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F IfllLA' 25.l>n ,7.i1't\tIl 2.00 : <br /> I 490 1'1. 26TH AII(fIllE 700 tJcn I AU LNlE <br /> El.GtNC OREOOtl 91405 EUGENE OREaON '17401 I <br /> \ <br /> 1 NATALIE cnOl1l: 7. <;'.6 7'J -,,1':>' , 2.0 Co JIICK L. OIIVI S 2'.(,,)3 I/;..nt) 1.00 <br /> , 1920 AGATE OOA::fJII OnEGO:I ?7434 <br /> I [\IQENE OREOON ?1403 I <br /> t S11MI SURGICN. co ORE INC 25,/'<)4 1<:), 'UI fII 1,00 <br /> I IMURA A. "'C KAlINAY 25.() ";('l ,.1':> 2.0 .~ I 0 E laTlI <br /> I <br /> : NO. 150 VILLA I,IARIA eUl'E~;E OIlEGON <) 740 I <br /> I UNIVERSITY ~ POR1\.NlD <br /> I POl\1\.AIIO Ol',EQOII '.)1203 LAUREL E. KOt".lElI 2 5.i: 95 ,,~.. '2\ "" 1.0 0 <br /> T. R. IIuTESON '2 ~\(. r: . ';.;, 'l:~ : ';,0 G AT. 5 OOX 1193 <br /> 609 Q.AIR1.1(l'lT 00. El.GErlI: onrooN 91402 <br /> EUOCNt: OREGON 97402 <br /> I'. O. Ou1\.EI\ 2"~ ?b l~"t\ t'l 1,00 <br /> STEil( TAl.UlAN 2~.b 'i~ ....11.':1 (,,00 STA1\ RouTe <br /> e 1640 M STnEET NO. 2 BLAClll. Y onEOON <br /> spn Ita-I ELO OREGON 91411 <br /> fRAN OlASE ?9,t.. ?3 :..\ "lS 'J.1 1,00 LAUREL 1111 n: 25.(,97 l""t!lt'l 1,00 <br /> RT. 2 BOX 249 3195 sTMI< <br /> ClOEIIE OREOOI'I '11401 EUOI:!;f OREGON '11402 <br /> IVI LL 11M E. BURKE ::! 5.l.) ~~ l~ ;.. i 1"> (: u,oo '.!AS. GLEWj L. LOGUE 25.6 'HI l.e, t!I t? 2,00 <br /> 615 E. :l3RD llOu'IE 7 cox 175 <br /> EUGENE: OR E 00.'\1 E:tXl(NE 01\EGO~J 91405 I <br /> : <br /> I I,() C ill'tram ',467.61 I <br /> JeSSI E L. ~'Ol.E" 25.L ~~1 ,:., 1':> C1 ZaLERllACIl PlIS'tA cor.PANY 25.6'1'1 \ <br /> 105 S 35TH 345 LmCOI.N STREtT <br /> SPAIr-tlflo.O OREOON 91411 EuGE:t: OReGOrJ 9740 I <br /> OLAl<E !.lorn TT t, TOY/I,ll: PN'ER 25.700 iMt!I fJl b.76 <br /> PAULl'lE LEY 25.C!:.p :....... 'l~ tl1 1,0 " 5536 Nt. IIASSI\l.Q STREET' <br /> 1020 RIVER ROAD NO. 4 POI\1l..ANO OR COON 91208 <br /> EUGENE OREGON '11402 <br /> ;!,o'b COISE: CASCADE OffICE SUPPLY 2',701 ,..,,'t\(,'l 62,70 <br /> STEVEN KALL ISH 25,( ~.~7 ,__i 2':>0 61110 S. 1'1. MACAOA\l AVENUE <br /> 2340-3 PATTERSON 00. P OR1\.AIlU OREGON 9720 I <br /> EUGENE OREGON BI\l. T2 IIND SON co. 2'.702 ,.;, t!I (jII '0'" 5 ,< <br /> ..:.:..-.----::-"':"--- "- 9317 E. BURNSIOE ST ~' . --=""'0_-1 <br /> - 2 5,!.: '..--;-- ~.;, 'l~ ~..~ 1.00 <br /> RooCR 'F'. SMITIl POR1l..ANO OREGON 91216 <br /> 1792 1'/. 24T11 JOSEPH VI. LEI'lIS 2'.70:5 IJ:;', t!l1Il ".15 <br /> C\XlErl[ OIlEQO:J 91405 1210 OARF'IELO <br /> 25.1. t 'J "i., 1':> ffl 1,0 C (U(lENE OAEOON 97402 <br /> DAVID fl. 'KOONS <br /> P. o. COX 2122 1.61 '1.47 <br /> EUOENt OREGON ,00 / " l,_ <br /> M(}(l" "O,,",,"U"''''"'- L' r.ot"4:4 7 , ' "OOUIU~,"[H'O"'\ <br /> 118,45 "G' NO..d /. ~ "G, NO, ~/ V <br /> ,o~ 18,45/ POSTING flEFERI::NCE POSTING flEFERENCE om / /...,? V-,(~ 'f <br /> 0",--+1- ,y, c . <br /> ._.