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<br />,.,...- I <br /> 759 e <br /> 12/27/71 <br /> e - <br /> Ii ,i I <br /> Ii Annexation, Breeden Bros. -- S~aff has held this request for annexation for some time, <br /> I' D. <br /> " <br /> !! 12/13/71 and to~get it before the Boundary coRmrission before its next regular meeting, Council <br /> I must take action on it Monday. Planning CoRmrission recommends approfal of the first <br /> II phase of the proposed Breeden Bros. development and that the property east of the <br /> development be included in the same annexation. <br /> Mr. Williams moved seconded by Mr. Mohr to refer this request for annexation to the <br /> Boundary CoRmrission. Motion carried. Approve <br /> E. Liquor License Renewals, Approved by Police Department <br /> I <br /> Ii RMBA and PB - Club Cig9r Store, 814 Willamette <br /> RMBC - Paddock Tavern, 3355 East Amazon <br /> RMBC - Ye Publi c Library (Greater Pri vi lege) <br /> RA - Anchorage, 947 Franklin Boulevard <br /> DB - Meier & Frank Co., Valley Ri ver <br /> DA - Georges Restaurant, 1224 Willamette e <br /> PB - Miller's Grocer (Change of oWNership and renewal) <br /> PB - Bi-Mart Company, 1680 West 18th and 2030 River Road <br /> PB - Valu Mart, 225 River Road <br /> Mr. Hershner moved seconded by Mr. Williams that the license renewals be approved. M oti on <br /> carried. Approve' <br /> F. Lane County Auditorium Financing Plan, How to Present to People - Lee Bishop, president I <br /> 12/15/71 of Lane County Auditorium Association, said a public opinion poll had recently been <br /> completed by Richard Kennedy and Associates, for Lane County Audi tori um Assn. He <br /> introduced Mr. Richard Kennedy who distributed a summary report recently compiled from <br /> the public opinion poll. The full report will be made available at a later date. The <br /> survey was of registered voters of the city of Eugene, taken in November. He outlined <br /> the report, and results gathered from the poll. <br /> I' <br /> ti <br /> " Councilmen queried Mr. Kennedy about questions asked, how they were framed, <br /> I and what <br /> I, the results might have been had the questions been framed in another manner. <br /> !' <br /> 'i <br /> Mr. Bishop explained that the City and County had jointly employed Mr. Jack Jarvis to <br /> make an economic impact study. <br /> Mr. Jack Jarvis explained the economic survey conducted by his firm in terms of devel- <br /> opment feasibility determination, economic impact feasibility determination, employ- <br /> ment impact determination and general effect on the downtown core. The study had shown <br /> that present parking supply is inadequate, there is no shortage of convention centers, <br />II and the auditorium-recital portion of the complex would be self-supporting. The study <br /> showed that the center should be devoted to concern hall, recital, theatre and meeting <br /> rooms, wi th the possibili ty of expanding in the future to the pavilion type convention <br /> center proposed. <br /> Councilmen questioned Mr. Jarvis about the economic feasibility of alternative sites, I <br /> and whether the center could be self-supporting with the subsidy from the room tax fund. <br /> The study considered only the downtown site, and Mr. Jarvis felt that the convention <br /> portion would not be used sufficiently, and would become a financial drain. <br /> Mr. Williams expressed concern with this statement, since a previous report from the <br /> Auditorium Association had left just the opposite impression. Mr. Jarvis could not <br /> explain the previous report. <br /> Mr. Ted Baker said a financial seminar had been conducted, and that the unanimous con- e <br /> elusion had been to seek a bond issue before proceeding wi th pri vate financing, and that <br /> the amount co be expended be kept under $10,000,000. The Association felt the Council <br /> should take action and place this issue before the people. <br /> Mr. Bishop commented that EWEB might be receiving $300,000 per year from operation of the <br /> Trojan Nuclear Plant, and proposed that this amount be allocated to the Auditorium <br /> Convention facility to retire the bond issue. File <br />Ii G. Civil Service Commission, Status - Manager explained that the section of the new code <br />;! 12/15/71 which spelled out the responsibilities of the Civil Service commission had been deleted <br />;. because of uncertainty regarding its responsibilities under collective bargaining <br />il procedures. Firefighters, in negotiating, have requested that sections of the old <br />': <br />, code dealing with these responsibilities be inserted into the new code. Staff feels <br /> this is inappropriate, at this time, because negotiations are presently in process with <br /> firefighters and police benefi t association for determination of new contracts. It is I <br /> staff belief that the old code is inappropriate because many of the areas of responsi- <br /> bility of the old Civil Service COrrmllss~on have been assumed in collective bargaining. <br /> No action taken or required. File <br />" H. Request for City Attorney Research Regarding Requirement for Public Hearings - Manager <br />:; 12/15/71 explained that Mr. Mohr's request had generated a great deal more research than anti- <br /> cipated. It has become apparent that a great number of public hearings are held as a <br /> matter of policy, rather than legal requirements, and it is suggested that perhaps an e <br /> 12/27/71 - 5 <br />.... <br />