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<br />""'566 <br /> <br />-- - --- ~ _-~_ -.,.----.-- _---::----~--~ -.,--;-:-~---:---~ - - '_--I-- -- <br />---~- <br /> <br />----=- -:- --,---_--:-.--:;-:--_-- ',' ;-----::+-- --.;::'" _---, ---_ ,- --~_::_-------_-:------:c~:;:_;_.-_::;___=__-_____=_-=_---__:__~_;_-:--~---=--~---=-_--:':"-:_;_..:. --~~_,_____:c---:_c-- -.c:' - ~~-..:...::-i.:=.!'~....:..:_____.....:...::~__=___.:_~: <br /> <br />-- u~-'C-;.!r:" ~:..:.:.::..- =='~=-=-~~-.-=::- <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />., <br />, <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />- ----..-..,..-.- - ----- ~-- --~ --- <br />- -. ~- 'i --- . . - ~ -- <br /> <br />--------_._--~-_. ---~-- ---- --~ ----- <br />o _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ . _ <br />--~--_._----_._- -_.~~-~ <br /> <br />Council Chambers, Eugene., Oregon <br />January 13, 1947 <br /> <br />()l <br />m <br />" ...- <br />......:-.,..... <br />..~~, <br />" ,,;.- <br /> <br />The. regula,r.,me.e,ting.,.,of" the.. C,ommon-, CounciL of Eugene hel,d" ,January 13, <br />1947 at 7:30 P.M., The meeting was called to order by his Honor, Mayor Earl McNutt. <br />Councilmen present at rollcall were - Hawn, Davis, Crumbaker, Bailey, Johnson, <br />All.en,. Pe nning,t on... and.. Wells...- <br /> <br />Upon motion the minutes of the last regular meeting held December 9,1946 <br />we-re" consider.ed- ,read, and appr.o.v:ed. '\ <br /> <br />Gasol.ineBids on the City's gasoline requirements-for ,the calendar year <br />1 1947 were opened at 2:00 P.M. January 10, 1947. The City Manager reported the <br />re,ceipt of se,ven (7) bids. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Upon motion theb ids were o.rd.eredope.ned",and, weresche,du-l-,ed, as follows: <br /> <br />Regul.arn <br /> <br />General Petrol.eum Company <br />Richf ield. ,0i.lCompany <br />Shell <br />Standard Oil. Company. <br />Texas Company <br />Tide Water Associated <br />Union, 0 il. C omp.any. <br /> <br />.1575 <br />.1501 <br />.17 <br />. 150.2. <br />.17 <br />.16 <br />.16, <br /> <br />Ethyl <br /> <br />.1725 <br />.1651 <br />. .19 <br />.1652 <br />.19 <br />'.lS' " <br />.1S <br /> <br />It was, moved by Davis" seconded, by Bail.ey that the bid of Richf ieldO:i:l Company <br />be accepted and that the proper city officers be authorized to enter into a con- <br />tra,ct, wi,th Richfield ",Company..Mo,t.i,on car.ried. <br /> <br />This.., th.e_fir st .regular meeting of the Counc ilfor the new year j <br />2 Mayor Earl McNutt announc,ed the following appointees to the various boards and <br />.c,ommis,sions of ,the ,City .of Eugene. <br /> <br />PUBLIC SAFETY <br />(Police & Fire Committee) <br /> <br />.. <br />Hawn, Chairman <br />Bailey <br />Pennington <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />PUBLIC WORKS ' <br />(Street & Sewer's Committee) <br /> <br />Crumbaker, Chairman <br />Johnson <br />Wells <br /> <br />FINANCE <br /> <br />Davis, Chairman <br />Hawn <br />Johnso_n.. <br /> <br />HEALTH & RECREATION <br />(Health & Park Commit,tee) <br /> <br />Johnson, Chairman <br />Crumbaker <br />Wells <br /> <br />JUDICIARY & PRINTING <br /> <br />Bailey, Chairman <br />Well~ <br />Pennington <br /> <br />Allen, Chairman <br />Davis <br />Wells <br /> <br />AIRPORTS <br /> <br />LIBRARY BOARD - A. R. Tif,fany --Termr to, expire Januar.y 1, 1951. <br /> <br />BOARD OF APPEALS Re-appointment of Roy Stein and E. E. Martin for one year term. <br />App,oin.tment" of. Ralph.., C. Be,, architect, for one year te <br /> <br />ELECTRICAL ,BOARD - A. E.., Hamilton, . Con.trac,tor -.. one year term <br />C. M. Williams, Journeyman - one year term <br />Do.n. Robinson, Engineer. - one, year term <br />Dr. Will Norris <br />/- (advisory member) one yea-r term <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Members of the SIGN BOARD OF APPEALS, BOXING COMMISSION, PLUMBING BOARD and <br />AIRPORT, COMMISSION are her.eby re-appo.inted f, yef3..r.. terms,.- <br /> <br />It was moved by Bailey, second~d by Davis that the appointments of the Mayor and <br />various Boards and Commissions fo.r, the, year. 1947 be approved. Motion carried. <br /> <br />It was moved by Crumbaker{ s~conded by Johnson that Councilman A. L. Hawn be <br />3 ' named as President of the Council for the year 1947. Motion carried. <br /> <br />~ <br />