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<br />'30~ <br />~y<J <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />~-.- -- -~.-::-:-_-.-:.~-:.--~-- -~--- --- -- :--~-=----:-: -=-=----=-==-~- :-:.-:-~~---=---::-~--_:..-.:-:--_:.:..:.....::~::..--=.. . -- "--- -- --- - - ~-= --- --- - ..... <br />~~::c- -~_--_=:CH- -1.-: :=-=-~--::::-,---:'-=-~~-=c_:-:-::-::c==::,-,-=-==---==-"c-=_~_~ -- _c___ ---- -~-~ ------ - -_ _____ _,_ _ ___-_ _____ ___ ___ ___, ,_~ n ____ _C==-.::.--,,__ <br /> <br />I!l <br /> <br />" <br />I: Be it Further Resolved by the Common Council that the City Engineer <br />I!," be and he is hereby directed. to prepare and deliver to the Recorder an accurate ~ <br />! plat of said alley and of the property so appropriated for public use and the ~,:) <br />l' Ci ty. Recorder be and he is hereby directed to file said plat for record with ....'1 <br />~ the 90untyClerk of Lane County, Oregon, to"filo coid plot for rocord with tho ~. <br />! OOUfi~Y Olorl( of Lono County, Opogon together with a copy of this resolution and <br />I: the County Clerk shall thereupon cause the same to be recorded in the deed ,..,..;. <br />Ii records of his _ office." : <br /> <br />I.: It WaS moved by Bailey, seconded. by, Koppe t.qat the re"solution 'be adopted. <br />!: Motion carried. . <br /> <br />49 ! . . A resolution -- Re: Payme~t of $~568.92 out of sinking fund for the <br />I ~mpr9vement of Jefferson Street and the pav~ng of the intersections. All <br />!i Councilmen present voting AYE. . <br />, <br />I; <br />" <br />l: : "BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COuNCIL OF THE CITY OF EUGENE that a <br />~I Street improvement has been ~ade upon Jeffer~on Street and the paving of the <br />~ intersections amounts to $2568.92, which the City is required to pay, and, <br />I:, <br /> <br />!' It further appearing that there are ample monies in the sinking fund '. <br />:; for improvement bonds to liquidate this indebtedness without unduly depleting <br />~' the f. und . <br />, <br />" <br /> <br />;' , It is therefore ordered that the p'roper City officers shall pay the <br />I; swn of $2568.92 out of the sinking fund for ~mprovement bonds by transferring <br />~ the said amount to the city paving, intersecting funds and this action shall be <br />:~ submitted to the next budget comm~tt~e to be, either ratified or if they require <br />~ to be replaced and ~ssessed against the city~" <br />.;, <br />f' .. <br />!: It was moved b.y Davis, seconded by Hawn that~ the resolution be adopted. <br />I ~ ~ <br />I; MotiQn carried. <br />,1 I <br />50~: . A resolution -- Re: Establishment" of 24-minute tr~ck-loading zones I <br />i; on North and South sides of E. 13th, immedia ~ely East of and adjacent to the , <br />I j, alley between Ferry and Patterson .Streets. <br /> <br />'!: : "BE IT RESOLVED by the CoIl1tD,on Coun9il of the City of Eugene that a <br />!! recommendation of the City Manager, that 24-~inute truck-loading zones be es- <br />!i tablished at the folloyving locations to wit ': <br /> <br />I, The North and ,South sides of 13th -4-venue East immedia tely East of and <br />,!; adjacent to the alley b,etween Ferry and Patterson Streets; west side of Oak <br />!I Stree.t beginning at a point North of present. curb cut at Southwest corner of <br />Ii Oak and lOth Streets be approved and the Chief of Police be and is hereby <br />~ direc~ed to establish said zones and ~o erec~ the necessary signs to carry the <br />i: recommendation and resolution, into effect." <br /> <br />I: . <br /> <br />:: It was moved by Crumbaker, seconded by Hawn that the resolution be adopted. <br />I Motion carried. <br />I . <br />:, . <br /> <br />51 I'! A resolution -- Re: Reclassification of Lots 2 and 3, Block la, <br />1: River.view Addition from single family residen-ce to light industrial district, <br />I".:. was submitted and read. " <br />I <br />. <br />" . "BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Councoil of the City of Eugene tha t <br />i: there is hereby transmitted to the Planning C,ommission of the City of Eugene a <br />:: proposal to reclassify Lots 2 and 3, Block 10, Riverview Addition from a single <br />!: , family residence to a light industrial district, and, <br />~; <br />i~ . Directing the Planning Commission to adopt a tentative report and to <br />:' hold a hearing thereon in the Council Chamber:s in the City Hall, in the City of <br />Ii: Eugene on Tuesday, the 11th day of December, 1945,at7,:30 o'clock P.M., after <br />giving due notice by publication once in the Eugene Register Guard and they shall <br />!.: thereafter make a final report and transmit the same to the Common Council with <br />I: the recommendation. . <br />:: <br />i~ It was moved by Davis, seconded by Hawn tha t 'the resolutIon be adopted. ! <br />I :; Motion carried. l <br />~~ I <br />ii UPON MOTION THE COUNCIL ADJOURNED. ~J7 /' ! <br /> <br /> <br />~ L/V~~~ i <br />~ Deane Seeger I <br />l~ . Ci ty Mana~er ; <br /> <br />r ! <br /> <br />.. I <br />l' I <br />, <br />I, "l <br />I <br />~ i <br />;" <br /> <br />'~ <br />