~. ...-. .. -. . t... ~ -.- - , ..._.__.._._____ H_ ____ . <br /> .. -. .--. _..0___-.. _._ .__ -__ <br /> I c.',_ , <br /> Hayward moved seconded by Mr. McDonald that the bills as presented and read be allowed and <br /> I Mrs. <br /> the proper city officials authorized to draw the necessary warrants. Rollcall vote. All councilmen <br /> present voting aye, motion carried. <br /> Progress Payment Correction - Monthly estimate #1 for contract 69-71, Sanitary Sewer on Ohio <br /> I Street in Alfred's Plat was approved by the City Council for payment of $2,154.15 on November 10, <br /> 1969. An error was made, and the amount should have been $20,686.95. This would create quite <br /> a financial problem to the contractor, D. & D. Backhoe Service. Since~there is no question that <br /> I the payment is due, staff req~ests approval to correct the existing payment estimate. <br /> Mrs. Hayward moved seconded by Mr. McDonald to approve an additional payment of $18,532.80 to <br /> D. and D. Backhoe Company. Ro11ca 11 vote. All councilmen present voting aye, the motio~ carried. <br /> Business License Application, Wrecker - Gunderson-White Trucks, Inc. ~200 West 6th Avenue - Renewal <br /> -- of license for wrecker is annual requirement. Staff recommends approval. <br /> Mrs. Hayward moved seconded by Mr. McDonald to approve the business licens for Gunderson Trucks <br /> ~or a wrecker business at 2000 West 6th Avenue. Motion carried. <br /> Liquor License Renewal Applications, approved by Police Department <br /> Retail Malt Beverage, Class A - Black Forest Tavern, 2657 Willamette <br /> Spigot Tavern, 2841 Willamette <br /> Tiny Tavern, 394 Blair Blvd. <br /> . <br /> T & T Tavern, 20 Hwy 99 N <br /> Sam's Place, 825 Wilson Street <br /> Brady's Tavern, 295 Hwy 99 N <br /> ( Retail Beverage Class B - Jonesy's Snappy Service Cafe #3, 453 Wi11amette <br /> Retail Beverage Class C - Paddock Tavern, 3355 EaSE Amazon <br /> Restaurant, Class A - Tino's Spaghetti House <br /> I Package Store Class A - Becraft & Nason Market, 1085 West 4th <br /> Frontier Market, 1101 West 8th <br /> Package Store Class B - Minit Market, 536 Eas t 11 th <br /> Albertsons #531, #2 Oakway Mall <br /> Albertsons #515, 3299 Hilyard Street <br /> Irish 'Swartz No. 3, 777 West 6th <br /> Irish Swartz No. 4, 1960 Franklin Blvd. <br /> Marketeria, 2390 Agate Street <br /> Shoppers Market, 2699 Roosevelt Blvd. <br /> e Lawrence. Street Grocery, 395 West 11th <br /> AnY's Food Market, 304 East 13th <br /> ,I Edelweiss-Stein, 34 E. 10th <br /> 1:~ <br /> ,! 11/25/69 - 10 <br />