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<br /> "9IIl <br /> I <br /> e 730 <br /> 11/1/71 <br /> if II <br /> ,. <br /> I I! II <br /> " <br /> jI Mayor Anderson asked Mr. Mohr to act as chairman of the conmlittee, and call a rreeting Ii <br /> " <br /> " as soon as possible. Mr. Williams, Mr. Teague and Mrs. Beal will serve with him. " <br /> " I <br /> I He suggested that Councilmen indicate which suggestions they are particularly interested <br /> , <br /> in. <br /> " Miss Larson, speaking as a member of the ASUO, said they have been trying to encourage <br /> i, better coordination betwe'en the Council and the ASUO. A representative attended <br /> " <br /> I meetings last year and another will be designated for Council meetings this year. They <br /> would like to get the students involved and contributing. This sugge9ted program has <br /> full support of the ASuO Senate. Affirm <br /> 10/27/71 Report from Student Project,"Community Problem Solving" - Councilman Mohr reported <br /> that the Council's Subcommi ttee had listed' three projec~s which !night be assigi1t~d <br /> , to Mr. Allman's class for a: student project, as they requested at the meeting of Oct- <br /> , " <br /> " ober 1,3. They are as follows: I; <br /> e 1) Use or abuse of the Mall - who is using it and who not; why using or not; <br /> reaction of people' living or working on mall to mall use regulations; how <br /> business is doing; how Urban Renewal Agency is functioning in terms of " <br /> development downtown. i ~ <br /> Data base for this kind of report would be a community survey <br /> designed by students to elicit these kinds'of reactions. " <br /> I I, <br /> 'I 2) Fact book for solid waste disposal in our community. <br /> " <br /> 'I Fact book would tell us what is going on in terms of solid waste disposal <br /> throughout the metropolitan area. <br /> 3) Defini tion of communi ty as far as kinds of thingsci tizens would expect in 'i <br /> terms of alwocations by the city. <br /> I <br /> :! What are citizens interested in having provided and what would they support <br /> in terms of property taxes. <br /> Mr. Mohr continued that there would be certain constraints put upon the students in <br /> terms of how they would represent the city, what kinds of appearance would b~ made in <br /> the community and what the relationship would be between student projects and the City <br /> " Council. How information and reports were to be presented; whether gi ven out to media ,: <br /> " " <br /> prior to Council review. As soon as Mr. Mohr has discusse,d this with the students, <br /> he will wri te a formal memorandum of understanding to ,the class in terms of describing <br /> the project and developing a letter of constraint. <br /> " <br /> Stephanie Larsen said she had presented' all three of the commi ttee' s projects to the <br /> class. Interest was expressed in all three, but most were interested in the mall, so <br /> it was decided to 'concentrate'on that item. They are curr.ent1y gathering infermation <br /> and coordinating things already done by others. ,It is felt this project will pccupy more <br /> I than a term. She explained the manner _in which the project would be dealt with, and <br /> I liaison that would be maintained with city staff. She' felt the group was interested in <br /> I <br /> personal contact wi th councilmen, and offered to get them together for discussion .. <br /> wi th indi vi dual councilmen, if they were interested. <br /> : Mayor Anderson said he was sure Councilmen would be availabl~ to discuss matters <br /> wi th students informally. He sai d the group ,s,eemed to be moving along very qui ckly <br /> and that he was quite pleased with the progress. Affirm <br /> e I <br /> !: ~ <br /> o. LElJA PrTbrity for Jail Improvement - Councilman Mohr asked for a copy of the TAC <br /> lO/13/71 report made by LEAA concerning priorities for jail rehabilitation. Assistant City I, <br /> Manager said he had expressed concern when he had seen the plan schedule for improve- " <br /> :, ment, and that i.t now appeared the priori ty would b? increased sooner than scheduled. File <br /> P. Park Vandalism - Copies of a report concerning increased park vandalism were previously <br /> 10/13/71 circulated to Councilmen. <br /> Mr. Ed Smith, Director of Parks and Recreation, explained that part of the increase in <br /> vandalism stemmed from increased usage. No one age group h~s been responsible for <br /> the various destructive acts. Steps taken to decrease vandalism include improved <br /> alarm and lighting systems, increased supervision and immediate repair of damage. <br /> " Mayor Anderson asked what progress had been made to replace flags in the Mall. Mr. <br /> Smith replied that the Police Depaxtment has been pursuing this matter, and has recovered <br /> I three flags. If it is impossible to re.cdver'jthe remaining flags, they will have, to be <br /> remade. <br /> Mrs. Campbell had been contacted by a Camp Fire Girls leader who, when leading a group <br /> on a hJi:ke up Spencer Butte, had taken a wrong turn on an unmarked trail. She had <br /> ; volunteered the services of her group to put up signs marking the trails on the Butte. <br /> Mr. Smith said it has been difficult to maintain sign's on Spencer Butte, but if she <br /> e would contact his Department, arrangements could be made to begin a project to install <br /> new signs. <br /> l1/l/71 - 11 <br /> .... <br />