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<br />,~ <br />373 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />. - ~__ ~___ __._ _ _______.w _______ __._~_~___ ___.__________~ _______~_ ____ __ _. _...._.. _ __ _ ___ <br />. .. . . -. . - - ',. - -- - . - - - - . 'W _ <br />- --,--.- --~---~---_._--~- ------~._-~---- ------ -- --- -- ---------- ------~-,-~--'---------- <br />-===--=::--=-c~:_,-_.::___='- ..-''':' '::--l'i,'~:- ~-n ~-::-.~::- ~,--":'--=--=-=-- -'-.' --~'.----"..:..-.~:=~ ..:....~~. . _:',":'.=.':'::::---..:..=..c-,~_- :-::..---=.: -:'..:..=c--::.:-:=.-:'=-::-:-=--'----.-::=--:c,==-c:-::--_-,-:-~__=:=_cc__..==___=_:==__=___ __ =--:'~-=-"I"_ -.-:'- <br /> <br />I ,A report from Percy Brown, togethe r wi th the annual a udit of city <br />47!; accounts far the fiscal year ending June 30, 1945, was'submitted. Upon motion . <br />! the report was accepted and placed on file. <br />I' I" . C-\,j <br />.' Ii: An application for installation of a streetlight at 13th and Jackson 1",1 <br />. 48:' Streets, sig.ned by H. H. Dickey and eight others was submitted and read. It was ~~ <br />I: moved by Crumbaker, seconded by Bail.ey that this request and the matter of inter- [., <br />r section lighting in Westmoreland area be referred to City Manager for investig- ':,\ <br />\, ation and power to act. Motion carried. <br />f, <br />I' <br />;: An oral petition to construct a temporary building for meeting purposes <br />by the 7th Day Adventist Church, on the north s ide of Broadway adjacent to the : <br />491 Mill Race (bldg to be usee for a. period of 8 to 10 months) was presented to the <br />, Council. Upon motion this applicatfuon was referred to the City Manager with <br />r power to act.. h'" <br /> <br />:,i <br />j: ORDINANCES.:'. <br />I, <br />I <br />: Council. Bill No. 28 -- Re: Frs nchi se to Irish and Swartz for construc- <br />50 tion of a_marquee in block 20, Packard's Addition was submitted and read for the <br />:' second time. It was moved by Koppe, seconded by Bailey t hat rules be suspended <br />i: by unanimous consent of the Council a nd the Council Bill placed for its final <br />:i pa ssage.' All Councilmen present voting AYE. 'l'he Ordinance was declared passed <br />:1 and nwnbered 8846&... <br />II <br />ii Council Bill No. 32 -- Re; Levying assessments for installation of <br />51 Iii Ci ty Outlook Sewer sy stem was submitted and read. A communication from Alma Can- <br />I non Miller, M.D. protesting assessment against lots 8 and 9, block 7, City Out- <br />;: l,.)ok wc:.s submitted to the C.ouncil. It was moved by Koppe,~, seconded by Crumbaker <br />,f thst the protest be overruled, that the rules be suspended by unanimous consent <br />L of the Council by title under suspension of the rules and the Council Bill placed <br />i: for its third and final reading. Motion csrried by the 'following vote --AYES: <br />:) All Councilmen, Allen absent. 'l'he Ordinance was declared' passed and numbered 8847/1 <br /> <br />!! Council Bill No. 35 -- Re: Levying of assesE,ments for sani tary sewer . <br />:: between Lawrence and Washington Streets., 22nd to 24th Avenue West we s submitted <br />'1 52 I',' and read th~ sec .ond time., The, Vity Mangger reported no protests or remonstrances <br />,: received. It was. moved by; Kop;:e, seconded by Hawn that the rules be suspended by <br />;: unanimous consent of the vouncil by title 'under suspension of the rules and the <br />,i Council Bill .placed 'for its final pas sage. Motion carried by the following vote-- <br />. !, All Councilmen present voting AYE, Allen absent. The Ordinance was declared pas- <br />:: sed and numbered ~. <br /> <br />:1 Council.1}ill NO___...36 -- Re: Adoption of resolution of official street <br />:: and alley signs, markings and traffic control signalS was submitted and read the I <br />, 53 \; second time. It was' moved by Koppe, second ed by Hawn that the rules be sus pended I <br />;, by unanimous consent .of the Council by title under suspension of the rules and I <br />!I -the -Ordinance be given its third and final reading. Motion carried by the f,Qllo- , <br />\: wing vote -- All Councilmen voting AYE, Allen absent. The Ordinance was passed I <br />". and nwnbered 8849. <br />11 - I <br />II I <br />P Council Bill No. 37 ~- He: A.doption of Viewers Report on the opening of i <br />,I the alley between 7th and 8th Avenue V~est from the West line of Hallock's Addition I <br />54:i to Garfield Street was submitted and read the second time. An oral remonstrance <br />I: was submitted by' M. M. Landon on damages grant ed by the viewers, as1ting relief of <br />il the Council. It was moved by Bailey, seoonded by Hawn that the remonstrance be <br />:,1 overrul ed and tha t rule s be suspended by unanimous consent of the COtulC il by title <br />1i' under suspension of the rules and the \,)ounci~ Bill placed for its final passage. I <br />I; Motion carried by the vollowing vote -- All vouncilman present voting AYE, Allen i <br />:~ absent.. '1'he Ordinance was declared :pa ssed and numbered ~. ; <br /> <br />. ;' Council Bill No. 38 -- Re: Viewers Report (adoption of) for opening of I <br />;: 8th Avenue West from \,)hambers Street to Garfield Street was submn:tted and read the I <br />55,: second time. A communication from Davis Peterson and John T. Foreman as owners I <br />;1 of tract 13 protesting the opening of 8th Avenue West from Chambers to Garfield , <br />" Street on theground~3 tha t improvement would be of no benefi t to the property <br />:' and that right-or-way has been sold across said property to the Oregon State High- <br />t: way Commission was submitted and read. It was moved by Koppe, seconded by Hawn <br />; tl18 t the rul es be suspended by unanimous consent of the liounc il by title under sus- <br />:: pensi on. of the rules and the Ordina nc e pIa ced for its final pa ssage. The Motion I <br />Ii..: was carried by the following vote -- All Councilmen voting AYE, except Hurley who , <br />1,1 was not voting and Allen who was absent. The Ordinance was declared passed and <br />ii numbered 8851. <br /> <br />I Council Bill No. 41 -- Re: Reclassification of the north half of block <br />56:~ 1 2 345 and 6 of block 1, Kincaid Addition from single family reside,nce to <br />i, b~sin~s;' district was submitted and read for the first time and upon motion was or- <br /> <br />, !; de red la id over. <br /> <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />~~ <br />I' <br />I' <br /> <br />~ <br />