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<br />~.-. ~~H'~C =r.u ~ Thre~ ub~1:8 =pres~n~e: bY~t: Def:~:e G~UnCi1an~O.:.'db~Mr.-Schum:~~:.an~ ... -
<br />\ Mr. Hitchens, for three sirens amounting to $744.10 had not been O.K. 'd by the
<br />1- Ii Finance Committee and were. read to the ,Council at ~his ti~e by the Rec?r~er. frh
<br />,: Also a letter to the Councll from Mr. Schwnaker and Mr. Hltchens explalnlng the !;...~
<br />_ I,.,; situation, was read at this time. These bills had been incurred by the Junior t~
<br />I Chamber of Commerce and one of them was dated as early as July 24th. Councilman
<br />!: Hawn stated tha t when these bills were presented to him a s a member of the Finance
<br />I: Committee he was surprised at the amount but that after taking the matter up with
<br />I.! Mr. Hitchens and getting his side of the story he had felt that the bills probably
<br />) should be allowed and had O.K. 'd them for payment. He said it was true that the
<br />1,: bills had been incurred without the authority of the Defense Councilor without the
<br />~ knowledge of the City Council and while that was irregular he felt that the
<br />~ situation had been thoroughly considered by the Defense Council and it was his
<br />9 I: recommendation that the bills should be paid. Councilman Farrington said that
<br />II he could not agree with Mr. Hawn regarding this and he sa,id if these bills were
<br />: allowed by the Council it would be hard to tell what might be presented at the
<br />Ii next meeting. Councilman Pennington stated that he would like to remind the Council
<br />I,; that this same condition came up regarding the Casualty Station and that it had .
<br />!: also been handled wi thout proper authority. It was pointed out' that bills of this
<br />11 size should not be incurred without g~tting requisitions for them. Councilman
<br />!i Bond stated that this was all new to him and that he thought the Council should
<br />I,' have time to consider the matter and suggested that too bills be held up until
<br />II the meeting to be held Friday, December 18th. Councilman Hawn explained that an
<br />1,1 item of $350.00 for a siren had been placed in the budget for the O.C.D. that was
<br />I presented to the 9udget committee. He said he was sure the Defense Council felt
<br />~ that inasmuch as $2,000.00 had been placed in the budget that they. could use their
<br />I! best judgement in regard to the use to which it was put. He stated there was some
<br />I! $1,300.00 left in the budget at, the present time and that if these bills were
<br />I'll allowed it would leave between ~500.00 and $600.00 for the Defense Council for the
<br />I remainder of the year to July 1st, 1943. At one place in the letter. addressed
<br />I; to the Council by the Defense Council, the statement was made that owing to the
<br />I; present condition of the budget for the Defense purposes that the City Council
<br />~ should be warned that it might be a necessity for further appropriations from the
<br />I;! City emergency fund and it was suggested tha t the Council should make note of thi s
<br />'I.,! statement. Mayor Large stated that the bills would be held over for further
<br />:1 discussion at the adjourned meeting on December 18th.
<br />
<br />1 "
<br />1 At this time the Recorder read a letter addressed to the Council from the
<br />IlLane' County Humane Society signed by D. R. French, President, and Sid Claypool,
<br />!i Secretary-treasurer. The letter explained tne acti vi ties of the Humane Society
<br />\:for the first eight months of 1942 and explained at that time their funds had
<br />l:lJeen exhausted and that they had been unable.to carryon since that time. They
<br />ii stated that the arrangements wi th the Council.for the year. 1942 had been that they
<br />~were to be allowed only 50% of the Citl's 80 % of the Dog Fund, and that they
<br />ti:had received from the City the sum of :jji426.30. They said they were very anxious
<br />ill.: to continue in this work and that they weI;'e requesting that the Council for the
<br />:year 1943 allow them all of the City's part of the Dog Fund, in place of the
<br />I; 50% in 19L12. Mayor Large explained that Mr. French was present at the Council
<br />!lmeeting and would answer any questions that the Council members cared to ask him.
<br />101: Councilman Stewart said that he felt the City wa~ fortunate in having an organizatiol!l.
<br />, 'i: such as the Hwnane Society; one that was willing to' put in their time and work,
<br />iiand he felt that the City owed them a vote of thanks and that they should ha,ve
<br />/, funds to carryon their work. Councilman Farrington said he felt the Society
<br />~had done very good work considering the limited funds at their disposal and he
<br />Ii thought their request for 1943 was not far off.. Councilman Barette said that he
<br />Ii agreed with Councilman Stewart and Councilman Farrington and did not feel the
<br />i~request for all the funds were unreasonable. Mayor Large stated that he would
<br />,:refer this matter to the Police Committee to make a report back at the Council
<br />limeeting to be held December 28th, and asked Mr. French that he make a further
<br />lireport to the Police Committee so that they could act intelligently in the matter.
<br />
<br />t This was the date set for a hearing of completion of the vacation of the alley
<br />!i in Block 34, Fairmount Amended Addition. Mayor Large called for objections and
<br />I; there being none an ordinanc'e vacating the area was read the first time and passed
<br />I~ to its second and third readings by unanimous consent of the, Council by ti tIe under
<br />~suspension of the rules and was placed for. final passage. The ayes and nays were
<br />t:called; Councilrnen voting aye; Stewart, Hawn, Barette, Pennington, Farrington, Bond
<br />{land Koppe; voting no; none; absent, Brownson. The ordinance was declared passed
<br />liand numbered 8757. Section four of this ordinance directed the Recorder to file
<br />1- I,..!,.a certified copy of the proceedings wi th the Lane County Recorder, the Lane County
<br />rSurveyor and that a blueprint of the district be attached to these reports. This
<br />!'was 'also the date set for a hearing of completion of the vacation of portions of
<br />':Franklin El vd., 8th Avenue, and Broadway. Mayor Large called for 0 bj ections and
<br />;there being none, and ordinance vacating the area was read the first time and passed
<br />;to its second and third readings by unanimqus consent of the Council by title
<br />lunder suspension of the rules and was placed for final passage. The ayes and nays
<br />twere called; All councilmen voting aye, Brownson absent. The ordinance was declared
<br />!;ipassed and numbered 8758. Section four of this or~ina.nce directed the Recorder to
<br />)file a certified copy of the proceedings wi th the l.,ane COU:lty Recorder, the Lane
<br />jiCounty Assessor and the Lane County Surveyor and that a blueprint of the district be
<br />j'attached to these reports.
<br />I ~
<br />:: On motion the meeting was adjourned to~ Fr' y venin~c. 18t~~'__~;r,~:.~O.~.M,.
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