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<br /> M.:r..M.Qh:r .,caJ,l,~d-:attention to Councilman Williams' . request to speak regardless of <br /> the conflict of interest. Councilmen Hershner and Teague and Mayor Anderson re- <br /> ported they had the same conflict. <br />- Mr. Mohr moved seconded by Mr. Teague to refer ~he rezoning request to a <br /> joint session of the Planning Commission and Council. Motion carried, <br /> Councilmen Mohr, Campbell, Bradshaw voting aye; Councilmen McDonald and. <br /> ** Beal voting no~*Councilmen Teague, Williams, and Hershner abstaining. <br /> ** Corrected - See Council minutes December 11, 1972. <br /> 3. East 6f Belt Line north 0atalina Street and west of Echo Hollow Road from RA to <br /> R-2 (Trans Western Investors) <br /> Planning Commission recommended denial October 3, 1972. Jim Saul, Planning staff, <br /> showed slides of the surroUnding area and explained the Planning Commission's recom- <br /> mendation for denial based on General Plan's low density for this area, impact of <br /> its development on Echo Hollow Road and the pedestrian and bicycle traffic, and the <br /> feeling that R-2 density would be excessive. <br /> I Ray Ackerman, 2930 Alder Street, speaking for Bethel School District; Eric Haws, <br /> 564 Sierra; and J. H. Sorensen, 4300 Avalon; opposed the rezoning because of <br /> anticipated increase in school enrollment, narrow roads and safety of school children. <br /> Mr. Mohr moved seconded by Mrs. Beal to deny the rezoning to R-2. <br /> Mot~on carried unanimously. <br />e F. Sign Code Amendment <br /> Recommended by the Planning Commission October 9, 1972 to allow separate identity signs <br /> under certain conditions when several businesses are located at one site. Copies of <br /> the amendment were previously distributed to Council members. Mr. Saul explained that <br /> problems have been encountered by small businesses located in interior portions of <br /> shopping areas who do not feel they have sufficient identification. There is no way of <br /> identifying a building within a complex under current regulations for street signs. <br /> The proposed amendment would provide an option to use combined limited identity signs <br /> from the street and still retain wall signs on individual establishments. <br /> In answer to questions from Council members with regard to whether interested people <br /> were aware of the amendment, Mr. Saul said the sign inspector has been receiving com- <br /> plaints from merchants and the Sign Code Board of Appeals is aware the amendment is <br /> being considered. Public hearings were conducted before the Planning Commission. <br /> C()Uncil.Bill No. 114 - Amending Section 8.640 (a) 4. Outlying Commercial <br /> District re: Identity Signs was submitted. <br /> Mr. Mohr moved seconded by Mrs. Beal that the bill with unanimous consent <br /> of the Council be read twice by council bill number and title only, approved, <br /> and given final passage. Rollcall vote. All councilmen present voting aye, <br />. the bill was read twice by council bill number and title only, given final <br /> passage, and numbered 16652. <br /> G. Annexation - Area north of Green Acres Road, west of Gilham Road (K.Ray Barnes) <br /> Planning Commission recommended denial October 24, 1972 because addition of this area <br /> to the City would create an island, there are no sewer problems in the island area at <br /> this time, a petition protesting the annexation was received, and sewer service for the <br /> annexed area would have to be extended across the unincorporated area. Boundary Com- <br /> mission has considered the request and postponed action until a recommendation is re- <br /> ceived from the City. Council members previously viewed the property on tour. <br /> Walter Sands, 1121 Balboa Street; Willis Beebe, 123 Holly Avenue; Joan Youngs 1128 <br /> Balboa Street; and Dan McCornack, 225 Holly Avenue opposed annexation of the Barnes <br /> property, saying it would create traffic problems, facilities should be available <br /> first, the planned development of the ,property would increase too much the density of <br /> the entire Cal Young area, overcrowd schools, and desire of "island" residents to come <br /> into the City at their own request. <br /> Ray Barnes, petitioner, said he was requesting the annexation as the only way to gain <br /> sewers thereby enabling development of the property. He argued that a".trunk sewer is <br />- available to the area and addition of the property would increase the taxable value of <br /> the City. He asked annexation of the petitruoned area alone, with the understanding <br />~ that the "island" area would not be annexed until residents of that area petition for <br /> annexation. <br /> Mr. Sands said it was his understanding that the. trunk sewer referred to was installed <br /> for a trailer park being developed, and added that residents of the island area do not <br /> want additional planned developments with the resulting increased traffic surrounding <br /> them. <br /> 32.8 <br /> 11/6/72 - 6 <br />