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<br /> - <br /> Mr. Mohr moved seconded by Mr. Williams to approve the segregations. Motion car-- Cdmm <br /> ried unanimously. ,11/22/72 <br /> Approve <br /> J.' Notice of Hearing, PUC, Regulating Cable Television as Public utility - Copies of <br />. the notice were previously distributed to Council members. Hearing is scheduled <br /> 'for December 13, 1972, 9:30 a.m. in the State Office Building in Salem, Oregon <br /> (Room 36) and is for the purpose of investigating whether the Public utility Co~ <br /> missioner should regulate cable television as a public utility. The City's <br /> acti vi ty in this area is franchise of cable television provi ding for review of <br /> rate structure and it is felt any effort to regulate by the PUC would not remove <br /> the City's ability to franchise. Staff takes no position - occasional complaints <br /> on the inability of the cable system to service areas or about quality of service <br /> have usually received successful attention. <br /> Consensus was that before final action is taken by the PUC there will be further <br /> notice of intended action and an opportunity for the City to act if de.emed neces- <br /> , sary, but that it would be appropriate to follow the proceedings. <br /> Mrs. Beal moved seconded by Mr. Williams that staff direct communication to the <br /> League of Oregon Ci ties asking that they observe the proceedings on behalf of Comm <br /> the city of Eugene and present a City position regarding the rentention of fran- '11/22/72 <br /> chising authority. Motion carried unanimously. Approve <br /> K. Application for City Use of BankAmericards-., Memo from the Finance Director was read ~ <br /> recommending use of.BankAmericard by Ci ty personnel for purchases under $50 rather , <br />-_ than the present system of Field Purchase Order. The recommendation was based on <br /> the increasing volume of work in the accounts payable and purchasing divisions, <br /> better control of small purchases through use of BankAmeri card, and savings in <br /> time and money. <br /> i <br /> Mrs. Beal moved seconded by Mr. Hershner to adopt a resolution implementing use <br /> I of BankAmericard as recommended. <br /> Councilman Williams questioned the legal liability of the City in the use..of <br /> BankAmericard. Manager replied it would be the same as in the present use of <br /> : field purchase orders, once the order is signed the Ci ty is obligated for the I <br /> . purchase. <br /> Finance Director further explained, in answer to questions from Council members, I <br /> ' that there is no finance charge involved if accounts are paid within 25 days, <br /> discount lost on the types of small purchases made under this procedure would be I <br /> , negligible and more than offset by the savings in the accounting process, vendors i <br /> , <br /> contacted appear to favor the change since they will recei ve their money more ! Comm <br /> qui ck1 y than under the Ci ty , s payment schedule. I <br /> 111/22/72 <br /> , Approve <br /> Vote was taken on the motion to approve. Motion carried unanimously. I <br /> '-. .- . . - -. -. .-." -- '----<;>...-- -. ..,---~..~.__....,........J <br />. ~L. Csuncil Minutes as circulated - October 24, 1972 <br /> Councilman Bradshaw asked correction of the final vote on adopting Resolution <br /> No. 2114 - Requiring affidavit re: Non-discrimination in service and membership <br /> for affirmative recommendation for liquor license applications (page 5, October 24, <br /> ,1972). The corrected vote will show: Motion defeated, Councilmen Beal, Campbell, <br /> and Bradshaw voting aye; Councilmen Mohr, McDonald, Teague, Williams, and Hershner <br /> voting no. <br /> Mr. Mohr moved seconded by Mrs. Beal to approve the October 24, 1972 <br /> Council minutes as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> M.Election Results - Mayor Anderson recognized the presence of Neil Murray, newly <br /> elected councilman from Ward III, and expressed appreciation to Ken Higgins for <br /> his work ,as chairman of a group working for passage of City ballot measures. <br /> Mr: Anderson suggested an orientation session to acquaint new members with Council Comm <br /> policies and procedures, and it was agreed to schedule the session for Monday, 11/8/72 <br /> December 4, 1972, 7:30 p.m. Affirm <br /> . <br /> N. Council Meeting, December 25 - It was understood the second Council meeting in Comm <br /> December, which would fall on Christmas day, will be held on December 18. 11/8/72 <br />e Affirm <br /> -7 o. Proposal for Labor Relations Advisory Corrmdssion - Irving Fletcher, secretary- <br /> treasurer of the Lane County Labor Council, AFL-CIO, presented a recommendation <br />- from the Labor Council's Executive Board that the City Council establish a Labor <br /> Relations Advisory Corrmdssion to act as an advisory group to the Ci ty Council in <br /> all matters affecting labor relations with the City, the composition of the com- <br /> mission to be so apportioned as to fairly reflect the interests of labor, manage- <br /> . ment, and the pUblic interest. Mr. Fletcher said the proposed corrmdssion would <br /> ~. " 3tt-e 11/27/72 - 14 <br />