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<br />~ 176 <br /> <br />-c---:::-------:_~-.____:-~.-___,_~,....c;;_--,:::.---__,...,------_-__:__- -c-":-; '.. ~-, .--:- - .-------;. .;;::----..-,-:--:---:---~-_ --:-: :;:---~--'-.-:':;:- <br /> <br />'~ <br />:,~ <br />~~ <br /> <br />close to the Mill race. Councilman Baker said he doubted the right of the Council <br />to refuse to grant this request and Attorney Calkins said it all depended whether <br />the sign would be a detriment to residential property in that district. Mr. T. H. <br />Coen, manager of the Brighter Homes Store, was present and explained that the <br />property in question had a frontage on 8th Street of 174 feet plus 158 feet and a <br />frontage on Broadway side. Councilman Baker said that the sign Mr. 'Coen wished to <br />erect would read, "Proposed new home of the Brighter Homes Store." A motion was <br />made by Bal:~er and seconded by Hawn that Mr. Coen be granted permission to erect a <br />neat sign of this kind: On roll call Councilmen voting aye were Barette, Hawn, <br />Davis, Crumbaker, and Baker. Councilmen voting no were ~Farrington and Stewart; <br />Koope not voting: <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />21 <br /> <br />Mr. Brazil, representing the Bonneville Power Adnlinistration was present and <br />asked regerding fire protection for the substation out on the new highway. He <br />stated thst it would only be the outside of the building that they would ask to <br />have protected as water could not be used on the machinery inside and they would <br />have to take care of the inside with their own equipment~ He stated they were not <br />aSking for free protection but tLat they hed contracts with some other place for a <br />fee of ~50.00 per hour. Councilnlen Hawn and Farrington thought there ?fueu1d be <br />no difference between the substation and other industrial plants outside of the <br />Ci ty limits. Counc ilman Davis thought the ~;50. 00 fee should be O. K.. Councilman <br />Stewart stated he thought the $100.00 fee charged industrial plants should apply <br />and Councilman Baker concurred in this. The matter was referred to the Fire and <br />~;ater Committee to investigate and report back at the next meeting. <br /> <br />Parks no report. <br /> <br />i <br />I <br />22\ <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Councilman Crumbaker asked for further time to make investigations regarding <br />the sewer bills presented at the last Council meetin gy Florence Alden and <br />Pauline Walton. <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />i <br />I <br /> <br />Councilman Havm reporting for the Police Department, brought up the matter of <br />esking for deferrment for certain members of the police force. He stated that the <br />Police Committeechad'held a meeting at which the Mayor and some members of the <br />Council were present, and that it was the Committee's recommendation that deferr- <br />mnet should be asked for officers Cash and Brown and that acting on this recommen- <br />dction he had filed deferrment request with the Draft Board for these two men <br />and that the Draft Board had asked him over the telephone if other request for <br />deferrrnent of Police employees would be asked Or if this was the limit of the <br />request that would be asked. He stated the Draft Board wanted an expression <br />from the Council regarding the request for deferrment of Police employees and <br />that it was his understanding that the Board might act favorable on deferrment <br />for these two officers if other deferrments were not to be requested. After some <br />discussion by the Council; a motion was made by Hawn and seconded by Baker and <br />'carried that the action of the Police Committee in asking for deferrment of office s <br />Brown and Cash be confirmed and that no further request for deferrment would be <br />made. The recorder was instructed to notify the Draft Board by letter of the <br />Council action. Councilman Stewart explained that some considerable time ago the <br />Fire and Water Committee, acting on authority of the Council, had asked for deferr <br />ment of key men in the Fire Department. <br /> <br />Councilman Hawn also explained that Officer Cash had won $150.00 scholarship <br />to the Northwest University Traffic Institute at Evanston, Illinois. That this <br />school would be a l' our month term and tha t the best estima te of the cost to send <br />Mr. Cash would be about $550.00; tilat the Police Association would contribute <br />$150.00 and tuat it was the recommendation of the Police Committee that the $400.0 <br />be contributed by the City. After some discussion a motion was made by Hawn and <br />seconded by Barette thL.t Mr. Cash be allowed to attend this school, that the City <br />contribute $400.00 out of the Police Budget and roointain his salary for the period <br />of the school and that this act in no way jepordize his sick leave or vacation <br />perio~. On vote this motion was carried. <br /> <br />Councilman Hawn requested further time to report on the question of closing <br />hours for the bowling alleys and requested that Attorney Calkins bring in the <br />necessary amendment to the bicycle oridnance to allow the discontinuance of the <br />selling of bicycle licenses. <br /> <br />Councilman Stewart stated that the City had erected a Eibycle rack on <br />Broadway tha t v\as sui table l' or the use of the Viestern Union Telegraph Co. and <br />stated he thought the rack erected by the Western Union shouilid be remove~. A <br />motion was made, seconded, and carried that the Western Union Telegraph Co~ be <br />instructed to removed their cibycle rack from Broadway. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />23 <br /> <br />i <br />24! <br />'i <br />, <br />i <br /> <br />25 <br /> <br />26 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />" <br />27: <br /> <br />At this time Councilman l"arrington, chairman of the Finance Committee, <br />bl'Qu~bJip\Apit,he ~u~stiQp. Qfl~P!1;r~1i8S~ti~ Waf(;BEHiaag\'Jitl~ City funds. Councilman <br /> <br />~! <br />