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<br /> "'llIlIl <br /> 23 <br /> ~ -- -- -- _._-- ---_. -- - - -- -- - __ __n - ,- m <br /> - -.- ---- --- -- .--- --- __ ___._ _ _ou __ _ ___ <br /> will be able to make a good showing which will be fair to the telephone company <br /> and to the telephone users not only in Portland but throughout the State." <br />I tv <br /> It was moved by Bailey, seconded by Davis that the communications be received and :,,, <br /> placed on file and that the City Attorney be authorized to participate in future <br /> P.U.C. hearings on the Telephone Company's application for rate increases as the <br /> interests of the City may appear necessary. Motion carried. " <br /> A communication from Del H. Beebe Construction Co., re: moving of business ..... <br /> 19 location, was submitted and read as follows: <br />I "I am in receipt of your letter of July 21, 1947 and regret to acknowledge <br /> that I have not acted on this sooner, which is a matter of evidence, as you will <br /> note, the reason being that I have been terribly busy in the recent past. <br /> To bring you up to date in this matter in regard to our moving our con- <br /> struction h~adquarters to another site more acceptable to the citizens of Eugene, <br /> Oregon, we wish to advise that ~t the present time the one handicap that has not <br /> been definitely overcome is the installation of telephones in the new office <br /> building we will be forced to build outside of the city limits. Every effort is <br /> being made to overcome this obstacle, and it is our intent to be able to vacate <br /> these premises in the very near future. I hesitate at the moment to name a date, <br /> but as soon as the above-mentioned contingencies are removed I will advise you and <br /> give you a definite date of our vacating our present location. <br /> I wish also to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to you <br /> and certain Councilmen and the mayor of this city for your cooperation in your <br /> problem, in which I am sure everyone is aware we are somewhat the victim of circum- <br /> stances.11 <br /> It was moved by Davis, seconded by Crumbaker that the communication be received <br /> and placed on file. <br /> A petition signed by Ralph G. Tourtillott, 2770 Kincaid and 15 others re- <br /> 20 questing improvement of Kincaid between 25th and 28th, was submitted and read. <br />I It was moved by Bailey, seconded by Davis that the petition be received and placed <br /> on file and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary improve- <br /> ment ordinances, provided that signatures represent 50% or more of the abutting <br /> property. Motion carried. <br /> A petition signed by MabelA. Masterson, 2440 Harris Street and 8 others re- <br /> 21 questing improvement of West side of Harris Street from 23rd to 25th by construction <br /> of a sidewalk, was submitted and read. <br /> It was moved by Bailey, seconded by Crumbaker that the petition be received and <br /> placed on file and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary <br /> improvement ordinances, provided that signatures represent 50% or more of the <br /> abutting property. Motion carried. <br /> A communication from the ,Willamalane Park District re: 40-acre tract owned <br /> 22 by City of Eugene on East bank of Willamette River, was submitted and read as follow . <br /> . <br /> "Recently as part of the Mill Race acquisition transaction we understand the <br /> City of Eugene acquired title to approximately 40 acres of land on the east bank of <br /> the Willamette River. The land acquired is, as it has been exhibited to us, within <br /> our territorial limits. One of the primary purposes underlying the formation of <br /> this park and recreation district was the preservation and development for the <br /> benefit of the people of our area of the lands bordering upon the Willamette River. <br /> Both sides of the Willamette running approximately from the jqnction of the middle <br />I and coast forks to the southeast City limits of Eugene are within the limits of <br /> our District. <br /> While it must of necessity be a long range program, we are deeply concerned <br /> with the gradual acquisition and development of the land along both river banks <br /> for public purposes. The Willamette is surely our greatest potential asset. Until <br /> such time as the upper dams on the Willamette and its tributaries have been com- <br /> pleted, we realize only a limited amount of work can profitably be done upon the <br /> lands in question. <br />I The purpose of this letter is two-fold. First, to urge that your forty acre <br /> tract be retained for public use and public purposes with a view to its eventual <br /> development as a park and recreation area for all of the people both in the City <br /> of Eugene and in our District; and second, to express to you our entire willingness <br /> either to assist the City in the development of this area so far as we are able, or, <br /> if you so request, to assume the responsibility for this deve~opment upon such terms <br /> and conditions as you may deem advisable, assuring you, of course, that should you <br /> see fit to intrust this responsibility and property to us, its facilities will <br /> always be available equally to the people of Eugene and of our district." <br /> It was moved by Bailey, seconded by Davis that the communication be received and <br /> placed on file. Motion carried. <br /> ._--_....~_. , "~ <br />