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Motion ~arried. ~ <br /> <br />~ommuni~ations from. the City Attorney, Portland were submitted and read as I: <br />18 follows re: P.U.G. hear~ngon telephone rate increases. I; <br />,I <br />I: <br />"A recent news. item in the Portland pr.ess. stated that a number ofci ti es in :; <br />Oregon were interested,.in. appearing in the matter. of the application of The Tele- I: <br />phone and Telegraph Company 'for increased exchange and intrastate toll rates which ~; <br />is now before t.he State Public Utilities Commissioner, Mr. Flagg. The hearing in I. <br />this matter has been set to. reconvene on August 18. The news story did not name Ii <br />the, cities interested. This, office appeared for the City of Portland in the hear- I: <br />ing beginning July 7, at,which direct testimony was put on by the company and we i: <br />expect to appear again, in the balance of the hearing. 1. <br />1: <br />It ,has occurred to me. that your city may be one of those who are interested, 11 <br />and if so'I should be glad of the benefit of your opinions in the matter. If you I <br />. expect to appear in the coming'portion of the hearing I hope that we may arrange I; <br />a meeting before the 18th to discuss the, questions involved. I. <br />1: <br />I shall appreciate it if you will advise me if such procedure appeals to you i: <br />in case you are interested.-in. appearing at the hearing." ! <br />:f <br />, I' <br />************** !' I <br /> <br /> <br />"The City of Portland has entered the telephone rate hearing, before, the!' ' <br />Public Utilities Commissioner ,and .has been recognized by the Commissioner as one I: <br />of the partie s of interest. Mr. Edgar Martin of this office, a ttended all sessions i: <br />of the hearing during the ,week of July 7 and the City Council. has since hired I <br />Fulton Y. Magill of Tacoma to analyze the direct testimony and prepare cross- :: <br />examination and also- probably to appear as a witness. Mr. Magill is recognized I; <br />as a utility accountant and recently participated in the telephone company's ;1 <br />hearing. in the State of Washington.., !: <br />. " <br />I: <br />The City of Portland is not, taking an arbitrary stand that the telephone I; <br />company is not. enti tIed to any increase. We are, however, seeking to, be very sure ,] <br />that the, increase, if any, is fully j ust.if ied and if it is possible we. are trying I, <br />to eliminate any discrimination against users .in the State of Oregon.. The exhibits f <br />introduced by the company show. tha t, the State of Oregon has heretofore paid about :: <br />one-half, of the phone and Telegraph. Company entire Federal income - tax assessed I; <br />against the Pacific Telephone and-.Teiegraph Company throughout its area. This is, ;: <br />of course, disproportionate' and we contend only done because the relatively high ii <br />rate in Oregon, as ,.compared to California, Washington and Idaho, has made it i! <br />possible for the surplus earnings in Oregon to be used for tax payment. Further, i: <br />and this is one point all of the cities in Oregon should be, interested in, long !; <br />distflnce intrastate" tolls..are. ,higher_than. interstate rates for the same distance ~ <br />and, while the. company-has, a complicated justification of this, we feel that .this " <br />is a ma t.ter .which the City of Portland particularly and also the City of Eugene i: <br />and other communities of the. State .should be :Vitally interested. !: I <br /> <br />There are a great many factors involved in this discrimination but we hope to !i <br />prevail upon the. Commissioner to seek an equalization between inter'state and intra- ;~ <br />state rates. . The proposed. increases in" Oregon include many other items and ma tters ~ <br />which we, expect to explore more ,fully when the, hear,ings are, resumed on the 18th of I: <br />August,. Portland, of course, has the larges.t, number of telephone users of any I <br />community irithe. State"and therefore we are assuming the financial responsibility ~ <br />of having Mr. Magill, wor.k in our behalf. However., we would appreciate other cities ;~ <br />of the State participating in the hearing. The City of Salem was represented r <br />briefly during the direct testimony by the company in suppo'rt of their new tariff:: I <br />during, the week of the 7th of July, but Salem. did not take any active. part, in that f <br />hearing,. 'We have not, be advised whether they plan to present any evidence or do " <br />any corss-examining or not. The testimony and exhibits submitted by the company in ! <br />supp~r~, of their new tariff are 9f(.:.,cour'~e ~ighly technical: The witnesses. all , , Iii <br />test~f~ed from prepared statements .and ~t ~s a monumental Job to .separate the wheat ~ <br />from the chaff and really get, down to the fundamentals of this case. I feel confi- ';, <br />dent that Mr. Magill is doing a very good job in this respect and that, the City!; <br /> <br />I' <br />t <br />. . <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br />