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': A: permanent report ,of 'the Planning Commissi~n on various applications for ii <br />9 rezoning,was,submi tted and. read as follows.:,. " <br />~ ... .. <br /> <br />, . "As a permane.qt report pursuant, to the Resolutio'n of the Common Council of <br />the City of Eugene, directing, the City Planning Commission to prepare a report'upon : <br />certain requests for reclassification and rezoning of areas in said City, the City i; <br />{,..:; Planning Commission. hereby adopts as its permanent report the following: I, <br />e " I <br />: The Planning Cqmmission reco~ends the foll~wing rezoning and change Of;: I' <br />classification, to-wit: , " Ii <br />, 'h <br />.. H <br />, WILLIAM CONN AND .GRACE CONN: .. i: <br />. The South llQ f,eet, of Lot. 12 and the South ,110 fe,et of the East 20 . , ;, <br />feet of ,Lot 11 in Block 3 of Sladden's Addition to. Eugene" Oregon, :: <br />as platted and r~corded at page 3q9 qf Vol~e T Lane County.. Oregon : <br />. Deed Records, in ~ane.,County, Oregon. Prop~rty located at 80? West Ii <br />,5th Avenue. ~eque~ted change from single family residence to multi- I: <br />. pIe ,f,amily:, residence classification. : ' !: <br />Ii <br />and the Planning Commission recommends the denial of the following petitions for <br />change of classifications, to-wit:' !; <br />, . f. <br />, EDGAR A., GREENHOOT:. . . '; <br />, Lot 3, Block 31, Driverton.AdditiQn ~o Euge~e" Oregon., i ' <br />. Property loca'ted at 2342 Alqer Street. . i; <br />. Requested change. from. residential to. mul tip+e family' cl~ssification." I' <br /> <br />" <br />n .. II <br />It was moved by Davis, seconded by: Crumbaker that the report be received and placed ;: <br />on file ~nd that the report be "a.dopted. :' ~: <br />" <br />. " <br />. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS Ii <br />I <br />, I; <br />10 .The .following petitions..,for reclassification of property, were submitted:;: 1- <br /> <br />Chris Jensen, 1940 West 11th, from single family re~idence to business classificati~n. <br /> <br />C. A. Service, Property'located between 25 and 35 North Polk St., from single :: <br />. .family residence, to light :indu~trial; .. , <br /> <br />. . <br />D. W. Barker, S.W. corner of 13th and Lawrence, from multiple family dwelling to <br />business tion. :" <br /> <br />Frank Wi1;ls, Property on NOJ;:th side of 12th Avenue between Lincoln and Lawrence, I' <br />from multiple family (4 apts. ,) to Apartment Zone (any number of apts.f) <br />l' <br />Henry Byers, Property located at 2263i East 15th, "from residential to business , <br />. classification. :. <br />, <br />. i' <br />It was moved by Davis, seconded by Johnson that the .peti, tions be referz:ed to the " <br />Planning Commission by adop,tion of the necessar.y resolution. ..Motion. ca'rried. f <br />Ii <br />An application for a Retail Beer ~icense, Class "C", was submi ttea by Snappy i: <br />11 Service Cafe #3, 453 WillamettaStreet.,.. ' ~ <br />. <br />. .' <br />It was moved by Davis, seconded by Allen that the application as approved by the ~ <br />Chief of. Police be endorsed. Motion carried... I' <br /> <br />, <br />.: <br />A.petition from Roy St. Dennis and 12 others for the installation of street i:, I' <br />12 ligh,ts.. on Alder Street from, 25th, to 2~th Avenues, was submitted. :: <br /> <br />It was moved by Crumbaker, seconded by Davis that the City Manager place an order r <br />with the Eugene Water Board: for the. installation, of these lights. i' <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />An application for a second hand dealers' license was submitted by Valley l <br />13 , Radio & Television Service, 400 Blair. Blvd. !: <br />l~ <br />I' , <br />It was moved by Davis, seconded by Bailey that the application as approved by the i: 1 <br />Chief of Police be endorsed. Motion carried. , , l' <br />~; <br />A communication from the Oregon Organi~ed Reserve Corp, requesting a 5-year i: ' <br />14 lease agreement instead of a I-year lease agreement, was submitted and read as :' <br />'I <br />follows:, I <br />I, <br />1; <br />, <br />, <br />I: <br />l; <br />. " I: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />-' <br /> <br />~.. <br />