motion that the matter be considered at an adjurned meeting to be held
<br />'at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers, Friday evening; December 18th. This motion
<br />:was seconded by Hawn and carried. The following resolution had been prepared and
<br />mas read at this time and on motion made, seconded, and carried the resolution
<br />~as adopted. . ,
<br />RES 0 L UTI 0 N
<br />----------
<br />
<br />: ~nEREAS, heretofore the Common Council has submitted to the Planning
<br />Commission certain changes in the classification of the following described
<br />area:
<br />Beginning 320 feet South and 331.5 feet West of the Northeast
<br />corner of Claim 54, Township 17 South of Range 3 West of the
<br />Willamette Meridian, which said point is the Northeast corner
<br />i of the intersection of Madison Street with 9th Avenue West in
<br />. the City of Eugene, run North along the East line of Madison
<br />Street 145 feet to the alley between 8th Avenue West and 9th
<br />: Avenue West, thence East 82 feet, thence South 55 feet, thence
<br />West 2 feet, thence South 90 feet, and West along the North
<br />i line of 9th Avenue West 80 feet to the place of beginning.
<br />, and the Planning Commission has held a hearing, adopted a .tentative report I
<br />' and converted the same into a permanent and final report and resubmitted
<br />it to the Common Council with the recommendation that the same be enacted
<br />i into an ordinance, and the Council has prepared and given its first
<br />reading of an ordinance enacting said permanent report.
<br />NOW, THEP~FORE, the City Recorder be and he is hereby directed to -
<br />i prepare and cause to be published not less than three times in the Eugene
<br />Register-Guard, in Eugene, Oregon, a notice of a hearing to be held at an
<br />adjourned Council meeting on Friday, December 18th, 1942, at 7:30 P.M.
<br />: said notices to be published within the week commencing Dec. 15, 1942.
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