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He said that the purchas- <br />ing of the chair was all right but that he did not consider that sufficient and <br />that he thought in addition to the chair Mr. LeVan should be granted one months <br />pay; Mr. Davis stated that 30 years was a long time to be with one concern and <br />they were the best years of I~~I'. LeVan I s life, and he thought he was entitled to <br />at least a month's pay. Councilman Hawn stated that the Council knew how he stood <br />on the situation from the statement he had made at the last meeting and that an <br />extra month's pay would only be one day a year for the time he had put in and that <br />he thought Mr. LeVan was entitled to at least the difference between the month's <br />pay and the cost of the chair, if the Council did not feel like giving a full <br />month's pay in addition to the chair. After some further discussion, a motion WES <br />made by Brownson, seconded by Stewart, and carried, that Mr. LeVan be given a full <br />month I s pay in addi tion to the cha ir purchased by :Mr. Bar ette. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />At this time a letter addressed to Mayor Large from Mr. Cloyes of the Lane <br />County Health Department was read. 'l'his letter was in regard to mosquito control <br />: in Lane County, and the possibility of mosquitoes transmitting malaria from <br />18 i infected persons to well individuals. Mayor Large explained that the worst sit- <br />I <br />uation was at the Fern Ridge Dam and that the most of the places infested by <br />mosquitoes were outside of Eugene, but that he would refer this matter to the Healt <br />Corrunittee to be reported on at the next meeting. ' <br /> <br />Councilman Pennington, reporting for the Parks Committee, brought up the <br />question of the location for a site for the swimming pool. He said it was the <br />intention of the committee at the last Council meeting to recow~end that the five <br />ecre tract inside of the fair grounds, south of the Amazon, be purchased from <br />Lane County at $200.00 per acre, making a total price of $1,000.00. He said there <br />seemed to be some objection to this location and that he would like to have an <br />expression from the Council regarding the location. He said in fact a couple of <br />19 l members of the committee had preferred the site back of the vutte. It was pointed <br />out that a ci.tizens commi ttee previously had made a study of the si tuation and that <br />they had recolnmended the purChase of the site referred to inside of the fair ~unds. <br />Mr. Frank Hill stated that he would like to see the purchase of this site and that <br />! he would be in favor of building the pool this year. After some discussion by <br />: the Council a motion was made by Pennington, seconded by Hawn, and carried, that <br />the City should Rurchase from the County the five acre tract inside of the fair <br />grounds for the ~1,000.00 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />CounciDnan Pennington stated that the Playgrounds Commission was to have a <br />meeting this week and that he would like to have an expression of the Council at <br />this time regarding the playground activities for the coming year. He said he did <br />not know whether it was the intention of the Council that the playground activities <br />20 should be curtailed or w;",ether they should be continued as in the past. Councilman <br />i Brownson stated that he thought this would be a poor time to curtail the activities, <br />in fact, he thought they should be expanded if possible. Councilman Barette said <br />he felt that the full time program should be carried out. There were no objections <br />from the Council as to the carrying out of the full time program. <br /> <br />Councilman Davis, reporting for the Sewer Committee, said that they had re- <br />21 ceived a letter from Mr. Woodson regarding a crack in the sewer at the foot of <br />Agate Street. He said he and Mr. Clubb had examined this and repairs would be <br />made. <br /> <br />Councilman Hawn, reporting for the Police Department, said he had a request <br />I from the Alaska Junk Company for permission to rent space for a truck in front of <br />their place of business on 5t_~ Street. He said they claimed that a certain party <br />, parked a car there each day and left it standing all the time. Councilman Hawn <br />suggested that a sign similar to other loading signs might be placed in front of <br />22 , the Alaska Junk Company allowing 24 minute loading time. Councilman Farrington <br />stated he did not thinl-c this would be satisfactory to the Alaska Junk people as wha ' <br />! they really wanted was permission to park in front of their place all day. It was <br />suggested that this matter be referred back to the Police Committee for further <br />study, ahd Councilman Hawn stated he had already put in two weeks time on it and <br />did not know what was the solution, but that he would make further attempts to a <br />I solution and report back at the next Council meeting. <br /> <br />Councilman Hawn said that he had something to report on that was m real <br />problem and that was the dog situation. He read a letter from the Humane Society <br />and stated that the Police Committee had had a meeting with the Wociety and that <br />in order to handle any kind of proper dog contro+, the City would have to spend <br />: a considerable sum of money. He said the best estimates obtainable were the <br />: monthly charges would be about as follows: $150.00 for dog catcher's salar~; <br />: $10.00 light and water; $20.00 food; $25.00 for expense of an automobile, ~5.00 heat <br />. $6.75 telephone, $25.00 veterinary and medical services, or about an annuaJ cost <br />of $3,000.00 He said it had been suggested that one of the NYA buildings should <br />be removed from back of the butte and that they be placed on a City lot in the <br />vicinity of 25th and Hilyard or 25th and Alder, which would be close to Dr. Swan- <br />gaard's veterinary hospital. Mr. Claypool and Mr. McClain stated they did not thinM <br />\ the City need worry about this being a cont~,nuous cost to the City as other <br /> <br />I <br />, Humane Societies in the state had become s~eJt:f,"'":.9tUPp.9_rGting after they had been in <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />~ <br />