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<br />r462 <br />'. <br /> <br />6/13/60 - <br /> <br />- ,-- - ' 'I, -- , <br />'I <br />It was moved by Mr. Shearer and seconded by Mr. Chatt that the report of the Planning Commissiop l.~ <br />be received and placed on file. Motion carried. (Action taken under Committee Report June 9, II I <br />1960). p <br />Ii <br />I, <br />I 111 A re'port of Board of Appeals Meeting held June 8, 1960, - Re: Request for variance, William Bond, .- <br />I in front, side and rear set back, of 880 East 24th; Request for variance in sign ~equest for : <br />:/ variance in sign regulations north of 18th near Pierce by R. R. Fenn was submitted and read as <br />i follows: [I <br />I' i: <br />:1 r'The Board of' App~als held a meeting at the City Hall, June 8, 1960. Members present were ;! <br />Ii Mr. Hendershott, Mr. Morris, Mr. Perkins, and Mr. Balzhiser. I <br />II " <br />2'1 1. Mr. William Bond, 880 East 24th Avenue, request (a) a variance from the required five I: <br />'I feet setback on interior side property line to remodel an existing residence, three and one half I <br />I feet from the side property line, into a duplex and maintain the present building line, (b) varianc~ <br />Ii from the required twenty feet setback to include a new garage sixteen feet from the property line ;: <br />ii' on '24th Avenue side and (c) a variance from the required fourt'een feet setback from the center I: <br />! line of the alley to extend the proposed structure three feet from the alley. \! <br />1 " <br /> <br />l' After viewing the proposed plan and discussing the matter to some length, Mr. Balzhiser ~ <br />! made a motion and it was seconded by Mr. Perkins that the side property line variance and the <br />I variance in setback for the garage be granted, providing Mr. Bond would comply with the setback <br />I on the alley line. All members felt that Mr. Bond was ample room at the rear of the property and <br />i could comply with the required fourteen feet setback from the alley center line. <br /> <br />311 2. Mr. R. R. Fenn, 2050 West 6th Avenue requests a variance from the twelve square feet <br />I maximum to erect a sign fifty square feet in area in an RA, Outer Residential Zone (located on 1 <br />i North side of 18th near Pierce). It was pointed out that the property abutted a C-2 zone. <br /> <br />I <br />I It was the feeling of all members that due to this fact and that signs in a C-2 zone are <br />i limited to twenty square feet, this should also apply to the sign located in an RA Zone. Mr. I' <br />i Perkins stated that due to the fact he was in the sign business, he did not want to vote on the i: <br />i matter. Mr. Morris made a motion and it was seconded by Mr. Balzhiser that the sign be restricted ii <br />,i to twenty square feet in area. Motion carried. il. <br />I ,I <br />I There being no further business the meeting was adjourned." Ii <br /> <br />il It was moved by Mr. Shearer and seconded by Mr. Chatt that the report of the Board of Appeals i! <br />II be received and placed on file. Action taken under Committee Meeting of June 9, 1960. Motion Ii <br />:, carried. il <br /> <br />Iii i, <br /> <br />I PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS !; <br />I, Ii <br />I An application for Package Store Class B Liquor License was submitted by George and Selma Scott !: <br />4 i dba Quinn I s Market at 1123 Monroe Street was approved by the Police Department. :1 <br />! I' <br />d <br />I It was moved by Mr. Shearer and seconded by Mr, Molholm that the application be approved. :: <br />, Motion carried. Iii <br />I ! <br />511 Communication dated May 24, 1960 from the Skillern Oil Company was presented and read as follows: i.1 I <br />iI "By your motion on our request for zoning appeal May 23, 1960 it is clear any action taken :i <br />'II is contingent upon the surrender of access by the Skillern Oil Co., 'or any subsequent owner, the Ii <br />1 right of ingress or egress from Coburg Road to the northern lot known as the Haskins Lot. Ii <br />I I' <br />:1 Since we are unalterably opposed to the surrender of this right it seems useless to have a public ii <br />II hearing necessitated by the motion. II' <br />I' <br />n i' <br />II Many thanks foryour kind and courteous attention to our appeal." !. . <br /> <br />II It was moved by Mr. Shearer and seconded by Mr. Chatt that the communication be received ! <br />and placed on file. Motion carried. I <br />, <br /> <br />I I <br /> <br />6/' Communication dated June 10, 1960 from Robert A. Finlayson re: resignation was submitted and read j! <br />as follows: :! <br />i ;l <br />, Ii <br />i' ''It is with some reluctance that I submit my resignation to be effective at the end of the :i <br />I fiscal year, June 30, 1960. :, <br />: MY association with the City of Eugene has been most interesting and pleasant; however, it Ii <br />I is my desire to make a change which I believe will be of greater benefit to my family and myself. :1 <br />I I want to thank the Mayor and the Councilmen for the many courtesies they have shown me 1! <br />I. throughout the years of my association with the City of Eugene. I also want to thank the depart- i! <br />\ ment heads and City employees who have been most loyal and helpful." ili I' <br />i I <br />I' Following the reading of the resignation, comments were made by members of the Council and the i.1 <br />Mayor to the effect that they were sorry to see Mr. Finlayson leave, if there was anything that Ii <br />:! could be done individually or collectively, th!!y would aid him and that if he had no immediate Ii <br />11 commitments beyond the effective date of his resignation, that he mmgF1ti stay on until such time fl <br />II as he had to leave or a new City Manager was hired. 'I <br />II n <br />II ~t wa~ then mo~ed by Mr. Shearer and seconded by Mrs. Lauris that a resolution commending I: <br />II Mr. F~nlayson for h~s years of service be prepared. Motion carried. /: ~ <br />11 " ., <br />I, <br />~': <br />" <br />iI <br />