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<br />~~72 <br />-- .'-=- - --:=-.:..-~~ ::"'--=--:-::---~"::"'~~--;;---~,~--:-:::;==---'''''::''~-:_:~- ~-; ---;: ~=-:;,::-:=-=----~-~:---~.::--:.~:--::-~'==-; ,::---=--.,.;::::--=-,~-:;"",~",:::~::----~~----;:~.-:-=--:-::~~::", --~~: _-::.,~=.::-_~-~=_-:- -:;-::~=::-::;-.=--_-: :.~~'"==~ ____ __._..___L. __ _..__. _.~___,..______._. _______._ C_~ <br />" - -- ----- - --" _. ---~ ~._- ~ ----- . --'~~-- <br />--- "-- ----~---- - ~- ,- ...~ - --~ -- - --~--~ - - ---------- _.- - ~ - ------- . - <br /> - - . ~ . '" - n ~ -. 'I - . - .----- --- - - ------ - ~- --- <br /> f' <br /> I, <br /> A communication from A. r.I'. Manley of the Oregon Motor Stages seeking <br />40 ' permission to extend Fairmount Loop bus route out Alder Street to 25th Avenue, <br />.' east on 25th to University Street, north on University Street to 22nd Avenue, was I <br />' , <br />"'~'::#. submitted and read. <br />=....-.'''' <br />~S ' It was moved by Hawn, seconded by Davis that the communication be received and <br />..1 pIa ced on file and that the application be granted. Moti on carried. <br />f<; <br /> A communication from R. H.Baldock, State Highw~y Engineer relative <br />41 to a proposal for eliminating par~ing on the south side of Broadway between High <br /> and Alder Streets was submitted and read. <br /> Upon motion the communication was ordered received and placed on file. <br /> A communication from Paul Snel , pa trolman, Eugene Police Department <br /> (resigned) requestingnayear' s lee-ve of absence fran the Police Department was <br />42 submitted and read. .'l'he City Manager reported to the Council that Mr. Snell's <br /> applic.ation had been file d and processed in. adcordance with exist ing rules and <br /> regulations of the Eugene Civil Service Commission, and that Mr. Snell's appli- <br /> .cation was not considered sufficient to grant the request for leave and that his <br /> resignation had been accepted as of August 31st as per Mr. Snell's alternative <br /> reque st. <br /> lit was moved by Bailey, seconded by Koppe ~hat the letter be referred to the City <br /> .Manager. It was further moved by Hawn, seconded by Koppe Lhat notice be given <br /> City personnel advising them that the office of the City Manager is constituted <br /> und er the ci tycharter as the ttappointing powertt of the City of Eugene, MMtion <br /> carried. <br />43 I A communication from Mr. Roy Copping asking to use the old Billard <br /> property at the Southwest corner of Broadway and Patterson ~treets for the erec- <br /> tion of a Super Station was submitted and read. <br /> It was moved by Bailey, seconded by Johnson that the communication be received <br /> and placed on file and that the application be referred to the City Planning Comm- <br /> ission as requested. <br /> I , A communication fran Mr. K. T. O'Neil, 1463 East 24th Street relative I <br /> I to a decision made by the Council in granting a Mr. George H. Friezon the right <br />44 i to extend his present store building at the corner of 24th and Agate.ptreets, <br /> south to within five and one-half feet of the 24th Street line was submitted and <br /> read. It was moved by Bailey, seconded by Hawn that the communication be re- <br /> ceived and placed on file. Motion carried. <br /> I A communication from H. M. Henriksen seeking to .rent foundry building <br /> I and equipment ownee by the City at Skinner's Butte was submitted and read. It <br /> I <br />45 ; was moved by Crumbaker, seconded by Hawn that the matter be referred to the City <br /> . Manager _with :th-e power to act. Mdltion carried. <br />46 A letter from G. E. Butler was submitted and read as follows:' <br /> The Eugene City Council <br /> Eugene, Oregon <br /> i Gentlemen: ., <br /> At the last meeting of your Council, I was <br /> granted permission by your Honorable Body to open <br /> , and operate a restaurant under what the Oregon Liquor <br /> I Control Commission calls a "Restaurant License", on <br /> I <br /> I the northeast corner of Eleventh and Grant Streets. <br /> i <br /> i <br /> I Due to the fact that there is no sewer to <br /> I this location, it is impossible for me to operate en <br /> I this corner. I would like to request permission, there- <br /> I fore, of the Coune il to hold the privilege of this <br /> ! restaurant lic.e.nse-until such time that the city will <br /> cons~ruct a sewer at this location, or until I can <br /> I find another location that would meet with ~he approval <br /> I <br /> of your body. <br /> . , I <br /> Respectfully, . <br /> Gerald E. Butler <br /> It was moved by Hawn, seconded by Davis that the communication be received and <br /> I pIa ced on file. Motion carried. <br /> i <br />~ <br />