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<br /> ,..... <br /> 731 e <br /> 11/1/71 <br /> '1 Ii <br /> I Q. II I <br /> Amendment, Billboard Size Regulations ~ Obie Outdoor Advertising has requested an II <br /> I' lO/l3/71 amendment to a section of the Sign Code to increase area limitations for billboards <br /> II from 650 square feet to 672 square, feet to accommodate signs used by that company I; <br /> ,I <br /> i in rotation to various areas. Planning COrrmllssion discussed this matter, and in <br /> I! <br /> ,I minutes of that meeting have been circulated to Councilmen. The ,Planning COrrmllssion <br /> I: recommendation was that the Council not change the area allowed for billboards. <br /> I' <br /> ;1 <br /> I' <br /> " representati ve of ObLe Outdoor Advertising, <br /> I: Mr. George Haines, explained that his <br /> ,I company now has four billboards which are in excess of the allowable area. He <br /> II explained that they have branches in other cities and states which allow the larger <br /> Ii si gns , and that it is a hardship if they have to be remade for use in this city. . <br /> I: ..... <br /> I In answer to Councilman Williams, Mr. Haines said that the signs are made locally, <br /> ,I but that they. are made for use in other areas,.as well as this city. <br /> ,I <br /> I; <br /> " <br /> " <br /> I: Councilmen questioned Mr. Haines further about general size of signs and reasons <br /> I for the request. In answer to some council concerns, Planning Director explained e <br /> II <br /> I, that the Sign Code was not intended to recotnize national standards, but to set <br /> :1 standards for our city. At the time of adoption, an additional 50 square feet was <br /> I: <br /> " added to this section to allow for cut-outs, and it was never the intent to allow <br /> I ~ <br /> 1; a larger sign. <br /> ,I <br /> I' Mayor Anderson pointed out that this was an indication of the type request the Council <br /> II <br /> I, would be faced with when the arrortizat,ion period begins to expire for some signs , <br /> I, I <br /> Ii I <br /> " affected by the Code. He suggested the Council and Planning COrrmllssion meet jointly <br /> I' <br /> , to discuss the Sign Ordinance. He pointed out that several: members of the Council <br /> H <br /> , were not present at the time of hearings and adoption, and coul d probably benefi t <br /> i' <br /> , from such an educational process. , <br /> I' , <br /> 'I <br /> II City Manager agreed. that this could be beneficial, but pointed out that it should be <br /> I, <br /> II <br /> 'I understood that this would not be reconsi derati on of the ordinance. Many signs have '[ <br /> " <br /> " <br /> :1 been installed under the limitations of the new code. Mayor Anderson agreed that this i <br /> il <br /> Ii should merely be an orientation session, and not a rehearing of the existing ordinance. II <br /> " He felt the Council should meet with the Planning Comnrrssion to be better informed <br /> i I' <br /> " <br /> I' before making judgments on the exceptions that will be requested of them. i <br /> Ii " <br /> " <br /> 11 <br /> I: Williams moved seconded by Mrs. Beal that this matter be placed on file. Motion <br /> ,Mr. <br /> carried. <br /> City Manager suggested that it might be helpful to make an analysis of the kinds of <br /> appea~s which had come before the Sign Code Board of Appeals, and whether there were <br /> tli some obvious problems. - -- File <br /> i; <br /> R. L-COG Restructuring - Mayor Anderson commented that L-COG is in the process of :1 <br /> 10/20/71 restructuring, and that a proposed restructuring document has been received. He , <br /> assured Council that he would refer the revised document to them for final approval <br /> and s ugges ti ons for change. <br /> i ~ Councilman McDonald commented that the Mayor was the Council representative to L-COG, I <br /> I: and that this appeared to be a proper recommendation. :1 <br /> I Councilman Gribskov felt that, since a public hearing would ultimately be held, ,I <br /> ,I <br /> I: this was certainly a good procedure. File <br /> I' <br /> II <br /> ; ~ Verification of 1971-72 Tax Rate - During the budget process, <br /> " S. an attempt was made " <br /> " <br /> ii lO/20/71 to develop a budget which would result in an $8.67 per thousand tax rate. Act ual ; ~ e <br /> 1: rate came to $8.68 per thousand, which is a little higher than anticipated. File , <br /> ,I :! <br /> i; <br /> 'I <br /> \1 T. ,Detoxification Center S~atus - One of the elements of the Mayor's COrrmllttee on the <br /> Ii 10/20/71 Criminal Code involved a recommendation to discontinue the practice of jailing <br /> :1 alcoholics and substitution of a detoxification center. Manager read a report <br /> I; <br /> Ii from the Chief of Police on the .status of the program, and will keep the Council <br /> i: posted on further developments. File <br /> II u. Report on Collective Bargaining with Local 1724A of AFSCME - A memorandum was <br /> 'I <br /> )llO/20/71 previously distributed to Councilmen outlining action between city staff and Local <br /> I <br /> il l724A AFSCME relating to collective bargaining since passage of the charter amend- <br /> " ment regarding co11ecti ve bargaining., " <br /> II " <br /> ,I <br /> II <br /> ~ \ Manager explained that it had appeared it ,would be necessary to request C<:)unci1 <br /> i' <br /> approval to file a request for in~uncture against the arbi trators. Since distrit:. <br /> bution of the memorandum, a meeting was held at the PERB between representatives of I <br /> ci ty staff and AFSCME which resulted in postponement of the request for proceeding <br /> with a representation election among city employes. Therefore, no discussion of <br /> the memo is necessary at this time. File - <br /> V. ,Mass Transit District, Progress Report - Councilman Mohr asked for a report from the <br /> lO/27/71 Mass Transit District on the status of its funding proposal, federal funding and <br /> I, other concerns. <br /> ! <br /> Ii <br /> I' e <br /> I,', Mayor Anderson said this had been discussed at the last L-COG meeting, and that <br /> federal funding has not been forthcoming. <br /> ~ l1/l/71 - l2 <br />