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<br />~360 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />;. <br /> <br /> <br />_. -_ -C"":"..:- ~'~'::~_~:",,--::~':':-_~---=-~---=--:=;:-:- ~- -:--:-::-:_-,----~- .;:----=----:.-:--.--_--;::~-_,_.;;~_;;_ =-:--_'---=-:':----=--:=-:-= -:-::_::--.~~~~_.";'~_'=-::-.::'-=-- ::-.~ --~-- n=::-:----:____=:;_ -----~_=_-.:,_______-::-_._----.---.:.---.-~---- ------------- --. -~ --- ~ --~'---'-_._;~ c~_-:=-: --..1:..::=::..:... <br />.--- ._---~- <br />. . -- --- <br /> <br />1 .At t~iS ti~e I should like to sUbmit. the following recommendations in - <br />I c.OJllJ1e,ctlon w~.thFire D.epa.r.tment, r,e,q,uirements.. ' <br />I ~ <br />';C.jj 1. That steps be taken topurcha,se a Fire .Chief's car to. be 'prop- I <br />,(:;e.rly painted and ,equipped. for theexclusi-ve use of the Chief <br />H(.r: and/or Assistant Chief inrespondipg to alarms. It::is important <br />_ that the officer inchargea.rrlve. at the scene of a_ fire. as <br />quickly as possible t.osize .up the situation and be. prepared to ... <br />direct ,the, .ef,fai'.,ts.of the crew arriving sUb$equentlyat the scene. <br />A recen.t experience discl.oses. that. the use pf a prl1:ate car for <br />such purposes does,t".the operator t.o,.gainsufficient <br />right~of':"way .0N'e1' other traffic in responding ,to,. an alarm. It <br />is msrecommendati.on that such a be,made as soon as <br />possible and the money be appropriated ,from the Special Fire <br />Depar-tment .Eq.ui,pment.,Reserv,e.. <br /> <br />2. Tha,t- t,he. City Council a:uth.orizethee~ploym~ntof. .additional <br />fireme:n,o:n. avol:unteerbasis in accordance -wi ththe plan above <br />outlined and tha t the office of ,the City Mana-ger be empowered <br />to sec\l:We' thene,c,essary: ,insuranc,eco:v:erage for such, man. .." <br /> <br />3. That a small pump designated as apparatus #91 be replaced as <br />soon as practical by purchase of one 1,000 gallon capacity pump <br />from funds available in the Special Fire Department Equipment <br />Re serve:., <br /> <br />4,. tn .l.ine wi-,~,tb.e ,rec,ommenda.tion. of the NationaL Board of Fire <br />1:Jnderwriters. this office recommends that the matt,er of adoption <br />of a,e.pre.:v:entlon ordinance be referred to the Fire <br />Committee and Fire Marshal for study and report back to the <br />Council at .it.s .ne.x.t regular mee.ting.. <br /> <br />It was. moved by Bailey, seconded by Hawn that the repor,t of.the Mf.mager be :received. <br /> <br />39 A report from the office 0,1' City Manager was submitted as follows: <br /> <br />:' "The following is a report of the various activities of several City <br />.depar,tm.ent.s'for the_ mon.,th .,of J.uly, 1945. I <br /> <br />I . I~ the. matter of the proposed Amazo.n Channel improvement by the U. s. <br />! Army Eng;ineera the, City Ma.nager appear.edbefore a sub~co.mmittee of the Congress- <br />I ional, Rivers, and Harbor.s \Jommitteeatame.eting. he.ld in portland, At .the present <br />! time this,.improvement has cleared the Engineer's Board of Review and the eventual <br />I appropriation to co.ver this improvement appears, most favora.,ble'at .this time. <br /> <br />The s.wnmer Playground Recrea,tion Program willconclude on. Augus.t 18th. <br />As a,par.t,;: 0,1' this progr.amthe rec.onstruction of fa,ci11ties at: the Anchorage Pool <br />hasbee:D:. .rie~a,rIy ,comple.t.ed with, the exc.eption of work on the surrounding grounds <br />andtlla' .pool .has be.en opened to the youngsters of thecomm.unity ,sine.e August 7. <br />Patronage has been good and it is . hoped that theneces.sary license t,o. operate <br />will again,be granted for 1,949. ?~ ~. .result of the,. improvemehts under"ta,ken. While <br />the larger work load has been cE;!rried by employees -0,1' our City Parks a.nd Streets <br />DepaTtments, the volunteer labor and donat ions of equipmept by intereste,d, p,~.rties <br />has, ,h,el;pecl.~t,o keep .thecos:t. o.f' thi,simp.rov:.e1D.e.n,t down.,to.a.: miJllimum. .." .'>. _::.d::,," <br />I ., , ,'" . <br /> <br />! We. have, no.thingfur.ther to. l!epor,t in connection wi th the Mas,ter. Sewer Sur- <br />I vey fort,he City of EUgene other.,than that the formal agreement with Cunningham and <br />: Associate~s, for this surv~y has. been signed and the actual work scheduled. to begin <br />'.a tan. e'a'rl'y".i date.. .., ' <br />I <br /> <br />I During the past month 'the new lease by the School Dis,tric.t and, the' .city <br />.1 on the. EJ,lgene Air Park was consumma,t,ed, and Mr. Don Tilden placed in charge "'of,: . <br />. th.e Airpprt .,facili, s' for the. ~ity. as Air port, Manager.! The. City ,has , <br />I t.he' sale. of;;.gasoline. and .oil an~ a program' of licensirig '.01'!1;e.~c'i,&l <br />; planes is now being be~ieved that. sufficient income will' be 'secured <br />I to.. bperat.e.the field on a's:eJ,r,-'shstaini'ng basis. <br /> <br />In the City Ma,int(3nance; De.partment new equipment f.or<ti~g and '.ser- <br />vi.cing :Of:;'automobiles for'.the various, city departments has been installed; The <br />: monthly report of. this department for July shows the. completion of asphalt ,biack <br />I top patChing in whi ch 89 tons of .asphal.t and 244 yards .01' gra:vel were u~ed ~ .. <br />I 4,.4.80 "ga+lons. of oil w. ere used in 0,1.1 patching work and 1,000 feet of gi'ad.i.n. g .and I <br />! completed. Work on .the cleaning of the, Amazon Channel wa:s's :tl:lrted <br />I during, the ,month and ~. large nw:n.ber of city owned lots were mowed. This..~depcp::t,:. _ <br />ment.during the 'month recei,ved one new industrial tractor, one new dump.. trucK and <br />power unit for sewer rodding operations.. <br /> <br />The monthly report of,t.q.e Pqlice De.partment shows cons.iderable. inc.r,ease ... <br />in traffic aoo .other ac,tivity for.c!uly wLth arrests on basic rule violati,ons ,nearly <br />doubling that of June and..wlth an appreciable decrease from the previou$ .monthin <br />the number of reported accidents on ci ty street~. ~,. <br /> <br /> <br />-. . P.1" - <br /> <br />. ~ ~ ".-, 11- <br />..... . " , . . .. ',. " - <br />. . - ..\ ~ <br />! <br />