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<br />~5f4j' <br />,&4 <br /> <br />---~--_.__. -- -----~-- ._--~-~-- ~ ._-- '. ----~-----~-----,---_.-,.---~~-~--- <br />-- - ~ -- -- ----..-------.;.- -.----- ---~.- -- .-.-..- .-,,----'-----.-.---- <br />-- - - --------.- ~--"~-------- <br /> <br />-.~---=-==--~.c~-cc ~~~c- <br /> <br />---- ----~--_.---- ,------ -~----..-.,-- <br />----~_.__._-~. . --~-"-------~ ._----~ <br /> <br />---------- <br />~- <br /> <br />39 <br /> <br />Thi.s agreement. made this . day af, January, H~47, between Eugene <br />Pawer Campany, . an Oregon Carparatian 'as first party, and the City afEugene, <br />Lane Caunty, Oregan, a..,Muni,ci.pa1.," c.arporatian secand party, <br /> <br />:1""':: <br /> <br />".-' <br /> <br />'~rt I <br />--.] I <br />I <br />~: <br /> <br />ytITNESSETH <br /> <br />WHEREAS"se,cand.. pa.rty. hald an optian fram first pa rty to. purchase all af <br />the, praperties.,r,e,al.and.,p,er,sanal,., helangingdta, the. f,irst pa.rty. far"the" ~um af <br />Fiftythausand ($50,000.00). D.allars" and, .' <br />WHEREAS, f.irs.t par.,ty has furnished secand party a, title.repart an the <br />real. pra,perty af first. par.ty pr.el.iminary to. the, issuance af a Palicey af Title <br />,).. ins urance in fa var af secand party, in the sum af Farty thausand ($40,000.00) <br />.' Dallars, and secand party has examined said title repart and , ' <br />WHEREAS, fram said title repart, it appears, that there .are certain <br />I g:~,~~.i,:e~~a;h~aI.i,~;,::"ta a partian af the real praperty af first party, which is <br /> <br />i <br /> <br />'I <br /> <br />The Nartherly. 50, feet, af, ,the, Eas,terly 30.. feet . af Lat 6 and <br />the Norther1.y, 5.0 fe,e,t, af.,La.t 7, all in Blac,k, M. af, the Amended <br />Plat- af .Fairmount, Addi ti,on",to the City of Eugene, Lane County, <br />Oregon, as the same is platted and recarded in Volume 2 page <br />12" Lan.e County. o r-s, Ela,t Re,cords,., <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />'I <br /> <br />Also:, Tha,t..,p,or,ti_on. of. Lo.t 3 Bl,ock 34, Fairmount, lying Sauth <br />af, th,e, Mill. Race.. and..., af, a line, parall.el. to.. and 230 feet <br />distant","the. Sau.the,rly line af said_ lat 3; also. <br />the ,Nartherly' 50 feet af Lat 4 and_ ,the,. Nartherly 50 feet of <br />the Westerly 10,af La.t. 5" all in ,said, Bla_ck 34 af the <br />Amended Plat. af, Fa.irmount, as the same is platted and recarded <br />in Volume 2 page 12, Lane Caunty Oregan Plat Recards, in <br />Eugene, Lane Caunty, Oregon <br /> <br />Also., the.. Nar_, 50 feet af the East.erly 40 feet af Lat 5 <br />and the, 50 feet af the West,e-rly, 20 ,fe_et. af Lat 6, <br />Black 34, Amended. Plat."af, Fairmaunt, as the same is platted <br />and recarded in Va~ume 2 page 12, Lane Caunty Oregan Pl~t <br />Re,cards, in, Eug.ene" ..Lane. c.aunty" Oregan., and. <br /> <br />Al,sa:The ,Nar_th,erly 50 feet, of, La,ts 8,. 9 ,and 10, Black 34, <br />af ,the, Amended. Plat, of Fair mount. Addi_tian, to.. Eugene, Lane <br />Caunty, Oregan, as the same is platted and recorded in <br />Val,um.e 2 page 12,. Lane Caunty Oregan Plat Recards, and, <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the ,part,ies hereto. mutually desiraus- af clasing this tran- <br />sactian, in sa far a s it. per.tains to the praperty af firs_to party, the title to. <br />which is nat defective; and clasing this transact-ion as to. the remainder af <br />s,aid praperty, when. sai,d t,itl,e defec.ts.. are carrected.., ta- the sa.tisfactian af <br />,ond" party, . ~, <br />NOW_ THEREF.OBE,incons1,der,atian af- the premis,es and, of the" c,avenants <br />and agreeme'nts to. be kept and perfarmed by the respec,tive parties hereto., as <br />hereinafter specified it is, understaad and agreed between the parties hereto. as <br />,: <br /> <br />1. First par.tyshalLimmed,ia.t.ely deliver and, canvey to <br />secand. par..t8"by an apprapr,ia,te Dee,d~.and- Bill af Sale, <br /> the property real and persanal af first party, <br />except the praperty hereinabave described as having <br />title defec.ts,. <br /> <br />2. Up an; ,the.. de,livery to. secand. party af a Deed and Bill <br />af Sale".in" the farm sa.t,isfac,tary to. the secand party, <br />shall immediately pay to. first party the sum. af <br />Farty,-nin,e thousand ( $4:9,000.00) Dallar.s.. . <br /> <br />3. First. party will ,praceed to. clear the above described <br />property from the, defects in title to. the satisfactian <br />of secand party, and shall have a reasanable time with- <br />in .which to.. do. sa. <br /> <br />4. When sai.d ,title defe.c-ts have, been cle.ared to. the satis- <br />fac.tian af se,candparty, f irs,t par,ty shall. canvey said <br />pra,p_er.ty to., s,ecand. party. by Deed in,. the.. farm approved <br />by secand party, and th\3reupa.p. secand party agrees to. <br />pay first party the sum of One Thausand ($1000.00) <br />Dallars. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, first-.- party hascaus.e.d these pres.ents to. be <br />I executed by its President and Secfetary and its carparate seal to. be hereunto. <br />I affixed by autharity af its Baard af Directars, and secand party has caused <br />I <br />I <br />:( <br /> <br />~I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br />