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Item 3: PH on MWMC IGA
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2005
CC Agenda - 05/09/05 Mtg
Item 3: PH on MWMC IGA
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6/9/2010 12:44:31 PM
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5/4/2005 3:23:05 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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AGREEMENTS' <br /> <br />1. Commission: The Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission, herein <br />referred to as Commission, is hereby established as an intergovernmental entity <br />pursuant to ORS 190.010, 190.080 and 190.085 to function under the authority of this <br />Agreement. The Commission, r~placed_ the Metropolitan Sewer Advisory Commission, ~ _ - { Deleted: shall <br />effective February 9, 1977. - <br /> <br />2. General Function: The Commission shall construct, operate and maintain the <br />J~eg!onal' ~Sew~rag~ g.~cilities~ The, Commission shall finance these facilities in ~-- ¢ ¢ {___Deleted: r <br />accordance wit he Commission's Financial Plan. The Commission shall have all the ~-. ~ Deleted: s <br />powers allowed to an i~rqo~m~tal~iLy ~d~FORS Cha ter 190 as it ma be ~Deleted:f <br />amended from time to time and an other statute that rang~AG~A/)ts owers to such ~ ~r Deleted: as described in Appendix <br />~overnmental entities for up~rposes of carryjDg out the Specific Functions set forth in '~I"A of this Agreement, or as <br />Section 3 of this Agreement. subsequently modified with the <br /> concurrence of the Governing Bodies <br /> <br /> Deleted: an adopted financing plan <br />3. Specific Functions: The specific functions of the Commission shall be to: based on the financing criteria <br /> described in Appendix "B" of this <br />· , Agreement or as subsequently <br /> g_: Construct, maintain and operate the J~gion¢~SCwer~g~,Eac~liti~§: '~ modified with the concurrence of the <br /> <br /> ~ ~,~ Governing Bodies <br /> . Facilitate the com letion of the process of transferrinq ownership to the Deleted:¶ <br />commission of the Existinq Seweraqe Facilities as defined in Appendix "A" Section VI. ', a. Recommend the boundaries ofthe <br /> County Service District to the Lane <br />The transfer of ownershiEprocess shall proceed in a timely manner as determined b3L ~ ~ ~' County Commissioners.¶ <br />the mutual agreement of the Commission and the Cities of Euqene and Springfield .... ~ Deleted: b <br />The transfer of ownership process shall include consideration of the following factors:, ~ ~?~/ Deleted: r <br /> 1. Original source of funds for ac ~ ~1 Deleted: s <br />equipment replacement, and major rehabilitation; and <br /> ? Deleted: f <br /> <br /> 2. Achieving equity among regional sewer users within the Urban Growth '~forDeleted: C.existing sewerageC°mpensate thefacilities citieSas <br /> Bou ndanL, defined in Appendix "A". <br /> <br /> Deleted: ¶ <br /> ~. Sal~g~ ~l~clo~cl §~wer@g~ ~ciliti~s. _ ~ ~ ~ Deleted: d <br /> <br /> ,d_~ ~mpl~m¢8[ h, the Financial Plan and ~al budg~[~for the regional sewerage ~_ ¢ { Deleted: e <br />facilities. ~ ~ ~ Deleted: a financing plan, <br /> I Deleted: and annual financial <br /> ~ ,Recommend to the Governinq bodies a schedule of sewer user charqes and statement <br />system development charges for reqional sewer services. The Commission's ~ ~ Oeleted:f <br />recommendation shall ~ set forth: Deleted: Adopt a schedule of sewer <br /> user charges and connection fees for <br /> regional sewer services. The <br /> 1. The rates and amounts that the Commission reasonably determines Commission's adopted user charges <br />are necessary to meet Bond covenants, and to achieve and maintain an unenhanced shall separately set forth the amount <br /> necessary to recover operation, <br />credit rating of A for the Commission's Bonds from at least one nationally recognized maintenance and replacement costs <br /> ratin a enc 'and as required by 40 CFR 35.929 during <br /> the 20 year design life of the regional <br /> sewerage facilities. Connection fees <br /> 2. Such additional rates and amounts that the Commission determines are to be established pursuant to <br /> Appendix "B". <br />are appropriate to adequately fund the actions necessary to perform the Commission's <br />functions under this Agreement. <br /> ~ ~ { Deleted: April 1998 <br />. <br />V: Environ\MWMC\lGA~Agrement.doc 3 ,2005 <br />(doc. 98535) <br /> <br /> <br />
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