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<br /> projects Could be-expected. The subcommi tte~ al~io- expressf:ia- the opinion th:~t until <br /> a more definite program can be submitted to the voters the corrections facilities <br /> ,project should be deferred, with the idea that a measure may be submitted when the <br /> /City's role and financing responsibility are more clearly defined. - <br /> . <br /> The measures recommended for presentation to the voters in November total $13.9 <br /> million. Ballot titles are being prepared by the City Attorney's office for con- <br /> sideration at the August 28 Council meeting. <br /> Councilman McDonald was concerned with the prospect of annual budget elections to <br /> · meet bond retiremsint and operating costs. Assistant Manager cited examples of <br /> maintenance to existing streets and sewers which could be expected to cost more <br /> than the bond iss Iles. Also, with the spiraling cost of land, if park lands are <br /> not acquired now ,it is felt the City will not have the ability to finance purchase <br /> when it is needed. Possible impact on insurance rates would have a bearing on <br /> construction and operation of fire stations. Assistant Manager said the argument <br /> could be made wi th regard to the housing fund that it would save loss of housing <br /> resources which would occur if nothing is done at this time. And that it is <br /> projected the aud.itorium/convention center will cover its own operating expenses. <br /> ~ CounCilman' Hershner asked about Eugene's fire insurance rating should the proposea <br /> 'fire protection projects not be approved. Assistant Manager explained the diffi- <br /> culty in giving a firm answer because of individual ratings on industrial and com- <br /> ,mercial properties in the City by various insurance companies, even though the <br /> base rate to a degree is tied to the fire rating the City has. Dick Jones, Fire . <br /> :Department, reported that the present Class 3 rating was narrowly maintained dur- <br /> ing the last grading. Assistant Manager also noted that there is no certainty <br /> 'the City could maintain a Class 3 rating even with addition of the proposed sub- <br /> ,stations. <br /> , <br /> LCouncilman McDonald commented that emphasis in the rati~g programs has been on <br /> ;industrial and commercial properties, but that residential properties in outlying <br /> areas are in need of the added protection which would be provided,by proposed new <br /> ,stations and equipment. Comm <br /> 8/23/72 <br /> Catherine Lauris, member of the Auditorium Association, reported on a meeting of Affirm <br /> ,representatives of the Association and Councilman Mohr with regard to the capital <br /> projects on the November ballot. She said the proposed program is satisfactory <br /> to.,the Association and that that group will support it, although it is hoped <br /> other special interests will aid in promotion of- the fi ve ballot measures. <br /> B. ; Appeal , BALSM Planned Unit DeveLopment - Copies of appeal submitted by Cormac j. ' I <br /> 'Dillon, 5410 Saratoga Street, together with background information from Planning; <br /> with regard to the BALSM planned unit development, were distributed to Council <br /> members. Council previously indicated if it received an appeal on this PUD the Corom <br /> matter would be heard at the August 28 Council meeting at which the Southridge , 8/23/72 . <br /> development appeal is scheduled. It was understood this appeal would be heard Affirm <br /> at that time. <br /> ------ -~- <br /> N. Lane County Housing Authority Board - Copies of a letter from Kenneth Thomas, <br /> chairman of the Advisory Comndttee on Aging, were previously distributed to <br /> Council members. The Advisory Comndttee asked the Council tb-recoromend to the <br /> County that the :':'ane County Housing Authori ty Boa:r;.d membe:;:~pjp be increased to <br /> . at least seven ,:hat one or more women be made -members Of the Board, !=hat the ' <br /> 'number of consec.ltive -terms be limited, and that consideration of appointment <br /> include backgrould as well as geographic representation. I <br /> ! . Thomas would be invited to the committee meeting on August 30 <br /> ,It was agreed Mr. Corom <br /> to present backg,t.:ound for the suggested recommendations, and that Robin Cushman.,: 8/23/72 <br /> housing expedi te:: in the Planning Department, and Betty Ni ven, member of the Affirm <br /> Planning Commiss.ion, would be asked to be present. _ ,___ - <br /> o. . Report on-'DOwntown' Deve1opment- Board - MemberShip of the Board as appointed by <br /> Mayor Anderson and terms of office: <br /> Term ending January 1, 1974 - Navarre Davis, Kaufman Bros. , <br /> , <br /> Vince Farina, 1407 East 21st Avenue . <br /> Bob Rubenstein, 2806 Arline Way <br /> " ~~~ <br /> " January 1, 1975 - Harry Ritchie, 2489 Lincoln Street <br /> Ed Wilson, 585 Merewether Street <br /> Gus Keller, 4848 Brookwood <br /> i Dick SChirr:me1, 2933 Tomahawk Lane <br /> , ~ <br /> " ~ " . January 1, 1976 - Jac~~oetcher~ 2860 Alta Vista Court Comm <br /> .., Harry Farrell, 2301 VanNess 8/23/72 <br /> " " <br /> Robert'C~ Loomis (Dr.), 3540 Pearl Street Affirm <br /> 25'A- ' J:laurie Jacobs, 2910 Harlow Road 8/28/72 - 10 <br />