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<br />tfua Healtli.:Plannihg Cominittee, a cli.tzens-'adv.i:so1"Y' in. one of th.e seven areas <br />of plannihg under LCOG, . and, not' from tIle Soard itself~ <br /> <br />~r. McDonald suggested the recommendation should come from the Board of LCOG. Mayor <br />Anderson said that except in rather unusual instances the Boa,rd does not review individual . <br />requests for.reeon'rrnendations. It would be the same as a.recommendation on trqffic, , <br />a'treets, etc., going to the cOmmittee involved in that particular area. ~. <br /> <br />Mr. Mohr moved seconded by Mrs. Beal to approve the committee action. Rollcall <br />vote. Motion ,carried, all councilmen present voting aye, except Councilmen <br />McDonald and Teague voting no. <br /> <br />F. Christmas Music on Downtown Mall - Eugene Downtown Association requested permission <br />to provide amplified Christmas music on the Downtown Mall from November 24 'to <br />December 23. Manager reviewed Council action taken on May 25, 1970 approving in- <br />stallation of the conduit in conjunction wi th mall construction. The Council in <br />approving installation of the conduit at that time reserved the right to control <br />its use. Smeed Sound Service has been requested by EDA to install the sound <br />equipment. Staff takes no position, although there is no objection to the; tradi- <br />tional type music. <br /> <br />Charles Wickizer, speaking for the Downtown Association, said the object of the I <br />request was to provide a Christmas atmosphere and that the music would be heard <br />in the street area only. Glenn Smeed explained that the service would be accom- <br />'plished by running a small wire on structures in the mall area so that it could be <br />taken down quickly. Enough speakers will be installed so that the music will not ., <br />be loud, and connected to a time clock so that it can be turned off. He said <br />Mr. Wickizer will "police" it to be sure the sound is not too loud. In answer to I >- <br />Mrs. Beal, Mr. Smeed said use of the conduit is not necessary, the advantage in <br />using it is so that the wiring will not be visible. In answer to Mr. Williams, <br />Mr. Smeed said the basic request was not for use of the conduit, but they were <br />advised if the condui t is used the Council would have to give its permission. He II <br />said it would be more complicated to use it, and they would just as soon run the <br />wires through the air. <br /> <br />Mrs. Beal reviewed action taken by the Council' in' approving installation of the <br />conduit in the mall, saying it was felt at that time to be less expensive than having <br />; to install it after construction should it be required. However, it was understood <br />i at that time it would not be used to provide amplified music. Manager said, the <br />.; Council motion did not say the conduit could not be used to provide music, simply <br />! that the Council would have to give permission. i, <br /> <br />, Councilman Williams had some reservation about the use of public conduit for pri- <br />vate lines and about electronically amplified sound of any type on the mall. However, <br />he said, since it has been allowed in other instances, it would seem appropriate to <br />allow Christmas music unless all types of music are stopped. ' <br /> <br />Glen Stadler, ~hai~man of the salva:ion Army. Bo~rd of Directo~s, invited cc:uncil ,A <br />members to ded~cat~on of the Salvat~on Army Chr~stmas tree wh~ch has been ~nstalled .. <br />on the mall. <br /> <br />Mr. Williams moved seconded by Mr. Hershner to allow music to be played quietly on Comm <br />the mall from lbvember 24 to December 23, but to deny use of the conduit :lor that 11/22/72 <br />purpose. Motion carried, Mrs. Beal voting no. Approve <br /> <br /> <br />G. Liquor License, Spaghetti Warehouse, 725' West 1st Avenue (New) - Request ror Restiuirant <br />,Class "A" license from Wayne H. Henninger. OLCC report indicates contacts in the r <br />; neighborhood resulted in three objections, six no objections, and no response from <br />, four. Staff takes no posi tion other than that adequate off-street parking be pro- <br />vided, which requirement must be met to comply with building code. <br /> <br />Mr. Mohr moved seconded by Mr. Williams to recommend approval of the license. . Comm <br />Motion carried unanimously. 11/22/72 <br />l).pprove <br /> <br />~. Sale of Land, EWEB Transformer Site -EWEB requested authorization to sell for <br />$1000 former transformer site no longer needed and located between 19th and 20th, <br />Agate and Emerald. OWner of abutting property is purchasing the land to be added <br />to his ownership. Maps of the area were previously distributed to Council members. . <br />Comm . <br /> <br />: Mr. Williams moved seconded by Mr. Mohr to approve the sale. Motion carried 11/22/72 -~ - <br />unanimously.' Approve <br /> <br />I. : Segregation of Assessments, Portland Federal Savings and Loan - Assessments have <br />i been paid against various parcels in the ownership of Portland Federal Savings <br />'! a~d Loan, Oak and Broadway, to be segregated. Breakdown, on individual lots are <br />Ion file in the Finance Department. <br /> <br /> <br />~ l\ 1 " ' -' 11.127172 - 13 <br />